Respect ancient fairy, standing, stepping into the eye.

Like eddy currents, it is very crazy to swallow all gas transport, too terrible, even if it is a six-turn big Damai step into it, there is only the end of the belonging.

Only nine turn, with all things, can resonance.

The courtyard of the ancient fairy, there is only one, and it is the possibility of being exhausted.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled to give him respect.

"No, no, no, don't ..." Yu Yao shouted, full of grief, but she could not move one step, once the move, the star river fairy will accelerate the speed of the tile.

Zun An Xianjun laughed, starting from the moment of stepping into the vortex, his whispered gas is unsatisfied!

The flying clouds are broken directly, and the fairy is already very old.

The role of Zunxianjun is to block the vortex of the fairy array with a self-container, and use itself to make the eye on the eye to maintain the whole star river fairy array.

His fairy is in a moment of indigenous, followed by a picture of a Dao Hongmeng, which is stuck in the eye.

Air transportation is swallowed.

Zun An Xianjun is full of eyes, and the chain will continue to build a fairy air transport, and then he will release all the air transport in the fairy body.

A nine transparency, it is exhausted, it is extremely terrible, and there is a very terrible, and there is no air transport, which directly blocks the vortex eye.

Along with the full blush, the gas transport in the Xinghe Xianxing is stable and re-condensed.

"Yao, open the door!"

Zun An Xianjun exhaled his voice and sent a sound.

Yao Yao lost his soul, but she also knew that he could not live, but he had to manipulate the air and continued to impact the heate.

The remaining nine-to-big Damadam is full of face, they are already in short time, and the old friends are dead, and they are not hetful.

Yan return to change the turbidity, and see the respect of Zunxianjun.

In the life of a nine-turn large-scale, the Xinghe Xianxing is again firm!

At this moment, I gathered the nine-nine-Tremerending airmont column, and again shocked the dust-sea door!

It seems that it comes from the ancient nine and the embarrassment, completely broke out.

Completely open the star river information, the release of the Hongmeng light column will be completely shaded throughout the day.

Everything is filled with ancient trend.

All big Di fairy in the array, they do not lose their terrible fluctuations, all have been shocked by millions of feet, there is a shortness of the realm, and the mouth of the earth has flowed out of the earth.

Think of the wealth of idiots, under this impact, it is painful.

Some of the stabilization is unstable.

The sword is not very bad, but he has not been affected by too much, reaching out with the confession, and then look at the scene in front of him.

This impact is really too sharp, terrible, even faintly, and the battle of the previous and arrivals of the emperor.

Tian Zhen was replaced by Hongmeng Purple, and the sea coiled to the sea, and then quickly evaporated.

The sky above the sky, the dusty space crack is dense, and the extent to which it is almost completely crushed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the tension is watching.

But immediately, he is not as strong.

Because he saw it, although Tianmen has broken to the extreme, there is no signs of destruction, and in the edge of Tianmen, it has begun to repair it slowly!

This is an unsatisfactory sign!

Tianmen will actually make a slow repair, once they exhausted, then everything will be lost!

Undertake the eight roads without air transport, fish Yao crazy impacts the heavens.

At this moment, the Ancient Xianjun in the vortex eye, and finally couldn't hold it, the fairy was completely broken, and the air transport of the nine-turn Damadi was also completely swallowed.

Zun Anxianjun, killing!

With his sputum, Na River fairy is also collapsed!

Endless air transport no longer impacts the heavens, but reverses, and is swallowed and absorbed by the first eye.

The fairy arrays, everything is about to lose!

At this moment, all the big dermatoms present in the scene are desperate, they wait for countless years, the result of the final exchange is like this.

"Is it, failing, ..." Helping the fairy and whispering, only bitterness in his eyes.

The collection of ten nine-way Damadam is not able to open the door, everything is already in the air.

Looking at the arrogant air transport in the Xinghe Xianxing, the sword is unparalleled, failed.

The next moment, but the turbulence!

A big Damadam of the initial situation, there is no sign, released the endless air transport, and flying into the fairy array.

Then he had a self-solving source under the gaze of all Dafes, and the atmosphere was scattered in the vortex.

His atmosphere blocked the vortex paradise, and then was completely swallowed.

This scene was present in all the big deanseng in his eyes, and only the end of their eyes was left.

Next, the second big Damadam flying out, without any hesitation, in the eyes of the vortex, with its own fairy gas, blocking the eye.

With the second appearance, the third, the fourth big Damadam, all flew into the fairy array.

They don't have any hesitation, directly solving the fairy source, sealing the eye with gas.

Although their air transport is less than nine to zoom in, it is still no hesitation, and the crazy rush is going forward, trying to support the number of interest.

Flying and go, no flying moths.

This scene is tragic and lonely. No nine-Termary Dami persuaded that they do, all are spontaneous dedication.

It is precisely because there is no self-contained spontaneous to do, and it has added tragic and loneliness.

At this moment, even the life of the Dagan is like an ant!

But they are already in the face, and they can build the sky.

Three five days, all the big Damadam is attacked, they are silent, and their own destruction of themselves, only for ten interest, even the time.

In the funeral, the future is unknown.

The nine turn in the fairy array has not been to bear this scene, all don't face the face.

The fish Yao standing in the middle of the fairy array has long been sad.

They have been unparalleled, but they die as anthrapeutics.

This shocking scene, let the sword are unparalleled deeply in the heart, and then it is difficult to forget.

Nearly thousands of Damadam, they are buried in a fairy battle, just for a moment!

They have been an era with Zhenwuyang, which has no meaning in the era of the era of the era of the era of era.

But they are all imprisoned by Zhenwuyang, and they have been placed here. In the end, they will not die, as dust is generally dead.

Until at this moment, the sword is unparalleled, this is a non-conflict of the sea, but it is true for him to be unruly, but the big Damadam that is exhibited here is true.

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