Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5006? Changes in the fairy

At this moment, all the three-five days of Da Yan fairy, all stopped the practice, standing in the void, looking at this giant array, the heart is full.

The star river fairy is broken, and the chaos is emptied. Zhou was smoked by the Billion of the Tianshui.

Standing in the outermost sword of the fairy array, there was no passionate, he finally was confident that fish Yao said inevitbook.

Once this is the top ten nine-zero Damai, and the 100,000 DVR Xinghe Xianxuan is open, this is the sea that will inevitably be torn open.

The center of the fairy is negative, and the fish is negative.

The joints of the United Nine-channel, the gas transportation of the United Nine-channel is a light column. Under her receipts, it is completely on the giant river.


The ancient sound of the ancient sounds, resounded through Liuhe Eight.

I don't know how many silence of the Sikah's Xinghe, which is completely opened at this moment.

Endless Hongmong Ziyi stopped falling, all hovered in the void, and started to make a new purple dense pattern.

When all Hongmeng Purple is illusion, the star river in the entire five days is the foundation, which is completely constructed.

The nine nine transverse Damai is the most basic lie in the nine, and their air transport will begin to flow.

Looking at this magnificent, the sword is unparalleled, the fairy is similar to only nine blots. It is in fact after the fish Yao body, but that is in a hidden state, not opened.

And Zun An Xianjun stood on the eyes.

"You will release the air transport." Fish Yao highly supported such a huge fairy array with a strong force. She has not held it.

"We can leave, just here !!"

Jiang Zhiyan returned to the meaning of the election, then the number bloomed up!

It's just that they are three, and the extensive gas transportation of the release is very popular, and this star river in the peak is pushed.

In addition to fish Yao, the remaining five nine transfers, no one hesitate, and it will be transported.

The nine-Trendy Deman is already a peak, and the air transport of one side is unable to compare with them. They are also strong, and they can feel the terrible existence of the emperor.

So at this moment, when the eight-to-eight-way Damadam's passage is completed, the star river fairy is open.

Billion of Hong Kong Ziyi condensed and became purple densers in the circulation, the huge magnificent light column is completely browed.

Zunnianjun stood above the silence behind the fish Yao, nervous gaze this scene.

His heart is like a drum, this day, he is waiting for too long, and it is almost desperate for a long time.

But now everything has hopes, but must not have any mistakes!

At this moment, including the most peripheral sword is unparalleled, it is also the same, it can leave the sea, that is, this time.

The heavens and earth are changing, the nine big Damadam is really terrible and Hao Sheng, so that the whole star river fairy is at this moment, there is no suspense.

Such as the dusty sky, bursting hundreds of millions of giant light.

From Yao Yao, nine nine-Tervant Damadam's air transport, hit the dust-sealed day on the fairy array.


Between the heavens and the earth, once again burst heavy humming, all onlookers were repelled by this fluctuation!

Even the swords that deliberately stabilize the hearts of the heart, they are swayed by this wave of blood.

But that is, this is the power, you can't hit the dusty sky above the fairy array.

The fish Yao spoke, and the corner of the mouth spills a god blood.

The respect of this change is a big shock, and he is observed that it is not right and hurriedly prepares.

"Respect, don't move!" Yu Yao said, her high yard's arms have released endless trend!

The two collided, and the sky broke out a deep roar, no longer can't break it before.

Zun An Xianjun has to stand back to the original eye and continue to look at this scene.

This has continued a considerable period of time, assembled nine nine-way Damadi, and 100,000 Diva's Xinghe Xianrui, which has become extremely, and Hongmeng Ziyi has almost formed a water mist.

On the sky, the dusty giants also started a fine crack at this moment.

At this moment, even the sword is unparalleled, and once the dusty sky is broken, the sea will be completely opened!

Zun Anxianjun is even more exciting, almost the center of the front to add a force.

Today, the Star Xianxing is successful. The first one of the first position does not have any problems. When this situation continues, breaking through the dust-sea door will just matter!

The nine nine-zoom is the mainstay, and the third is the main source of gas transportation, and the source is constantly providing the gas transportation, and the fairy goes to break through the top of the head.

It is immersed in the sky, and the crack is dense.

Yao Yao is negative, there is no big atmosphere, almost integrated with Xinghe Xianxiang, exudes Huang Huang's power, can't look straight.

But the next moment, the source continued to gather angry to the star river in the sky, suddenly stopped!

The huge Hongmeng Purple Wioguang column suddenly stopped, then bleak!

The fairy array of the central, fish Yao suddenly spitted with colorful gods, and the gas transport was lapse with an unimaginable speed.

This difference is really too fast, so that all Dafan fairy reacted, it is no longer reversible!

The fairy array, all the flowing purple denses began to be bleak, the air transport reflux, actually flowed into the fairy array.

Then, the first look of the dust, quietly opened at this moment.

Respecting the ancient fairy, standing at the original, the big joy in the eyes did not resolve, and the demonstration of the creation was the horror and despair of the cream.

The most worrying thing, I finally happened!

The first stage of the star river in the first stage, eventually unable to withstand such air transport, and began to repair itself.

The nine nine-to-earth Danadian, the released air transport, all were swallowed by the Star River in this moment, and the source was constantly infined into the eyes.

Looking at the eyes that have been opened in front of you, Zunxianjun did not showcase, did not make any overtest reaction, just stationed quietly in place.

After the number of interest, a long sigh rang, all of which have all the hearts of the big fairy.

Then he laughed, and the face of not laughing has become a lot of warmth at this moment.

"You Xianjun, Yaoer, this seat first step, give you the final air transport."

The voice is like a long-term style, leisurely introducing the four wild and arbitrarily, then being swallowed in the sea.

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