Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5020? Tianmen Fighting

Take nearly 20 Dijin Dan Pills, the sword is unparalleled directly into the entrance.

Broken fairy is better.

The drug effect of twenty emilings Dan Pill is calm to offset the use of the emperor.

If there is no emperor Dan Pill, I am afraid that this sword is unbearable will completely.

"How, strict is not serious?" He stepped forward, and he said.

"There is no big matter, but I am afraid that I am weak for a while." He smiled.

"Yes, everything is over, you are also a good time." Yan returned to his shoulders.

The sword is no longer, everything is true, and the two arrivals have already gone, and there is no obstacle.

The next thing is to leave the sea.

The sword is unhappy slowly, and it doesn't look at the distant defenses.

At this moment, they did not notice that the silence behind him suddenly rushed to the layers, and then came out from them.

Next, the two stones suddenly violently, and I took the way to get wrapped around the elite, and Fu Xianjun.

It's not too much to prevent it.

When the sword is unparalleled, the two body has dragged and put the clear and support, and the endless front.

"court death!"

The sword is unparalleled and low, and the figure is in front of it, and the Jiangzhi is still following it.

The shared a total of seven shapes, which became a madness of the sky.

When the two stones that drag and support, the familiar scenes let the sword have stopped the body.

The sky is still broken, but only in the center of the broken day, an almost completely crushing day is reflected in the eye.

Here, it is the site of the three-five heavens, and it is also a place where the fish Yaokeng kills demonstrates.

"Fog double, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Suddenly, from the two seem to be shrouded in the figure in the fog, there was such a sound.

Then, the fog is slowly dissipated, and the two shapes have revealed.

The sword is unparalleled to look at this scene.

The two body shapes are actually the young emperor who is far from him!

They once again, let the sword have no double feeling a variety of mood changes.

The side is very popular, and only the cold killing is left to his gaze.

And that young emperor is responsible, and it is interested in looking at this scene.

"It's all coming, it seems that the good play will be staged soon."

The sound fell, the young emperor smiled, and then extended a pale and bloodless palm.

With his palm of his palm, the virtual sudden suddenly returns hundreds of millions of small dust.

Then a figure is re-condensed.

Black cloud!

At this moment, even the sword is unparalleled, and the black cloud that has been completely obliterated has recovered again, which is unimaginable.

He slowly opened his eyes, first confused, and later big.

"I, can you live ?!"

If you collect your palm, the young emperor is more pale. He glanced at the black cloud, then whispered, "Don't be happy too early, your enemy, now in front of you."

Black cloud, then look at the sword with the sword, suddenly tremble, only the situation is affected in the eyes.

He has not yet from the terrible destruction. At this moment, he will see the sword and unparalleled, almost even standing is unstable.

This two times kill him, and the Danadian of the emperor bone has become the most terrible dream of his heart.

Close the black clouds in the eyes of youth, can't help but show a disgust, then he cold, "this time your task is to kill any big Divide you see, otherwise your end, It is clear. "

Black clouds heard, showing a bitterness, "I tried my best."

It is no longer to pay attention to him, and the young emperor will reveal again, "Zi Yuan, they will give you."

"No, I just want him!" The side is far from the sound, and the palm is not a sword.

He nodded, "So just start."

The familiar confusion is instant, and although the black cloud has been frightened, he still chooses to fight.

At this moment, the side is far away, and only swords are unparalleled in the eyes.

"Let them, I will fight with you."

The sword has no double cold voice.

"Are you talking to me?" He smiled coldly, "" You can get it! "

His words, the endless and exquisite fog raised up, and the most of the voids will be blocked.

Jiang Zhiyan bite the teeth, the gas transport is all, although the realm and the delay are still in the peak, it is absolutely less than one.

In the face of black clouds, they have not arhered.

At this moment, the emperor of the sword has also dissipated, and the strength is also weakened to a certain level.

Without the emperor, he had a three-air transport, and he only had a war with six Tung Dawei.

Since the black cloud has been scared by the sword, it is not daring to rank, only releases the chaos in the rear to use it as interference.

This undoubtedly gives the sword. There is no chance to breathe.

His fairy has been overlotted, but it is still biting the teeth released no simplicity.

Along with no my shadow, the sword is unparalleled and strong supporting the three air transport.

However, there is no wait for him to carry three air transport, as far as the ghost is far away, it has already rushed over.

A boxing is heavy, as if the Million of Xianshan Shenfeng is coming.

The sword is unparalleled to resist, but it is suddenly retired!

The feet plowed the gap in the void, and he barely stopped the body, and his blood was tumbling.

The remaining breath seems to have changed!

The sword is unparalleled. In the previous battle, the head is a six-turn, and he is finally killed by the three air transport.

And the side of the recovery is far away, give him an extremely quirky feel, the realm is also unpredictable.

Jiang Zhi Yanqi to see the sword is not a double, and I am going to get forward, but I have been to the black cloud that I have arrived.

"I am very hungry, let's stay."

The black cloud is low and low, and only greed is left in the eyes.

On the ruins of the three-five heavens, under the broken space, a war broke out.

From nine-to-large derivative, let the void are more violent, and the space above the void once again produces fine cracks.

Waving everything that has a derivation fluctuating, his face is pale and yin, and then looks at the meaning and support of the side.

"You are very good, do what the messenger under our seat, as a return, I will take you away from the sea."

He smiled slightly, and his eyes were full of strange confusion.

Clear and get angry, and look at him coldly.

As a Tianjiao from that ancient times, he has his own pride.

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