Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 502 does not return!

"Give you a bell to play, play tired, and then lose it." The scenery smiled.

"~~" Ink green weird beasts made a slight nose, as if it responded to the vision.

After you finish this, the vision did not look at the surrounding eyes, and there was a sword where there was a mileage.

"Senior of the emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

"I have seen the seniors." Jiannan Tian, ​​the blind emperors also quickly greeted.

The strength of the Jingjing Exhibition has made the super strong in the three ancestors, and he is naturally é.

"Small doll, you can distinguish it, it actually causing all the old guys of this Shenzhou." Emperor is interested in watching the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, "The predecessors are doing you to hit me. If the predecessors come, this group of old guys will tear my three people into pieces."

"Hey, you think more, if you follow the old man's sex, it is possible to save you, but unfortunately, the commander of the owner, the old man has to come."

"Cold as frost?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Less master, she has left soon, but she deliberately, let me see you, once you encounter the crisis, you will save." The Nijing was unparalleled. Some weird.

"Less master sex is cold, there is no friend, nor do you know where your boy is coming out, so that the owner cares like you."

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled. At the same time, he finally understood that he had crushed the jade simple, but did not respond.

It turned out that cold as frost has left, she left, it naturally left this world.

"Right, my family is told me, only let me save you once, that is, the next time you encounter threats, I will not take it." Di Jing smiled at the sword. "In addition, Your crisis, I can only save you, send you to the safe place, as for your enemies, you have to see yourself to solve it, the old man will not interfere. "

"The younger generation understand." The sword is unparalleled secret.

With the strength of the vision, it is completely capable of killing all more than ten strong people in front of him, but it is obvious that the vision is not ä.

The sword is unparallled, and the emperor can come out, saving him, he is grateful.

"No matter what to say, I am in a dead, one day, the Pixabay will be repaid!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Well, there is not much nonsense, I still take you away, this god, you are afraid that you can't stay." The emperor said.

The sword is not double-colored.

He is very clear, so many super strong people are eager to learn the whereabouts of the Jianzu Ding House, if he continues to stay in Shenzhou, then there is no difference with death.

"The seniors of the emperor, then my father, with the blind Emperor?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Your father ..." Emperor saw the Jiannan sky, the voice is sinking, "In order to improve the strength, it turned on on the way, Jiannan Tian, ​​you can don't be small."

"Do not return to the road?" The sword didn't have a double look.

Jian Nan Tian stood there, silence for a while, then he went to the sword without double, "Double, you will go with this predecessor, as for me, I naturally have my place."

"Father?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Kid, your father said that, he has his way to go, he has chosen to embrace the road, then don't say it is me, even if my owner personally come, what is unable to change, everything, only Can see himself. "The scene said.

When I heard this, the sword was even more deep. Although he did not understand the words of the souvenir and his father, he still heard some Ni came.

His father, in order to enhance strength, it has already embarked on a road, that road, or no one can stop, no one can change the way.

"Originally, I still want to stay in this Shenzhou for a while, but now I seem to leave in advance." Jian Nan Tian murmured, followed by a wavy.

This blood tag, is very immertable, as the sword is unbained, and the sympath is immediately broken.

~~~ The vast blood color energy is surging, and the time is broken, and a bloody door that exudes a dark breath will appear in the air.

The inside of this blood color gate is also a blood color, as if the lead is a true Huangquan hell.

"Hey, this road, even if the old man does not dare to get into the year." Seeing this bloody door, the emperor could not help but admire.

"Father, what is going on here?" The sword didn't have a long time.

"I have no way." Jiannan Tianzhu is a bitter, staring at the sword and unparalleled, "this road, it is indeed a non-return, but only has to enter this road, I have a moving opportunity to see no dream again."

"No dream?" The sword has no double, "Mother, isn't it taken by the nine trim?"

"Nine repairs? Hey, no dreams are not in general, and is it a nine-year-old area to control? She has already left this world, I want to see her again, only this road can be found!"

"Even if this road is full of dangerous!"

"Even if this road is, it is a way you don't return!"

"As soon as you can see her again, even if it is just a side, I also argue into the devil, who is dead and why?"

Jian Nan Tian said, the voice is indifferent, but it is powerful, and the gods are also unparalleled.

When you hear this, the sword is unbolded is a shake.

The Jiannan Tianmao is revealing a smile. Finally, I watched the sword unparalleled, and then I didn't hesitate to enter the bloody door.

With the Jiannan sky, the top of the blood is also closed, slowly dissipated in the world.

"Is it an idiot?" Emperor saw this, secretly shook his head.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is difficult to calm for a long time, but in the end he deeply sucking, calm down again.

"Everyone has different ways to go!"

"This is not returned, since it is a father's own choice, then I can only go on my father."

"Maybe, wait for my future strength to become stronger, the level of contact is higher, I can help him."

"And now I, the strength is too weak!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is a strong desire, this is desire for strength.

"Jian Nan Tian gone, then it is you." The nature of the scene and looked at the blind emperor. He is indifferent: "The scorpion, you should know your situation, I will save you."

When you hear this, the sword is not double-colored.

Do not save, the nature is the same?

And the blind emperor is a smile, "Seniors, I know much day, but before death, there must be something to do, but I have not been fulfilled."

"Talk." Emperor Jing.

"I want to respect the door, clean up the portal!"

The blind emperor is inextricably, almost a word a meal.

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