Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5008? Fish Yao

Endless birthday, let Danadian and even Dagan, as if it grows in a distortion, hard work.

The sword is unparalleled, this is more widely unpretched, like a sea.

Even the big boundaries he walked in him, even the universe of the universe, is like the sea.

He stepped out, leaving the shackles, constantly powerful, so that the emperor is always popular with him.

But there is still no end, and I don't know how tired.

This is the endless prisoner, even the nine turn of the Damai seems to be unable to break!

He is completely round to him, thinking about it at this moment, since even the nine turn of Dagan is unable to break, then the emperor?

He is bright, but it suddenly realizes what, look at the fish Yao.

The original sorrowful and tearful fish Yao, at this moment, I have no expression, she began to recover the unpailed air of the eight roads.

And the river is from Yan's return, the else, and the remaining five nine transfers, all the best of their own air transport.

The sword is not shocked, he can't imagine, but it can't calmly.

The idea of ​​fish Yao actually fits his last point!

"Don't stop it, don't release the air !!" The sword is unparalleled, reminding the river to return to them.

But they can't hear the sound outside the fairy array, completely released all of the air transport.

And fish Yao in the most central location of the fairy array, seems to feel anything, looking to the sword is unparalleled, only cold is left.

Then she received his eyes, the arms were proud, and the eight-to strong nine transfers the air transport, no longer slammed the broken sky, but all were absorbed by her.

The first reaction is the meaning, and I have been in the past, he is not right, but everything is already too late. He wants to pull, but it is found that the gas will be recovered.

At the same time, Jiang Zhenqi will also feel changes, and when the fish Yao is absorbed, the face is difficult to see the extreme.

They didn't think of it at this moment, and fish Yao will swallow their air transport, and to achieve itself, not to destroy the heate.

The remaining five nine-transverse Damai also found changes, incredible to see fish Yao in the center of the fairy array.

They did not think that fish Yao would do this.

To absorb their air transport, come to achieve itself!

But everything is already late, they can't take it at all, and even if you take it out of your own gas.

"You are dead!" Yanqiu smelled high, "Do you look at the big Deman of these funerals, you have to be your funerary bucket ?!"

Fish Yao did not speak, and the endless air transport began to flock in his body, and the air transport of the entire star river fairy array was used.

The sword is unparalleled, and he directly condenses the invisible sword, flying forward, and cut down.

If the invisible sword of the sky is torn, he is overwhelming on the Star River Season.

However, this fairy is condensed by hundreds of thousands of DVD, and the gas transport of nine nine-to-large Damadi, which has already been great, and it is not enough to break through the external force.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, there is no sword, all can't break through.


At this moment, Jiang Yuyan returned, and the clever was high as soon as soon as possible.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is in a short step because of his most important people.

Just when he was ready to push his own sword, when he went to the Xinghe Xianru, a unimaginable trend was from the weigh of fish Yao!

All big dean fans are striker, including Jiang Zhenyan return to them, and the eyes are all downs to the extreme.

At this point, they finally understood, and set this situation for He Yao.

She wants to take 100,000 DVDs, nine nine-turn Dado, to achieve their own emperor!

This is too unimaginable, so that all big Di fairy did not think this level.

But things have happened.

A kind of Hongmeng Purple is slowly flowing from the fairy body of the fish Yao.

That is the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, and he finally understands that fish Yao is not to tear the sea, but to satisfy himself, pursue the arrival!

At this moment, fish Yao, condensed the emperor!

This is too terrible. Once you have emperor, you mean that her, completely crossing the step of nine turns, arrived at the emperor.

The emperor is more terrible. In the previous battle, the sword is unparalleled. They have already been taught.

The Quasi-Dynasty is easy to destroy everything with a self-power, and it is too terrible.

If the sword is unparalleled, the emperor of the true Wu Emperor is not overwhelmed, they must be all over!

At the moment, fish Yao relied with this star river informant, absorbed 100,000 DVD, and nine nine Tong Dai Dai Xiangxiao, which made her realize that the emperor is shipped.

Once the emperor is condensed, she is an emperor.

Once the arrival of the emperor, they will be difficult to reverse the situation.

The fish Yao hands is lifting, and the endless Hongmeng Purple begins to flow from the body, and the whole star river fairy is lost, it has become dim.

Endless Hongmeng Puyi is all holding her whisper, and eight nine transfers, at this moment, in addition to Jiang Zhiyan, and the other five, the remaining five all-in-law are broken, and the gas transport is absorbed.

And even dead, never said a fish Yao is not.

Just when Jiang Yuyan returned, and the unique supported, the star river fairy was quietly broken.

The sword of the blood is unparalleled, and it has opened a gap, and finally let the fairy array are broken!

Take the fairy array, they only feel that the shackles of the weigh are suddenly loose, almost do not want, escape the fairy array.

"Where are you going?"

In the quiet and dead, the voice of any feelings is quietly sound of all over the wild.

The sword is unparalleled, then there is no hesitant to return to the river, and clear and support the fairy.

The breath of the elderly to the extreme is condensed behind, and the Hongmeng Pu Yi in the void, like sharp vines, quietly packaged him.

At this moment, the fish Yao, which absorbed the entire star river inception, with the emperor's air transport, appeared behind the sword.

Her eyes have been replaced by Purple, and the fairy body should be burned with magnificent purple flame.

The stretch of the oppression of the void is slowly flowing, which is the invictionation of the emperor.

The void is broken, and there is no extraction.

The three-five-day big Damadam's death is clean, all buried in the vortex, did not leave one.

Even the whole three or five days are no longer reserved, and only the endless Hong Kong Purple will.

Yao Yao, Deng Zhi Di.

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