Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 503 is waiting for me!

"Clean the portal?" Emperor Jing's eyebrows, looked at the sister.

Sugong also heard the words of the blind emperor, and the completion is a bit gloomy.

"Well, the old man is all over you." Emperor's attractions.

When the voice came, he saw the emperor waved, and there was a ban on the sky, and there was a ban on the sky, covering a big space, this space is the battlefield.

Then, the dynamies waved again, and an invisible force role, the blind emperor and the sister couldn't help but go to the battlefield, so soon, they came into the battlefield.

"This is the battlefield of the old man to arrange for you. After entering the battlefield, you will have one person to die, only the last life can come out." The voice of the dynasty sounded in this battlefield.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Blind is grateful.

In the banned battlefield, the blind emperor is holding tens of feet from the satellite.

"Dead man."

Sistey, he just worried that the end of the night would not kill him directly, but now it seems that the other party pays attention to the identity, there is no intention to him, just bring him with this blind emperor to this piece The battlefield is finalized in the battlefield.

Since it is the battle of life and death, then he wants to live, you must kill the blind emperor in front of him.

Blind emperor is excited, and the body is shaking slightly. "On this day, I have been waiting for too long too long."

"Sugong, your bully the ancestors, the teacher is in the world, then told me, let me wait for one day, I will kill innocent!"

"For thousands of years, now I am going to come, I finally gave me a chance. If you don't kill you, what else is there?"

"Dead, it is a person who wants to die, but also stubbornly." The voice of the sister is cold.

"People who want to die? Seniors, he ..." The sword outside the battlefield did not hear two people's dialogue, and they also understood it.

The blind emperor, the big limit is reduced, and it will not be a few days.

This is also no wonder that the emperor will say that saving him is almost.

I can now have the opportunity to clean up the door for the Jianzu, which is very rare.


There is no more nonsense, and the blind emperor is directly out.

Sudan is deeply sucking, and immediately greeted it.

If you do it, you will not choose a frontal killing with the blind emperor. After all, the blind emperor can't live a few days, and he is still growing.

Furthermore, the blind swordway, just restrained his magic swords, two positive handshakes, in terms of road, he ate a big loss.

However, because of the relationship between the vision, he wants to live, you must divide a life and death with the blind emperor.

Not you die, that is, I die!

"Dead, I will send you a trip!" Sugi is also desperately desperate.

The two quickly killed together in the battlefield.

Outside the battlefield, many strong people looked quietly. In addition to the vision, no one dared to interfere with this battle, and there was no ability to interfere.

Like a threeth family, blood knife, winter, etc., at this moment, stand quietly, well-behaved.

This killing lasted for nearly half a day, and finally finalized the results.

"Haha, hahaha ~~~~ Kill me? If you die, you will be able to kill me?" Sudan stands in the battlefield center crazy smile, he faced, his eyes are also covered with blood, accompanied There is also an unprecedented ecstasy.

"Deadly, I have to thank you, my card in this layer of bottleneck is nearly millennium, if it is not today's battle, I don't know when to wait until when I can break through!"

Sudan is holding hands, a stakeholder, which is far from the breath of Yunjing.

"I am not willing!" The blind emperor trembled, the heart was extremely uns, but his chest has been passed through a blood cavulation by the long sword. His voice has begun to dissipate.

"Master, disciple, don't help you!"

The blind emperor smiled and smiled, and the body shape was unable to fall down.

This scene, gave a lot of strong people outside the battlefield, and they were dark.

"That sister, breakthrough!"

"When it is in the most critical time, break through!"

"Unfortunately, the blindstone sword road completely restrained the skeptive swords of the sister. The two killed, and the blind emperor has always occupied the absolute upper wind. Whoever wants to take the last, then the sister has broken?"

The people present are very clear, and the sister is broken. At the end, it has achieved breakthrough, and he has reached the level of three ancestors, blood knife, and eight bones.

So, he is alive.

And finally dead, is a blind emperor.


Emperor saw a scene on the battlefield and shook his head, and then looked at the sword.

"Little doll, you should leave." The emperor opened.

The sword is unparalleled, the face is red, the teeth are also nice, and the eyes are dead, staring at the sister, smile on the battlefield.

"I know that you are very unhappy, but you can only press this unhearted in the heart, wait for the future, you have the strength of revenge, and who will provoke you, you want him to pay ten Betch, 100 times the price to compensate, you can. "The Emperor said.


The sword nodded and nodded.

Today, his father and son were forced to be a dog, and the predecessors of the blind emperor were dying on the spot!

If he is rescued, he is afraid of his father to stay here completely.

If this hatred is not reported, I am afraid that no one can endure.

Dynasty and Dynasty handwright, and immediately broke the blur, there was a huge space insect hole, which is full of mystery.

"Go it." The emperor opened.

The sword is unparalleled, slowly moved toward the space of the sputum, but he just stepped out, but suddenly, he followed it, the sister, the rear, and many super transients have seen it.

The world, a silence, everyone looked at this scene.

The eyes were full of murderous and cold killing, just like the wild beast.

"Suspension, today's hatred, my sword is unparalleled in the heart!"

"There is also the position in the field, you will be in your heart today."

"He day, when I have the soil, I will go to Jiu Yibu, and I can't escape!"

"wait for me!"

wait for me!

The last three words, with a hate, constantly circulating in everyone's ear.


The sound is falling, the shape of the sword is completely across the space of the space, as if it is swallowed by the spatial insect hole, quickly disappearing, only that is filled with the whisper, rumbling in the world Resolve.

Drake the world, for a long time.

Sugong, the three ancestors, blood knife, winter Ming Wang and the superfluous existence in this all person, all of which frowned watching the sword unparalleled disappearance, and there is a restless quietly litter.

The cause of this day, maybe after a few years, it will return to blood.


PS: The fourth volume of the sword is finished.

The fifth volume of the sword monarch, start tomorrow.

In addition, tomorrow's new volume is opened, there will be a small outbreak, there will be no more, the sixty-seventh chapter is left, will be updated 12 in the morning, everyone will support!

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