Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5016? Emperor

This sword is too Hao Sheng, and every sword is easy to clear the chaotic breath, and then let go.

The worst and pure giant force broke out.

The dark clouds suddenly slept, even if he was a quasi, but in the face of this sword, only the big terror of life and death!

He feels easy to feel that if you don't retreat, this sword will inevitably make him hit hard, even fell!

But how can he let go face the arrival of the emperor?


The black clouds, the next moment, try to drag the chain, drag the fish Yao together.

However, fish Yao suddenly held the chain chain in the body, smiled, exhausted to drag him into the sword!

Billion of the swords are intertwined, with the meaning of crispy and swords, it is completely accessible.

At this moment, the eternal and silence is empty, only the sword is very angry.

Everything is over.

Fish Yao clamps the black clouds, and is exposed to the swords, there is no meaning of the meaning.

Only the sound of the black clouds continued, soon they were swallowed.

Jiang Yuyan returned, the meaning and the shake are close to the double eyes, listen to the life.

The sword is eternal.

This will have an eternal ignition of the macro the macro, lasted for a quite long time.

When the swords are dissipated, Jiang Zhenqi is returned, and it will open the double eye and then shocked.

In front of them, the sword is unparalleled.

He naked his chest, and the vectors were raised and the ink unknown breath was wrapped, and the emperor's breath was completely different, but more deep.

They watched the throat.

"I am late, you are waiting for a while."

The sword has no doubles, and then slows down.

As he turned, the ink gas whispering in the whole body was turned.

The sword is scattered, the black clouds lift the chest, spit out the blood, and the broken emperor.

At that moment, fish Yao, who is sorted, is harves more serious, and the whole fairy is almost completely broken. The blood has been running, and only the emperor is supporting her.

Seeing the people are swords, there is no pair, and the fish Yao's eyes are not confident, and a touch of relief is difficult.

Black cloud is horrified, thoroughly horror.

He didn't think about it at all, and the dream will return again and come with an unimaginable situation.

Black cloud slips, he can feel, this time the sword is unparalleled, still terrible.

The flow of ink is in the shakes of the ink, and the sword is unilatered.

This scene, let the black cloud send the tremor, so the past is like again.

Before the end of the year, the truth that only took him with a slap in the face of him. At the beginning, it appeared like this. It was indifferent to the eyes, with no air transport, it was easy to destroy a heaven.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled to him, such as the same.

"No, no, everything is nothing to do with me, I haven't done anything, you have to find her, everything is her!"

Black Cloud is frightened, and you will not take care of any face.

I have seen it almost horrible, I want to fell to the ground, fish Yao is somewhat surprised. I know that the emperor raises his hand to kill nine to the big Danadian is a relaxing thing, why will he fear a small Division?

What's more, this little fairy is in her hand.

Although the sword is unparalleled, the fish Yao is shocked, but this does not mean that she will fear.

So she felt that her abnormal performance of the black cloud.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled to laugh, the sound is indifferent, "What you have done, you have two, there is one, no one wants to leave."

The black cloud is immersed, it seems that the fate has been fixed.

The eyes moved from the black cloud, and he looked at fish Yao.

The four eyes is relatively, the sword is only in the eyes of icy and the murderous killing.

Yao inexplicably felt the cold, at the same time, she was found that the breath that he was emitted, it could not be the Dano!

"Hey, don't be stunned, I want to die today, I will join hands as soon as possible!" Black cloud trembled low channels.

Fish Yao is ignored at all, and even feels absurd.

A small Deman, can you scare a quadger?

"Say, you don't join your hand in the end?" Black Cloud rushed.

"Rolling!" Yu Yao looked at him, and it suddenly condensed a handle of Hongmeng.

She has changed the mentality of death, only endless killings.

It's been angry, but the black cloud is not anger, but it is surprising that there is an unexpected point, which is what he wants to see.

Once they fight, I can leave yourself!

Thinking of this, the black cloud has quietly retired.

Once again, the fish Yao, who has become an emperor, the sword is not a double, and it is not afraid, only contempt.

Yao Yao is not self-satisfied with jam and endless killing.

The sword is also at this moment, quietly condenses the invisible sword.

This time, the invisible sword is no longer invisible, but in the case, the meaning of Yumin, deep and exciting.

The ink green invisible sword, the sword pointed to the fish Yao, he said calmly, "Today, I only have a purpose, that is, kill you here."

She only felt ridiculous, a Danan who died in her hands soon, actually said this kind of mason.

"Although I don't know how you live, you will appear in front of me today, you will inevitably fall in me."

Yu Yao said coldly, no endless Hong Kong killing completely broke out.

The sword is unparalleled, and has always been a golden color in the past. At this moment, he quietly turned into the dark blue.

A deep-sorple breath, completely burst into his body.

This is an unprecedented, and deep breath, it is very different from previous, but it is full.

Black clouds have been nervous, he can feel the changes in swords, so it's horrified.

This time, it is more gloomy and tyranny, full of cold and cold.

The black cloud has a kind of intuitive, if you don't run away in a moment they make friends, I am afraid I have no chance to escape.

Thinking of this, he is already in ordering.

The fish Yao also gone to the extreme, facing the sword unparalleled, she held Hongmeng's true sword, and did not hesitate to go!

'Is now, run! '

The black cloud did not hesitate, in the moment they handed over, the figure was completely dissipated, crazy fled.

In the face of this ventilation, the sword is unparalleled, and then the hands hold the sword, and it is clear and written.

The ink cyan sword, built a dark blue sword in the silence of the void, and the storm is directly in the moment!

At this moment, under this Youth Jian, even the silence is unable to be opened.

Hongmeng Purple, I have gone on hundreds of millions of ink.

Such as damask tear, the sky is broken, and there is no hangage, no suspense is blocked.

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