Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5018? Another paragraph

The sword is unparalleled to her only, there is no half a compassion.

And she didn't have a pity, even if she had regretted, but everything has been unable to return to the sky, nothing can't change.

If the star river fairy has not been opened, will everything will happen?

No if it is that it is a consideration.

In the integration of the Liuqing sword that the Luojun Junjun is transported, it is already a dust in her fairy.

Even if fish Yao rebells, the sword is unparalleled, there will be several ways to make it.

And the sword is unparalleled and not worried about her rebellion, because the heart is born, no one can save her.

Next, it is self-sufficiency.

"You are variables. When you came to three or five, I felt some changes in the meditation."

Yao Yao has brought a god blood, the momentum has been weak, "But I didn't think that the direction of things eventually went to the opposite side."

"Now I discover, even if you master the emperor, you will be taken away by the disaster in the mortal, not your own, it is not your own."

"My emperor will return to you, let's take it."

After she finished this last sentence, she didn't open it, but she released her own emperor's luck. The sword was unparalleled.

And the sword is not a double brow, waving, abandoning this emperor.

"I don't want, you can self-solve it."

The fish Yao is shackled, and it has a mood in his eyes.

"Okay, then I can self-solve!"

I finished this last sentence, she didn't stay, directly self-solving their own emperor!

In an instant, the long wind flows, and the eternal is quiet.

But the scene of destroying the land is not appearing again, and the long wind sweeps the hundreds of millions of miles, and it is quiet.

Hongmeng Purple is self-solving, completely attributable to void.

Yao Yao did not make other actions, and they will die.

The sword is unparalleled to stand in front of her, calm look at this scene.

It is also an exclusive emperor who is in front of him, and he doesn't know what to feel, no happiness.

All this should have not had anything else, but it is eventually contracted.

As I first in the Salvine Cave, Sha Qing put him into the blood sea and contaminated the unknown cause.

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't help but.

Then, the simple armed of the air wheel under the blood sea has also emerged.

Every starting seems to end, but it seems to have never ended.

With the continuous dissipation of the emperor, the fairy body of the fish Yao is also transparent.

Then she suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no pair of swords.

"If you want to leave here, the Tianmen of the Three Five-Year Heavenness is indeed the most weak place in the whole, this, I have never cheated you."

She will be alone, their words are good.

The sword is unhappy and slow.

Yao Yao also said, "In fact, when I finally opened the star river in the fairy battle, I have changed my thoughts in an instant, but I finally didn't live in temptation."

I heard her speech, the sword was unparalleled, I knew that this is her final redemption.

After the last sentence, the fairy of the fish Yao was completely broken because there was no support of the emperor.

Endless Hong Kong Ziyi dissipates, which is filled in the whole silence, as if there has never been there.

The sword is unparalleled to raise his hand to return to the dark sword, and it will stand up.

"Dead, dead?"

Jiang Yuyan returned, Esseng and Fu Xiangjun came to the sword without double, and some shockedly looked at the place where I was disappeared.

They all witnessed this battle, and they have not returned from the shock.

The sword is unparall, flashing from the bottom of the eyes, it is just that the emperor's emperor absorbed from the sixth cavity is not he can control, if you continue, I am afraid that his fairy will collapse. .

But he still does not intend to scatter the luck of the sixth and the emperor, because there is still something that is not done.

Zhiliyao's self-explanation, completely felt, and Hongmeng Puji is full.

The sword is unparalleled, why didn't leave it, but followed by the disappearance of fish Yao, and ligated.

It is rich to be almost unhappy, and wrapped in a cyan.

He is watching, "Is it another emperor bone?"

It seems to be induced, those who are in the air, the shackles, directly to the emperor, come to the sword, no, no.

The emperor bones are one of the thorough differences between the emperor and the Daiyan. Once they are condensed out of the Jun bones, then they taste the emperor all the way.

Nothing is the meaning of Hongmeng, smelling the strong breath of the sword, and sincere surrequinked in front of him, the emperor of the fish Yao is presented.

The sword is unparalleled in the past, and the emperor is not accepted, and now I don't want to accept this emperor bone.

Although this emperor is a symbol of the governor, with an unimaginable trend, it seems that there is no role in him.

After thinking, the sword is unparalleled in the end, but decided to accept this emperor bone.

After reaching out, the emperor of Hongmeng Ziyi fell into the palm.

It is a very different feeling with the warmth of the black cloud.

This is a hot salamio, the less big Damadam knows the more security.

Nowadays, there are two emperor bones in the sword.

Although this emperor is not used, he finally decided to leave.

After taking the fish Yao's emperor bone into the Yangtze River bottle, he took out several Quanjin's Dan Pills, and distributed to Jiang Zhiyan to return them.

Although it is still unable to restore itself, it has been completely stable after taking the Dan Pill of the Emperor, but it is just a matter of time.

The sword is unparalleled, still caught in touch with it, then he looks at the distance.

There is still trouble that has not been released, and what he has to do is to release the last trouble.

The road to be blocked by some kind of black feather junction, and the black cloud has been panicked.

In addition, he witnessed the emperor's self-explanation, and it was extremely desperate.

He is crazy and raises the chaos, trying to open the rinse.

But the dark black feathers of this ink, the Hongmeng Xianquan is still strong than the fish Yao, and he can't open it.

Feel the back of the cold, the black cloud stopped the movements in his hand, slowly turned around.

That is like a dream of the general, when I stand behind him, I laughed and smiled at him.

"You, you have killed me once, my emperor has been taken out, there is no reason to kill me again."

Deeply suck one breath, the black clouds said.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyebrows are slightly lifted, "Oh, is it, but why you will live, I remember that you have completely felt."

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