Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5019? Real Supreme Temple

The black clouds are trembled. He felt the killing of cold and cold from the sword.

"You, what do you mean?"

"Nothing means, it is to let you die." The sword is unparalleled, and the ink Qingjian will re-condense.

Feel the breath, black and clouds are shocked, he wants to do it, flying directly.

"Want to go?"

The sword is unparalleled, there is no stop, a sword is connected!

In an instant, the virtual is unsatched, and it is impossible to imagine the sword, the crunch is out, and the back is behind the black cloud.


Under this sword, his figure directly broke into countless fragments.

However, the sword is unparalleled, it doesn't think that the black cloud will die so simple. It was a special existence of him. The role of the fairy is almost minimal.

Sure enough, while the fairy is broken, it has differentiated hundreds of black clouds in an instant. He looks back to the sword unparalleled, and then fly in the four wild.

See this situation, Jiang Zhenqi is quite anxious, but it doesn't help why, this level of the emperor, once you want to escape, no one can stop.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but he has differentiated hundreds of black clouds, he is still not worried.

Next moment, he reached out, and a layer of unmetable Yutan black feather junction was covered.

The black clouds who fled the road, all hit it in the comments, became a bluff, only the real black clouds were gloomy.

Going to the road is completely blocked, the sword has no double iron, he wants him to die!

The black clouds are gloomy, turning around and watching the sword that has arrived, the cold says, "Do you really think me?"

"Isn't it?" The sword looked at him without a passion.

He smiled, "Although I don't know how you have the emperor, I can see that you are still just a little Division. If I want to consume it with you, will I lose you? ? "

"Then I want to see how you will die." The sword laughed.

The fight of sleepy beasts, has to fight, once defeated, only death.

At this moment, the black cloud will be bloody.

At this moment, the vastness of the chaos is completely covered with the entire black feather.

One party super chaos appeared in the top of the black cloud, the whole of the silence is unfair to completely dark.

In order not to worry, the sword is unparalleled, and the river will come back to Yan, and clear and support.

At this moment, only them in the comic circle.

Black Cloud took the lead in shot. For the first hand, he took the first hand, he directly manipulated the chaos of the emperor to sword.

Almost occupying a chaotic emperor of the whole black feathers, too terrible, even the sword of the emperor, the sword of the emperor, can't be underestimated.

You must know that he is just a peak-to-peak, a little accident, will fall on the spot.

So when I saw the chaos flying, the sword did not have a sword, and she did not dare to pay.

Unparalleled road, star river sea sword, first style.


Pingping is not a sword, but it is shocked by the world.

This sword makes the silence of inevitably, and thousands of ink rums are coming out.

The two collided, the super chaos emperor was shocked, and then the endless chaos were thrown.

The black cloud is shocked, just under this confrontation, the emperor is shattered, and the desire is rushing.

He slammed his teeth, and the fairy was running again out of the endless chaos, bounced on the emperor.

The breath is too beautiful, so that the Jiang Ziyan returned to the black feather junction.

"Unparalleled, there will be no matter what to do." Yan Qi is tense.

"It should not be, there is nothing in the air, it is too much." Jiang said, "If you don't have a message, everything will be settled."

In the black feathers, the general trend has ended.

The chaotic emperor is gone, there is only the eternal silence.

The sword has no double sword, and it is lightly looking forward.

The black clouds are slightly, the chaos is under the sword, and the seven seven eight eight.

A strange black blood overflows from his mouth.

"It's time, is it I have to do, or you are self-explaining?" The sword didn't say a little calm, but the voice was full of unpalatable.

The black cloud is low, he already knows that he is impossible to win under the kind of air transport.

The ending still has only one.

But immediately he still smiled, "I self-sufficiency! Do you think you can force me to enter the desperation?"

The sword is not double-finished, and the Totem that suddenly covers the sky behind it.

This totem appears, the chaos in the entire black feathers are clear!

That is a chasing bird!

It is a six-corner of his head, wearing a lot of clouds, and Huanghuang can't look straight.

Even the silence is unable to withstand it, and it is beginning to collapse.

With this totem, it is also a friend who came back from the sword.

At one hit, the emperor, reflecting the top of the world, and each Ye Liang Yu seems to have a small world, which contains infinite power.

This is a true emperor!

Without any big Dawa, he can see his true face, he seems to come out from the ancients and come here.

He quietly set out in the sword without double, with the huge charting picture.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled and closed, quietly opened, and hundreds of thousands of Mo Qing's intention.

Not only that, but the emperor who is not straightforward behind him, he opened his eyes at this moment.

The sea is low, the universe collapses, all under him.

The black cloud has even forgot to escape, and the moment is almost in this sea.

Almost at the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the breath is also very wild.

This is the real strength of the sixth romance, just the first style, and let the sword have a murdered idiots.

And this first type he could not make it, which was used in this style with the air transport of the Liu Di Dijun.

He can't practice the sixth romance, because the minimum should be nine to the big Damai, is qualified ...

Virtual Huanghuang, this breath has continued for a considerable length of time to slow down.

The whole void has been completely spit, and the unbeatable sea is unknown to collapse.

Eternal is quiet, only one of the cavity is flowing.

Still standing, only sword is unparalleled.

Black clouds have been completely destroyed, and they have never left it.

Everything is already in the air.

The sword is unparalleled, and he feels dissipated in the body.

If you don't die, you will start to break.

Different emperors of different emperors in a row, his fairy is like a container, which is about to break.

He is pale, palms touching the bang bottle.

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