Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5011? Black Cloud Black Cloud

Three unparalleled atmospheres, it means that he is a way, dieting.

The road is dead, and God naturally has.

This is why fish Yao did not smash his fairy again.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, she also has more important things to do, and the four big Damadi who will escape will be caught back. One does not leave.

Yu Yao left, she did not notice that the dead can't die in the void, his chest actually got up this moment!


"The damn little guy, you have a bad hammer, know if there is no such thing as the Jun Jun, have you completely gone !!"

I can't afford the angry stress in my ear, so that the sword in the dead state is unparalleled, hard students awaken.

He sat vertically shaped, the big mouth gasped, and the pain from the demon soul, the deep feelings, so that he couldn't help it.

"This, this is still alive, is my contest that I have been burned?"

The sword is unparalleled, and his eyes are looking forward to the front of his eyes.

At this moment, he sat on the defraud that he didn't look at it.

In this red desert, it is not enough to be a bad fee, and a giant wing of the stream is looking at him.

The four eyes are relatively, the sword is unparalleled, and then the double arm is supported in the sand, move the butt without retreat.

This chasing bird is too huge, and it is too weird and Xumui.

It is a hexagon, and each corner is different colors, magnificent and Xumui.

It is in mind as if it is shrouded in the cloud group, and it is not true.

The huge eye wheel is a red gold, which seems to have thousands of days, which is unacceptable.

Maybe others don't know why this huge terrible chasing bird is, but the sword is unparalleled but clear.

It can have such an imagination, and in his body monopolitic, only the six Dijun.

Strictly speaking, this chasing bird is not an sixth champion, because the end of the six condensation has dissipated.

This chasing bird is actually the six-chair of the sixth romance of the sixth cavity in his condensation.

It has the idea of ​​the six and the soul, but it is not a sixth day.

Looking at the chasing birds in angerous anger, swords are unbounded, "listen, listen to me, I don't deliberately find it, but I am in trouble to find the door ..."

Chasing the birds like an emperor, the golden eye wheel with a must-see.

"If it is not my contest, you have been destroyed in the ashes early, I can feel that the power of your mind is not what you can fight."

"Although I can protect you for a while, I also consume my own emperor."

"You have to remember, if you hit it, I am very likely to support it, and you can no longer get the entire sixth cavity."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes will come out, "I understand, I will never hit it again."

"You understand a fart, the emperor is still waiting for you and the truth of the truth, you are dead now, isn't it to become a big joke!"

"I remember the emperor, live well, and live to become the day of the emperor!"

"I tried my best ..."


The sword is unparalleled, and the fish Yao did not stop, and the manipulated Hongmong Ziwei left the three-five daemon crushing the ruins.

She wants to find the river who has previously escaped, and then a plug.

She is now a quasi-Emperor, and the shangble is covered, all of which are her field.

Feeling the kind of air transport, the fish Yao's heart is also finally completely dissipated.

She is already an emperor, no one can be enemies with him.

Only another excision can be one of them!

The dark sky has been swallowed by Hongmeng Purple as the fish Yao.

But the next moment, quietly revealed a breath, let the fish Yao stopped, standing in the emperor of his own, she was slightly lighter.

She felt a breath that could not be ignored, and she was very exciting.

When the end of the darkness, when it was replaced by some kind of confusing confusion, the fish Yao double-eyed pupils suddenly contracted!

Emperor? Quasi!

A scholar! !

It seems to be in order to confirm her guess, accompanied by endless chaos, it is a terrible body shape that is also wearing an emperor.

The shape is like a black cloud, which can't look straight and see it.

He is around himself twisted and chaotic atmosphere.

If the sword is nothing, he will be horrified.

Because of the chaotic breath, it is the arrival of the emperor who was previously forced to self-explanant.

At this moment, he completely recovered, just like it has never been self-contained.

At the same time, in his palm, a striped chain chain, tied four shapes.

And the four shapes, the Jiang Zhenqi, Essence and Fu Xianjun.

They are all caught by the black cloud, and they can't escape, and they have been dying.

The emperor black cloud slowly looked up, and it was opposite to it.

Doubt, no solution, amazing, from his binocular, but it is more intense to be replaced.

A exclusive gas transport, let him fall directly into the madness.

The face of fish Yao is completely lighter. She feels that the chaos is strong, and it is not as opposed to his own Hongmeng, who can't do anyone.

She only watched the emperor, everything must be stabilized, and another arrogant is enemy, it is obviously not a wise move.

However, several Dagan, who wanted to erase, in the other scholastic in the moment, which made her feel tricky.

The four eyes are relatively, Hongmeng Purple and the chaos are collided with each other, so that the sky is broken directly.

"Yes, luck is really good, you can meet one emperor like me here."

The dark clouds have hoarse voice, and it is laughing and said.

Yao Yao felt very uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable, she feels that her mind has begun to be eaten.

But she finally decided to open, clear the way, "Those big Dami is what I chased, and I will give it to me."

"Also give you?" The black cloud smiled low, "Of course, they are also my life and death, I want to mill them into the powder!"

The fish Yao is uncertain, and finally did not plan to open, for her, Jiang Zhiyan returned to their death, it doesn't matter, as long as you die.

She turned and prepared to leave, but at this time, the blameless voice of Black Cloud once again, "Slow, I have to ask you."

"You can not ask!" Fish Yao looked coldly, and the figure was ready to leave.

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