Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5012? Newcoming

The black cloud cracks the big mouth, the chaos are running out, and he smiles, "I want to go now!"

His words, big palm, one strike chain, puncture the void, straight to the fish Yao hang.

"court death!"

The fish Yao is angry, the cold face is a condensed, and there is an endless Hong Kong Ziyi in the moment.

Hongmeng Purple is too much, and swallowing the chaos chain directly, no traces are left.

Then, Hongmeng Purple Writing is not reduced, and it has hovered in the top of the black cloud.

Black cloud eyelids, then the expression is exaggerated, "stop stopping, we are all emperors, you do this, you can don't benefit."

The fish Yao is cold and cold, and the sleeves withdraw the Hungong Zi, and then prepare to leave.

"Wait a minute, do you not plan to be?" Black cloud opened again, and a pair of evil spirits.

"Don't, let you dispose, all kill it." The fish Yao He said not to say, it seems that it does not want to stay.

He grinned, and the emptie is unseeded, "No, I suddenly changed my mind, I want to let them leave, let them say what I want to say."

Yao Yao quietly stopped, the face is completely icy, "Are you right with this emperor?"

"I don't have this kind of mind, I have no one, I am just the truth," Black Cloud low smiled, "Not as so, let's make a transaction, I will give them to you, you tell me a message."

It is pressed against the anger of the heart, and the fish is cold and cold. "What do you want to know?"

The black cloud stared at her, then a word, "I want to know very simple, and the Danadian of them, have you seen it?"

The fish Yao's face has fluctuated but soon recovered calm, but the inner heart has already set off a wave.

It is possible to attract another quarter of the emperor. It seems that the sword is unparalleled, it has been stared.

The air transport of the three avenues on him is indeed, it is too flat, even if it has become a governor, the fish Yao has been coveted, and it has been swallowed into the belly.

Thinking of this, she has already determined that the black cloud is to catch the sword and caught the air.

However, once he knew that the sword is unparalleled, the luck of the sword has been swallowed, I am afraid there will be a battle!

After the moment, the fish Yao stared, "I have never seen it, I can't answer you."

Jiang Zhenqi, who is tied to the chaotic chain, and Qing and Fu Xiang Jun are seeing when she appears, she is alone.

This has already been unexpected in the unparalleled encounter with the sword, and then the fish Yao said this, they have more sure the sword is unparalleled and dead.

"Oh, is it? That seems to have some regrets." Black cloud shakes his head.

At this moment, the unknown of the confusing chain is broken, "in her hands, we have escaped from her hands!"

The black clouds heard the words, suddenly looked up, and the evil spirits stared against fish Yao.

Yao Yao is shocked, there is a little fluctuating behind the endless Hong Kong, she didn't think of the unique meeting of the unique conference.

"One sent a non-whisper," said the fish Yao said, nor is it intended to stay, directly preparing to turn around.

"I haven't finished it, how can you go." The black cloud smiled low, and the evil light in the eyes had been condensed.

In the next moment, the endless chaotic breath, like a billion -llian magic snake, fish, Yao, caught.

Hongmeng Ziji is under this confusion, it is too dark!

The fish Yao is angry, and the emperor has waved, and the sham of the same riots will start.

The two collided, the sky is broken, and the sea is not in the sea.

This is the battle of the governor and the exclusive emperor, full of stalls with ancient times.

If it is not in the sea, it is only the breath that they have emitted, it is enough to destroy the million world!

Even the big Damadam is like an ant!

Under this initial confrontation, the two governments retired, and even their respective emperors converge a lot.

The fish Yao has a negative hand, although the face is no different, but it has been qi and blood in the body.

Black clouds are not too late, even harmonious, after all, he was recovered to this day, but it is a very short time, it is not easy to do this step.

The two have not been cheap, and it is naturally more cautious.

It is still the first to open the black cloud. "It seems that the air transport of the little Diva is already exclusive."

"What is it?" Yu Yao said, it has been prepared to deal with it.

"In this case," Black Cloud is low and low, "" Half your gas is divided into me, I will leave you, don't you don't stand each other? "

The fish Yao is slightly changed, and he can't guess the back of the sword without double body, and try to divide a cup.

But how can I be swallowed into the abdomen?

"If I don't give it?" Yu Yao said, as the emperor, how can she be afraid?

"In this case, then I only take it personally."

The black cloud laughed, and a change in the face has been pole at this moment.

This is the first time when he became the emperor, and the enemy of the power is the battle. If you are in such a battle, swallow another arrival, when he will become a real emperor!

Yao Yao is also this idea, so she never retired half.

In the face of another arrival, she is also coveted.

This battle is the emperor and the emperor!

Emperor, it is already the king of all things, all the air transportation, unreasonable, all of which are controlled by the Emperor.

They are already the high prime minister, and they can make the emperor, only another emperor.

And the emperor, is that it has already sent it to the emperor, but it is impossible to become the existence of true emperors because of some reasons.

But the emperor is still the existence of supreme, can't touch, and even nine turn is not able to compete.

At the moment, this battle is the battle of the emperor!

Infeady chaos rises, covering the voids.

And Hongmeng Ziyi also broke out this moment.

The immortals compete for the emperor!

Once the arrival of the emperor, the battle is the arrogance, the emperor will no longer use the fairy, because all the fairy can't bear the complete release of the emperor.

Emperor, no regular, also emoticon usage.

The chaotic emperor is the emperor of the emperor black cloud.

Hongmeng Xianxing is the emperor of the emperor.

Next moment, they did not have any hesitated to release the most powerful emperor!

Until the chaotic emperor above the thousand days, Shen Qi visited, even the big demonstration direct look, it will collapse the contest, fall into chaos.

Hongmeng Xianxing, it can cover the domain, from countless Diqi, the bone blood of the big Damai is condensed, and the Hao Sheng is angry to the extreme.

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