Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5002? Fish Yao

Pensive moment, swords are unparalleled to watch the old man. "There is no intersection between us, I don't think there is too much to talk."

"No, this Xianjun is too refused. If it is not conducive to your things, I will not stop your way, it is precisely an extremely important thing, and it is conducive to the fairy Jun. "

The old man speaks extremely stable, and no more important information is revealed.

And the sword didn't know why, I didn't know why, I looked at Jiang Yuyan, and cleared them.

"Promise him, see what is going on." Yan returned to the mystery of a face.

There is no significant meaning of Jiang Zhihe and Essence, noddion.

"Will it be too dangerous." Fu Yeling said something concerned.

Even Zhang Zhang, the end, "cautious."

In the end, after considering a moment, the sword has consent to the old man's request.

The old man smiled, and then waved his hand to open the neighborhood.

The Hao Sheng's locked nepher is open, revealing the land of the land.

With the junction, it is rising from a rich and ultimate creative breath, nourishing all big Damai.

"You will come with me."

Step in this step into this supermanic, the losses, and close together.

At the foot is not a gray-white dermndum, but the high grass with the legs, they are regular in the law, and the endless life is from them.

This is a side of the land, of course, for the cruel environment without the sea.

The sword is unparalleled, only endless green grass, no other buildings.

After entering the juncture, all the big dermatoma consciously avoided, only the old people and swords with the old Dragon Bell are unparalleled.

And he didn't ask, but only leisurely.

In the end, the old man took the lead in opening, "Xianjun, here is the three days, the outermost side of the whole three five days, while the inside is five days."

"Oh? Under this, it is also hidden with a place?" The sword said without double.

The old man smiled, "Xianjun did not want to make mistakes, five more days were actually situated on three days."

His voice falls, directly reaching out in front of the void.

In an instant, the void is like a water curtain, and then it is like faded, the previous scene begins to disappear.

The vines disappeared in the earth, and it was replaced by a side of the sky located in the void.

Daily Star has been circulated on the Temple, and Dagan is patrolling on the vast square. It is a true secret world.

Looking at the Xuanqi scene in this crack, the old man is the first, "Xianjun, this is five days, and it is the place where my family is in the fairy."

The sword is unparalleled, and some means to look at the old man.

It is possible to show this true secret, showing the foreigners who meet the first time. One show that the people behind this have absolute confidence, and the second is a friendly sincere attitude.

For a time, even the sword is unparalleled, there is something that will be in the back of this.

The old man smiles and attracts them from the three days and get into the five days.

These three five-day construction, extremely exquisite and Xuqi, they are two different spaces, but they are unimaginable together.

If there is an external force, even if it is completely destroyed three days, it is unable to find the shadow of five days, because they have not been five days, but in fact, five more days are in front of them.

Triple days is a representation, five major genius is really important.

Such a mysterious space, enough to deal with any impact.

Stepping into the five days, looking at the big day of the head of Huang, the sword is unparalleled, and the true strength of the people behind this.

Miao Tianda Yellow Order, Sword is unparalleled, Jiang Yuyan return, the clear and Fu Wei Xianjun came to this magnificent Temple.

The Tianmen of the Temple is open, and the cloud smoke is from it.

Then, a lip red and white, the small boy who took the double-bun came out of the Tianda Hall, smiled, "I invited the Xianjun, my family is already waiting for it."

The old man has a hand, and the body is slowly disappeared.

Looking at the Tianmen opened by the hole, the sword is unparalleled without any hesitation.

The cloud smoke, the Tianhe River is in the dome of the Tiangou, and it is very beautiful.

The whole Temple does not know what kind of fairy jade, the source is constantly emitting birth spirits.

In the first time of steping into this Temple, the sword is unparalleled, and the only figure standing in the center of the temple.

That is a woman, wearing flying clouds.

She is long eyebrows, and she is not charming and not in the sky, only gives people a very warm temperament, and it is unable to let life a vigilant idea.

Looking at this scene, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been roughly guessed that this woman is the main owner of this.

"It's really good ..." Review of Yan's consciousness.

"I see you want to die." Jiang Zhi said that it is clear, but it contains a strong murder.

"Mrs. You want to smoke, I am talking about her realm ..."

Sincere, Yan Roked, Wen Run Women, who is always served, is extremely good, she did not deliberately hide the repair, and the gas transportation of Jiu Tuan Dafan is slowly flowing, with this to support the entire temple Working.

Looking at the five body shapes in the temple, the Wen Run woman slowed down toward them.

Like the soul of the autumn sketch slowly swept, but finally did not have a sword who didn't get angry.

Then, she smiled slightly. "When I saw a foreign Deman, I couldn't remember how many Huashes were there, I saw you today, I feel good."

"My name is the fish Yao, which is the founder of these three five heavens."

After the Wen Yao's Wen Run Woman was finished, he looked at the sword. She seems to only want his name.

Slightly sink, he cherished the character, "fog double."

"Fog double? It's a little quirky name. I recorded it." Wen Run woman said, then waving, "If you are, please leave it."

No one is moving, it is fixed to see him.

The final sword is unparalleled, "I don't know if we stop if there is something wrong. If you don't have anything, we will leave."

Wen Run women heard the words, laughed, "Of course, there is something more, but we all stood up, it will not be too uncomfortable, this is the way to go, say that my fish, I don't know how to treat guests, I will not Great."

"So, you should first ask for it, you must instantly say it."

The sword is no longer a lot, and it will fall in a jade case.

And Jiang Yuyan returned, the meaning of Qing also entered the seat, the faces were different, and it seems to be thinking.

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