Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5017? A sword is destroyed fish Yao

Hongmeng Purple is crushed, and it has become a hundred million flow.

And the young sword will not be reduced, directly to fish Yao.

It is unable to say that she is shocked, she is almost I want to think, and the Hongmeng Zhen Sword will block in front of him.


The crisp and pleasant sword is slightly passed, and the moment is completely disappeared.

Hong Meng is completely broken, and Mo Qing Jian is invisible, everything is like never appeared.

But the next moment, the long hair in the left and ear of the fish Yao was uniform, and the Hongmeng Zhenjian in front of him, and quietly slammed into two paragraphs!

The sword is in a sword, I will force an excision to this!

Yao Yao is completely shocked. She didn't dare to confuse, and they were previously easily obliterated by themselves. Why now give her a feeling of impairment?

The black clouds who are fighting, naturally, they also take this scene in their eyes. Seeing that fish Yao is almost crushed, can't help but smile.

But when he turned his head, it was a horrified discovery that the front road was actually blocked by a junk junction!

The toughness of the layer, such as the same layer of blue-colored feathers, and it is extreme.

A witch away from his horns, he suddenly wake up, the original sword is unparalleled in the moment, there is no intention to let them leave.

With the sword and sword, the sword at this moment is unparalleled, and the double eyes are completely replaced by the ink, and the whole body has a strong potential.

He used the six red emperor to stay in the mind, and the last six Dao Dijun.

The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor.

Thanks to the weird characteristics of the immortality, the sword is unparalleled almost perfectly absorbed and fits any emperor, and can play all the power.

The previous Zhenwu Emperor's luck, and the current six red luck, it is fully played in his body.

This is really horrible, so that even the sword is unparalleled, it is unclear, and he is just a peak, but now it is, but it is now a battle ...

I came back from the shock, and the fish Yao looks complicated to him.

The sword is unparalleled to talk to her, one is so poisolic, let all the guys who follow her Danadian go to death, even if they become an emperor, there will only be one.


Holding the sword of the ink, this moment, thousands of swords will be attributed to one.

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, the second style.


The Tianhe rushed from the eternal silence and unity, and hundreds of millions of swords were condensed and became a super sword.

Different in the past, this time the Jianhe and the sea are general, full of death, essay and ridiculous.

It's like never extinguishing from ancient times.

This sword exceeds the realm and cannot say it.

The fish Yao also finally knew why the black cloud would be so lost.

Because this sword variable is too big.

It is too late to think that fish Yao directly moved out of Hongmeng Xianfang, and it also condenses a handle of Hongmeng Specling!

Torture is relatively, inch is now!

The mixed black sky rolls come, and the entire Hongmeng Xianxing is swallowed in an instant.

Fish Yao in the central fairy in the heart of the fairy, only felt the darkness in your eyes, no other color.

What happened, she didn't dare to confident, this is firm to let the black clouds have no way to break the fairy array, actually in the instability of the collision, and break countless fine fractures.

Broken only in a moment!

The black sword river roaring, completely shredning the Hongmeng Xianfang, swallowing fish Yao.

Yao Yao can no longer be kept, hand-held, Hung Meng Spear, stabbed to the sword with a spear.

In an instant, the crazy Pentium's Sword River was divided into two halves from the middle.

The fish Yao in the center of the sword is in the center of the Central Tide.

The Jian River seems to endless, swallowing her mind at a little bit.

She is hard to support, and the arm fuse holders is even more powerful.

At the time of fishing, the endless swords river suddenly dissipated.

However, she doesn't wait for her. The end of the Jianhe final, the sword is unhappy, and the sword is, like ghost, quietly appears!

A sword before the thorn, the fish Yao's consciousness waters the vibration violating.

The chaotic emperor that even the black clouds can destroy the ruins of Hongmeng, which seems to have lost the charm at this moment.

The sword tip is easy to break the tip, and the pretty should not be adjusted.

The whole handle broke the lotus viomar in inch, and flew together, there were the right arm of fish Yao.


A thinner voice is slightly sound, and everything is too silent.

She only felt a painful pain that could not stand it, then bowed to see.

A slightly ink, piercing from the right rib, throughout the whole fairy.

God blood is poured from the wound and sprinkles false.

The emperor broke, and her whole right arm disappeared.

Under this joy, fish Yao defeated a collapsed place.

Her eyes are still revealed, and the blood flows from the mouth.

After the sword is unparalleled, I will refund, my eyes are still cold.

"For, why, how do you do it, you are just a Deman ..."

Fish Yao said with pain, she felt that the emperor in the fairy is moving in the speed of flying.

The sword is unparalleled without answering her, and the eyes are still contemptuous.

It is followed by a sound from nine days to come.

" -"

Then, behind the swords, there is a huge totem that is made by the ink, and considers.

That totem is huge and full of pressure, only one chasing bird is depicted in the entire totem.

That chasing bird is like a flow of clouds, ink Qingqing, the first hexagon, wearing Wan Yu, and is full of stunning.

With this huge totem, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a breath that has never appeared.

The fish Yao is suddenly round, and the figure is behind.

She knows what the kind of breath is representative, but because of this is shocked.

That is, emperor is lucky!

A Dynamic, will it have an emperor? !

For a long time, she is bitter, "Why do you have emperor?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a calm, "Is it my hands, or your self?"

Yao Yao, but she already knows the meaning of the sword.

It is relatively speechless that she knows that everything is weak.

Just a sword, let your fairy break, fish Yao can't think of how to resist.

"The ridiculous, it is too ridiculous, I am not more craving emperor, but I have given me a result."

She tears, the fairy is withered at this moment.

"I regret."

"I know today, what is the original?" Rare, the sword is unparalleled to tell her this sentence.

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