Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5009? Zi Diyao

Then more than 10,000 Diki, nine nine-turn Damadam, the power of the Xinghe Xianyan, the power provided, and pushed her to the emperor.

Endless Hong Kong Purple, it is the emperor of Yao Yao.

Feel the terrible and , the sword is unparalleled, such as a drum.

With intuition, he felt that fish Yao's air transport, and even faintly surrendered the situation of the first arrival of the emperor.

This also means that as long as she wants to do her hand, she can survive in her hand.

At this moment, it is a major horror of life and death.

Jiang Yuyan returned, and it was already exhausted in the Xinghe Xianxing, almost no resistance.

It is to know that the air transport is not equivalent to the delay, and the gas transport is like a fairy, it is the foundation of the Dano.

Once the loss, I want to patch it back almost a long time.

Even if the sword is unhappy in the hands, it is almost impossible to let Jiang Zhiyan return and clear all over time.

At this moment, there is only five top shapes left on the top of the three-five day.

In addition, all Di Dynamic, and even the nine-to-Damadam have become the victim of the fish Yao.

Fish Yao only looked at them, she took back my eyes, and it seems that they are not worried about them.

She looked to her hand, and her eyes were happy and fascinated.

"It turns out that this is the emperor's luck ..."

With the sound of fish Yao, hundreds of millions of Hong Kong Ziyi will penetrate from the fairy body and start to outline some kind of power.

Flying clouds are often replaced, and it is replaced by a great suite that hits Hongmeng Purple.

The sword is unparalleled, and if he still has a lot of luck, there is no success to visit the emperor.

So now, when the emperor condenses out, everything is already dust.

Yao Yao, the emperor is undoubted!

"Do you think, can you escape?"

Attacking dark purple chipper, she was cold, and she looked like an antite.

"We have given you the air transport, you also got the results you want, why did you hurry?"

After the sword is unparalleled, they are standing behind them.

"Is this what I want?" Yao slowly lifted his arms, and the corner of his mouth and could be curved. "No, I finally want the result, I am going to the emperor."

The sword is unparalleled, and the anger of the heart is strong, and the cold eye looks at her.

Yao Yao has been in harder than two people, and what is done compared to the arrival in the city of the city, it is more bad.

She will follow all of her Da Di fairy, and even nine turn, Dado, all designed to kill, only to devour the gas, let himself become an emperor.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, which is completely ignorant of the human governance, and letting them.

"Our air transport has been returned to you, even if you are all erased, it is also difficult to provide a little air transport."

The sword is unparalleled.

Then, fish Yao has no emotional volatility, slow sweating them.

In the end, the eyes were on his body.

"Your air transport, I haven't been me."

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and the time is fixed to her, "Okay, I will give you your own air transport, you leave them."

"Do you think you have a negotiation?" The emperor fish smiled, "But they have no value for me, you can leave."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is only a breather.

"Can't, you can't stay!" Jiang Yuqi returned, and the sound of emergency.

They know clearly, she in order to have the emperor's air transport, even if they did not hesitate to kill all the big dermatoma, the sword was unparalleled once, it would only completely fell.

The sword is unparalleled, facing them blinking, saying that only their few can hear the sound, "I am relieved, I have a self-reliance, don't forget that I still have the base card."

At this point, Jiang Yuyan returned and cleared.

Before with the Black Cloud, the sword was unparalleled to carry the emperor's gas, and ran it hard.

Although it is too much to imagine, it is really practical.

So see the sword is unparalleled and full of confidence, although they are somewhat worried, but it doesn't have a better way.

Their gas transport is all exhausted by the Xinghe Xianru, the strength has recession to the extreme, even if left, will only drag the sword.

"Then you must be careful, it is mainly self-policy." He has some nervous way.

The sword is not a hyper point, watching their four movements left, only turned around.

Yao Yao really didn't have a good life, after leaving them, the eyes fell on him.

"I am somewhat curious, why should I absorb a little Division of air?" The sword is unparalleled to ask her.

Yu Yao looked at him, there was no expression, "because I won't let all the dermishes present, I will leave."

The sword is unparalleled, and his heart suddenly has a big crisis!

It seems to prove he thinking, the next moment, the fish Yao suddenly lifted the arms.

Along with her arms raised, there is no Hong Kong and purple, quietly covered the entire sky.

Every Hongmeng is like a sharp, like the endless arrows and rain.

Looking at the rain curtain with unimaginable trend, the sword has no gentle throat.

He is eyebrow, and millions of swords will be discharged directly!

In the face of the endless Hong Kong Purple, he decidedly, he was only in front of him.

At this moment, there is no double silend, and I will collide with the emperor.

There is no double sword, the sea lake sea, the second style.


The Tianhe rushed from the sky, such as the mountain sea, roaring sweed forward.

The sword is unparalleled in the swords and rivers, and the eyes are slightly slightly.

This sword, he knew that there was no failure without suspense.

In order to give the Jiang Zhen return, the time they leave, the sword is unparalleled to leave all the gas transportation, only for live.

The Tianhe, the roaring swept, collided with the endless Hong Kong.

There is no shock, and some only have an elapsed absorption.

Hong Meng, who is struggling, easy to tear the Tianhe, completely swallowing all swords.

In the face of the arrival, everything is so weak.

Even if the nine transfers are unable to win the Emperor, more about a Division in the district?

The Jianhe River only exists time, and it was swallowed.

Everything is covered by Purple Walk.

Yu Yao is still standing at the original, and the face is no wave, and the purple flame is more energetic.

After her back, a fairy is almost twisted into the body shape, and she barely supports never falling.

The colorful gods were poured from their fairy, and the sky wrapped in Hongmeng Puji was dyed.

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