The ancient world has many worlds.

Like the world's unparalleled world, the world of China is just the world's side of the world.

In addition to China, there is also a large number of the world, those facing worlds, there are also a large number of wears, the level of the martial arts will not be weaker than God, even more vastness than God, and the quality of strong There are a lot of a higher plane world.

The demon spirit is that it is more vast part of the world than God.


It's like the purple cooking moon hanging in the night sky, exudes a fascinating purple moonlight, covering the boundless world.

A desolate land is over, ~~~ The space is abrupt, a shadow from the broken space to shoot out, the wolf is falling on the desolate ground.

The body hits the ground, so that the share capital in the body has been strong to the extreme pain, once again zoom

"my body!"

The sword has no double-colored, endless pain, all over the body.

Before he had competed with the sister, he made the third volume of the mirror.

The secret surgery, the body load is too big, brought great damage to his body, and then he entered the space in the spatial insects, suffering from the space, the injury is again intensified, the pain is multiplied, falling in this Shortly after the ground, it was straightforward.

One night, until the next morning.

"Fast, I am so fast, Long Shu is already waiting for us, if it is late, you can't."

"Gonghu brother, you wait for me."

"Haha, see who will go to Longshi first."

A group of teenagers running happy on this big floor, and the speed is very fast.

There are seven people in this group of bows, and there is a big little age, and there are 14 or five years old. Little or even only eight or nine years old, or children.

It can be even just a child of the eight or nine years old, running quickly, and a blink of an eye can easily run hundreds of meters.

Behind this group of teenagers, I also followed a cute girl with a horses, my face had some round, and this girl is a minimum of these people who have been in the middle age. This year is eight years old.

The pace of round face suddenly took place, and the big eyes of dark black were blinked, but he saw a figure that was lying on the ground.

"Light rain, what are you doing?" The one is older, wrapped in the beast, and the body shape is also a burly juvenile fold.

"Gonghu brother, you come and see, where there is a person." The round face is connected.

"Well?" The teenager wrapped in the beast is, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"Gonghu brother, let's save him?" Said the round face.

"Good." The young juvenile wrapped in the beast was nodded, and immediately looked at the boy who gathered behind him. "You go to Longshu, I will go back to the rain, wait for the Longshu, help I said. "

"Well." The few teenagers also responded.

"Light rain, walk, take him back to the tribe." Qinghu said.

The round face girl nodded, tightly followed her to go to the sword without double, two small hands grabbed the sword without double back, one power, actually gnown the sword unparalleled body to the top.

Task, although the sword is unbolded, although it is not so strong, but it is also a big one mete, the body is strong, and it is very strong. His weight at least one hundred and forty.

This weight, but at this moment, it was only one-year-old little girl, with the strength of the flesh, and looked directly, and looked at this round face, obviously did not have slightly.


When the Qinghu opened, the step of this round face and the pace of his face were ranked, and he was a sword where there were unparalleled body, and he ran up.

This scene, if it is placed in Shenzhou, it will be semi-dead, which is a sense of born!


When the sword is unparalleled, it is already two days after the wakes.

Inside the account, the sword is unparalleled in the bed. I just opened my eyes. The sword was unparalleled. I saw a round face girl who saw only eight or nine years old. A pair of black eyes were staring at him.

After he was awake, this round girl immediately exposed a surprise smile, and shouted: "Auntie, he woke up, wake up!"

A brown bear, a brown bear, a brown bear, a brown bear, a brown bear, and came over.

"Little brother, you wake up." This is very rude, but the speech is quite polite.

And see the emergence of this -shaped big man, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a shrinkage.

"The power of the leader, and it is not a general lord, the at least one is also the top leader, or even still!" The sword was unparalleled.

The strength of the strong is usually from the breath and the faint pressure feeling. It is also a good pressure to give him a good pressure in front of the sword in front of the sword.

"Here is it?" The sword is unparalleled and frown.

"Here is the muttrical tribe, I am the leader of the Wuyi tribe, this is my daughter, Wu Yu." The big man said: "Before the two days, my daughter found that you lying on the ground in the back of the mountain, just will Brought back. "

The sword is unparalleled to see the round girl in front of him. This girl is slightly fat, a pair of black eyes are playful, and it is cute.

Seeing the sword and watched it, the round face girl is soaked.

"Thank you for the two saved." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"The same is human, it should help each other, don't use this kind of polite." The big man in the big man, "Yes, I don't know what the name is your name? From Which tribe?"

"Tribe?" The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is faintly understanding. He has come to the world, should have a large number of tribes.

"My name is the sword is unparalleled." The sword is unparalleled to her name, there is no smart concealment.

After all, it is no longer a state here. He doesn't have to conceal your name at all.

"As for the tribe ... I am in the tribe, I have been destroyed by other tribes." The sword was unparalleled and found.

In his way, since many tribes have eaten in a world, the tribe is crushed because of some conflicts of interest, it should be very normal.

However, when the black into the sword is unparalleled, the face is awkward, and it has also been a heavy angry, and the cold is: "It's a blend, and now I have been forced by the monsters to this field. Those tribes are still sinister, evil, hateful, hateful! "

The sword is unparalleled.

Human ethnic groups have been forced by the monster to this field?


The sword is unparalleled.

"The leader, the leader!"

Suddenly came out outside the yard, the blacks of the blackboum were calmed down, and they watched the sword and didn't have a pair. If there is anything, tell Yu'er, I still have something, I will go first. "

After that, the blackboum will go directly outside the account.

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