Wushuang one walks, within the account, only the sword is unparalleled with the round face.

The sword is unparalleled in the bed, struggling to walk, but found that he was slightly moving, the body was huge, and the pain was difficult.

In desperation, he can only rely on a pillar of the rear, but the eyes are in the rain.

"You are called the sword, then I will call you unparalleled big brother." Wu Yu blinked his eyes, staring at the sword, "unparalleled big brother, Auntie said, you are very hurt, you can't move."

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "I call you a little rain. It is you discovered me in the back of the mountain, and bring me back?"

"Yes." Wu Yuwee heart.

"Are you alone?" The sword was unpaired.

"Of course." Wu Yu nod again.

When you hear this, the sword is unbolded but there is some weird.

This is only a little girl who looks only to eight or nine years old. One person will pick him from the hills?

Insightly, he at least one hundred and forty pounds, wanting to take him back from behind, then how much power?

And this black rain, there is no smashing in the upper and lower, it is not a war, just a general eight-year-old female doll, the light relies on his big man from the hunger, maybe?

He didn't know that this rain is not to pay back him, but directly finished the top of the head ', then the power is more powerful.

"Unparalleled big brother, you don't look at me, my strength can be big, although I am only eight years old, can be in our tribe, those brothers sisters than my big two year old, do not have to go to me. "There is a bit like the rain.

"Yes?" The sword didn't have a double heart, and immediately reached the palm of his hand. "Light rain, come, you will try it to my hand."

"Unparalleled big brother, you are hurt now, and I am very powerful, do you have to try?" Wu Yu's big eyes continued.

"Although it is." The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Yu is no longer hesitating. Even if she saw her right hand, she didn't make much power, and they directly bombarded the sword.

Wu Yu's little fist passed through the void, and it was actually produced a strong wind, bombarded in the palm of the sword, and the sword had no double shape.

"There is no big brother, how?" Wu Yuedai.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled is completely shocked.

Wu Yu, this punch, his sense of sensation, this punch, at least 3,000 kg!

The power of three thousand pounds, the sword is unparalleled, and it is natural to count, even if it is in a serious injury, there is not much impact on him.

I have to know that she bombards this punch, just a eight-year-old little girl?

A eight-year-old little girl, even the silk is not in the spiritual power, and the giant force of 3,000 pounds is burst.


The sword is unhousnating the bottom of the sky.

In Shenzhou, the sword is unparalleled, some people are born, like the blood encountered with him in the internal domain, it will be strong.

The people who can be born in Shenzhou, who can never enchanting, and it is impossible to have three thousand pounds of giant strength when you are eight years old?

And the most important thing is that there is such a giant, not only one of the rain.

"Light rain, you just said, in your tribe, those buddies than you are two years old, the strength is not necessarily to you, that is, their power is not much worse than you?" The sword is unparalleled .

"Well, it is like this." Wu Yu nodded, "In our tribe, those people who have the same year, now no one is more than I, but those brothers, they are bigger than me, the strength ratio I am also very normal. "

"And our tribes are the best in the middle of the people, they are the brothers of the Qing Tiger. He has been fifteen this year, and when he is just eight years old, you can explode 10,000 pounds."

"I have to be very far like him."

"Eight years old, out of the power of 10,000 kilograms?" The sword was really sweat.

"Little rain, light rain." A young voice suddenly sounded, I saw a little boy with Wu Yuyu ran in, excited: "The Qinghu big brother drills the gun method, you still don't hurry out, I can first Go. "

After finishing, this little boy immediately ran out.

"Gonghu's big brother's drills?" Wu Yu also immediately became excited, and said: "There is no big brother, I will go out first. If you have something, you call, I am outside, I can listen."

After saying, this black rain never resantively ignored the sword, but rushed outside the account.

See this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Green Tiger Big Brother? That eight years old can explode a monster of 10,000 pounds?"

The sword is not rushing a curious, and immediately he has helped the pain of the body, struggling to take a bed, then very difficult the argument.

Out of the account, relying on the front of the door, the sword has seen the past.

I saw that dozens of young men gathered together in front, and dozens of young men gathered together, and an excitement was very excited to watch the teenager in front of the center.

The teenager, only 145 years old, although the body is not big, but the body is extremely strong, more than one metest height, wrapped in simple animal skin, the skin outside the skin under the sunlight, pan Holding a faint gloss, it looks extremely wild.

At this moment, this animal juvenile holds a long gun. In the drill, his gun method is quite awkward, at least in the sword, no double, it is too tender, but its power is not a common.


The sword has no double eyes, and the bottom is also rapid.

The fifteenth year old yang is peak, which is absolutely incredible in China.

Task, even if the sword is unparalleled, the disciples of the talented disciple are also 18 years old to reach the peak.

But now the sword has just came to this world, and he saw a fifteen-year-old yang yu peak, but not only the case, the most important thing is a strange force.

"Good strong flesh, good power!"

The sword is unparalleled. Although this beast is tender, although the gun is tender, each gun is tatched, and the powerful power is extruded, and a harsh sound explosion is surrounded around.

Obviously it is just a ritual peak, but the flesh with strength, in the sword, there is no double view, even if the leadership on Shenzhou, it is estimated that it is not much.

"Not only him, and the little guys around them, all the flesh is very good!" The sword is unbentered secretly.

"This, what kind of world is it?"


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