Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5013? Emperor and Emperor

The confusion is gray, and the cloud is visible.

Hongmeng purple is deep like a blood, swept the flow.

At this moment, it is the gas transportation between the emperor.

Everything is collapsed. If this is a big dome, it has already been destroyed in 10,000.

The black clouds are tightly staring at fish Yao, leaving only the desire.

The fish Yao is disgusted, she wants to defeat them as much as possible, otherwise it will be extremely unfavorable to himself.

Jiang Zhenqi and the soul are clear, and only have a bitterness in the eyes. They are now all bound, they can't move, once they started, they will only be affected, but they can only listen to their lives.

Next moment, the black cloud took the lead in shooting.

He did not hold the chaotic emperor of nine days after he was caught, but released hundreds of millions of confusion chain kernels forward.

This is a test.

Yu Yao's emperor's air transport has been condensed into a Hongmeng fairy, which is not broken.

The millions of chaotic locks were criticized, but they were crushed when hitting the fairy array, and then was absorbed.

The first test, the chain chain is like a mud cow into the sea, does not see half of the trail.

The black clouds are lifted, and he knows that fish Yao is not simple, and it is also awe-inspiring.

Billion million mixed chains were swallowed and absorbed, and they were contemptuous in the eyes of the fish Yao in the middle of the fairy.

Her fairy is enough to destroy any offensive of the same situation, as long as she is in their heart, it can't be broken.

But the black cloud smiles, it is actually going to rush forward.

It is enough to cover the nine-day chaotic emperor, and it is dispatched with him at this moment.


Self-confusing emperors exudes layered fluctuations, squeezing forward.

The Hongmeng Xian is in this offensive, it is not fluctuated.

These fluctuations, let the fish Yao are dign, she feels that the whole fairy is shocked.

Standing outside the fairy array, the black cloud is smiling, then in the face of fish Yao, the fairy is differentiated from hundreds of millions!

Billion Township is mixed with billion black clouds, and will surround the entire Hongmeng Xian's group.

Through the fairy array, look at the outer black clouds, fish Yao, is a bit nervous.

"Since you can't come out, then I can only go in." Black cloud low and low, the arms suddenly lifted.

Next, hundreds of millions of black clouds raised their arms at the same time, and the endless chaos was raised, and it was condensed into a quantity of light column.

Then, a super chaotic emperor who was shocked by Wanhe He was quietly condensed now.

Yao Yao is round, such a super chaotic emperor, even more than Hongmeng Xianxing!

One of the can't be caught in the top of the head, once this Hongmeng fairy can't support, she will be hit!

I think this, the fish Yao teeth tightly, and there is no hairy, and the whole force has supported the entire Hongmeng fairy!

This is the strengthening collision between the emperor and the emperor.

No one is doing it, all of them all.

The black clouds, the super chaos emperor is pressed down in the next moment.


Unable to say a complete sweep, and the void is directly destroyed into eternal virtual.

Under this, the big Daman is never survived. The river that has been saved by the sautéed fish Yao, and it is unable to bear this impact.

They all vomit the blood, and they will be dull.

In this eternal and silence, it is the governor of the emperor and the emperor!

When the super chaos is covered, the Hongmeng Xianxuan also broke out of the hustle.

These two emperors have time to showcase!

The two are squeezed with each other, and a crack is from the middle.

Black clouds are almost crazy, and hundreds of millions of shapes are manipulated, and the heavy impact is impact Hongzhuang.

Void shock, gas transportation.

The fish Yao in the center of the fairy array, under the oppression of the Emperor's Emperor, only the gas is more than the blood.

"I see you can't come out! You can't come out, I will go in!" Black cloud crazy, no destruction of the breath, starting to eaten a fairy array.

Looking at the Hongmeng Xian Ban, who has already given fine cracks, fish Yao is no longer sticky.

Billion of Hong Kong Ziyi is nearing from her, turning into a vented purple spear, directly stabbing the bottom of the chaos.


Purple flame explosion, the endless emperor is outbreak.

Take some broken face, the bottom of the super chaos is directly broken, and hundreds of millions of mixed breaths have become virtual.

The black clouds retreat, and the pale face climbs the fine black texture.

He was severely created, and it was broken with hundreds of millions of body shapes that were surrounded by Xianxian.

"Hey ..." He whispered, and the fairy was in this moment.

From the breakdown, it is now impossible to hit the fish Yao for the emperor at all.

Instead, he is hit by it is a light and easy.

Seeing this scene, fish Yao secretly jealous, just hit it, she didn't hold too much hope, and she did not want to create black clouds.

The emperor and the arrival of the emperor, once a party hit hard, the ending is already a dust.

In the face of the heavy black clouds that have been hit, even if the fish Yao is cautious, it cannot be kept calm.

Once she can successfully swallow the emperor of the black cloud, then there will be no longer a sense of suspense!

The emperor, emperor, the difference in the word, but the gap that cannot be imagined.

Only the true emperor is the qualifications of a battle with Zhenwuyang.

Yao Yao is thinking, the next moment, she didn't hesitate, carrying the entire Hongmeng Xianfeng, swallowing the black cloud.

Looking at the voids that have been covered by Hungong, a scratch is awkward from the black clouds.

He is a weak state, and has been hit hard, and it has not been able to live in the emperor of the fish Yao.

The big horror between life and death has given the black clouds.

He opened his mouth and screamed, "I promise you, I promise you, just let me completely recover, I will be willing to be your messenger!"

With the sound of the black cloud, he is centered on him, and the void suddenly begins with a layer.

Then a pair of palms, a pair of pale palms who don't have any blood, hovering over his head.

Countless fine dust scatters out of the can't say, from the palm of the palm, all dumped in the black cloud.

Looking at this ancient strange scene, fish Yao is not hi, in order to avoid changing, she has exploded the unimaginable gas transportation.

It is also a rigorous spear to be condensed by her, and it is rushing to the black cloud.

If this hits direct hits, he will have no life, and the emperor will also dissipate.

But the next moment, the abnormal changes!

The original heavy black cloud suddenly opened the true eyes, a strange face, a smile, and smile.

He didn't have the meaning of dodge!

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