Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5003? Jian Xianjun, Ten Hua Years

The immortal entered the seat, the sky is quiet.

There is a star river on the dome, and the beauty is not allowed.

With their seat, the famous woman who is famous for fish Yao is also sitting in the top position of the Temple.

All in the sky, the Temple is still empty, silent.

The sword is unparalleled, which is almost the whole five heavens to the foundation, the mysterious Temple of Mixi.

He does not know what fish Yao stops and invited what is the meaning of this, but it is already able to guess, the purpose of fish Yao seems to be simple.

And the courage of this woman is quite a person, far from ordinary Damadam, and she will not do something absolutely, leave the room for cyclone.

You must know that Jiang Zhenqi is returned, and the clever is not deliberately hidden.

In the face of these three terrible nine-turn big Damadam, fish Yao did not change color, or even as calm.

In this case, fish Yao will only have two plans. The first kind of she is gambling, the gambling sword is untrusted, and the people are good.

The second, it is, it is very powerful.

The second kind of sword is unparalleled may be the greatest, which can support such a super-sky, a nine-turn big dermine may be exhausted.

It is very possible, followed by fish Yao, at least two nine-way big dermndants.

When the journey of the sea is endless, the big dermatoma of the initial environment is endless, and the three turns are not in a small number, but the six-turn and even the big Damadam of the nine turn is completely rare, almost rare. pole.

It can be seen that even if the ancient times, countless horrible days, but six turns are a real watery.

Once across six shots, it is qualified to be honored as a fairy.

Seeing them all over, the eyes of the fish Yao slowly swept away, and finally stopped in the sword unparalleled, and his eyes showed a few doubts.

She feels very incredible, a little Division, how to do such a strong and terrible, even if it is to sit in parallel with nine-to-than, and the air transport can be distressed.

The weird, it's too weird. Is it possible to hide the unparalleled secret?

It must be this.

Yao Yao is dark by the heart, and the Sepament is unparalleled into the most dangerous existence.

Seeing them all falling, she smiled slightly, then reached out in the air, the space fluctuated.

A layer of layers fluctuate in the space, a big day star, there is a star river in the Temple.

Among them, I only feel the immersion.

The sword has no double eyes, he knows, there must be a big Damai to come here.

As he thinks, accompanied by the star river in the Temple, and a shape is from the ripple.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuyan returned, and the unity and other people were in the face, they all spotted terrible fluctuations in the star river.

You know, you can let them put them in your heart, only nine rigmatics.

Just as the sword is unparalleled, the total six nine-way big Damadam is walking out, and there is no direction of the general power.

Six nine-nine translators, all are righteous, the endless years have never left any traces above their fairy, and even as long as they have a sense of mind, they can return to the years.

They all wear flying clouds, and the clothes of fish Yao were exactly the same.

Seeing them, the sword is unparalleled, and why did the fish Yao dare to stop them, and even dare to expose the hinterland of the three-five heavens.

Because she is not afraid, the total seven nine transfers, this is an unimaginable force, which is enough to cause devastating strikes in any part of the sea.

Six nine-Terred Daman came out from the Star River, and the eyes were naturally locked in the sword unparalleled.

Of course, their eyes will only fall on the body of Jiang Zhenqi and the meaning.

Next, under the guidance of fish Yao, the six nine-Treasy Damai sat in front of the other side of the Temple, and there was a meaning of confrontation.

The sword is unparalleled, but the fish Yao has a malicious, so that the ushered is absolutely the most tragic.

All greatly landed, and the fish Yao slowly got up, and one step was full of power.

She smiled slightly to the sword, then looked at the other side, whispered, "I will introduce it ..."

The words of fish Yao only said half of the paragraph, they were interrupted by a net face without having, fairy.

"Don't introduce it, Jiang Zhenqi to two Xianjun's name, I have been here, I have already smented it before ten Chinese years."

As his voice falls, the remaining five nine-turn Dadan is a slightly.

"Oh, it seems that I am shallow." Fish Yao said uncomfortable, "Can Zunxianjun, can you tell some?"

The name is a slight smile for the nine turn of the ancient ancient times, and the eyes have passed through the central fish Yao, and they look at Jiang Zhiyan.

"Before the ten gods, I have not promoted nine turn, and the two Junxun have been famous for a long time, and the sound is a million domain."

"At that time, I was circulated as long as I had two Jian Xianjun, and I was enough to step down any of the tiara and established to Gaotian."

"I am rushing to two, but also the most recent existence of the emperor."

"Originally, I thought they were able to visit the emperor under heavy pressure, I have never thought that they are also being placed here."

Speaking of this, the ancient fairy jealous laughed, "It seems that I can go out, I can't revenge, I can't revenge."

The Temple is quiet, and the Jiang is not moving. Yan's return is scratched, and the face is somewhat embarrassed. He has never thought about it, and he still has Da Yanxian recognized him, and also said the rumor of the year.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no too much horror. You can use the Sword of the Sword, which can only be used in the Sword.

After listening to this secretary of the ancient fairy, fish Yao sucks, "In this case, it seems that the fairy is enough to open up a channel."

I heard the dialect, I looked at Jiang Zhiyan, and he looked at her. "If you can have two Junxiao's work, the fairy is enough to open, but I am afraid that the two Junxun will not pay attention to me."

Fish Yao listened, not much, the face is still Wen Run, came to the front of the sword unparalleled.

"You are Xianjun, fish Yao wants to invite Xianjun to work together to open the Xinghe Xianfang."

At this point, the sword is unparalleled to the river from the Yan Yan, and the meaning of clearing, his own mind is also slightly vibrating this moment.

Not just him, even Jiang Zhenqi will return this moment, feel the heart of the heart.

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