Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5015? Returning Sword

Black clouds can't say, watching the Hongmeng Zhenjian, and smashed into the chest.

The emperor broke, and he didn't have to completely broke out.

At this moment, the two incompatible emperors blended, and then quickly offset.

The big horror between life and death, let the black clouds sound, a chaotic chain is criticized, and it is hard to break the sham of Hongmeng, and then smash in the fairy body of fish Yao.

Endless God and blood fall.

This is already a situation that is not dead!

They are already crazy, all give up the respective emperor's transport, and kill themselves with their own fairy.

Did not reach the level of the emperor, their fairy is only a hierarchy than the nine-Trendy Daiyan, still a fairy body, not an emotion.

But the emperor has a thing that is not there, that is the emperor.

The emperor bones are the foundation of the emperor, which is an important thing that leads to the emperor.

Although the emperor is still a fairy body, there is an emperor bone, even if the fairy is broken, it can be quickly repaired.

The fairy body of Ji Diyao is almost the broken chain strand, but it is constantly broken and recovered quickly.

All this is because of the reason of the emperor.

But the dark clouds that have previously occupied the upper wind, but it is more miserable at this moment.

Even if he was restored by the unknown force to the peak state, but because the emperor bones were unparalleled by the sword, his fairy could not withstand the attack of fish Yao.

His fairy body, breaking is even more powerful, and the damage that has been farther than the repair, and has been defeated in the section.

Although fish Yao is very popular than black clouds, her condensation is already confusing, and it is supported in hard work.

If this is one of you, the black cloud without the emperor is inevitably ignorant!

The two are already the end of the strong, but no one will be the first to retreat, because if it is sneak in the back, even if it is not dead, it is no longer going back.

The chaos and Hongmeng Ziyi have been completely killed together.

It became a hundred thousand mixed chains pierced the fairy body of fish Yao, and the constant stranded swallowed.

When the fish Yao held a Hongmeng Zhenjian, the other handed over the river, and he also reached the chest of the black cloud.

God blood, the emperor is also offsetting.

Even if the black cloud is mad, knowing the seriousness, watching the fish Yao, who is gradually clear, he suddenly bite his teeth, the virtual empty laces ripple.

With this , the black cloud's body has disappeared, and it is actually an exclusive monarch!

He is full of hematics, only a pair of true eyes are still clear, revealing complex look.

"Yao, I am ancient."

The fish Yao is shocked, and the broken road in the hand is falling in the void.

"No, no, you are not, the ancient times have died, you are pretending!"

Zun An Xianjun became a painful color, and finally, "Yao, why do you know, you know, we just want to go out ..."

Yao Yao is shocked, and the emperor is almost dissipated!

At this moment, her mind is completely confusing.

"No, no, it's fake! Supreme, I also want to go out, but what can I do, really Wuyang will not let us go!"

Respecting ancient fairy is no longer a lot, just painful looking at her.

Then, now I die in the big Danadian in the Xinghe Xianxing, start all from the void ripple, and the face is grief to the fish Yao, do not send a word.

Looking at thousands of people, the big Danadi under the seat, the fish Yao has completely collapsed!

Although she is already an emperor, the collapse of the contest makes her.

The tragic scene became a true dream of her heart.

For the Emperor, she woven an endless years of lies, and this lie, killing all the fairy fairy.

With the blood of the emperor, accompanied by tears, from her eyes, there was no end to China.

Zun Anxianjun took all the big demonstrators, slowly dissipated, only black clouds were condensed in the original.

His eyes flashed a touch of mean, and then recovered.

In front of fish Yao, he slowly lifted the right palm, and a chaotic chain was explored from the palm of the palm, and the binding fish Yaoo.

The contest has collapsed, she has no fight, and the emperor is already shattered.

"Let the air transportation in me, I will live well for you." The corner of the black clouds rang the arc, and the chain chain begins to eaten her gas.

At this time, Jiang Zhiyan returned, and the meaning of clearing from the coma, only the strength of the power is too weak, and the fairy is still coma.

They glanced each other, then nodded, although they were still bound by the chaotic chain, simple actions can be made.

After making a decision, they quickly escaped, and clearly looked at the coma, the heart couldn't bear, and finally bite, with her ready to leave.

However, the sound of the clouds of the black clouds sound, "I want to go? Let me leave me!"

After the words, the four mixed chains came, and they could catch them and dragged to the black cloud.

"You are all in me." He smiled, and the chaotic chain directly absorbed.

Jiang Yuyan returned, and the cleaning and supporting were painful. Their gas transportation had already been swallowed by the fish Yao, and now they are swallowed, almost only the road.

"Their air transport is already absorbed by me before, let them leave, my gas transport is all."

Long hair is scattered, and the fish Yao, which is no longer, suddenly says softly.

Black cloud, then laugh, "false compassion? Now you are all in my hands, still talking about? I have to!"

Fish Yao no longer talk, looked up and looked at them, and it turned down.

Jiang Yuyan returned, and the Qing Dynasty and didn't make it, and it has been unable to return to the sky.

Thoroughly, it seems to be their final home.

Black cloud is completely mad, a quadrant, the three nine-to-large Damadam, has been held in his hand.

The idea is unlamped!

At this moment, the whole of the silence is overwhelmed by the chaotic breath, and the endless chaotic chain cover is off.

When he didn't pay attention, the silence is quiet, and he has no extreme, and it is quietly excluded.

And this cold is too much, like it is accessible since nine days.

When black cloud, when they have aware of it.

That one bit of cold, I have already shaded the world, the vast bloom.

That is a sword!

As with hundreds of millions of tassels, every sword will be easily cut.

In each party, there is a god mountain, and in the top, there will be a seven-white sword.

When the seven-white sword is completely bloom, even the big day is awkward.

At this moment, among the entire silence, it is like a shadrous grass, and it is not straightforward.

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