Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5021? Big behemoth and old sheep

In the face of this unpredictable emperor, if there is no exhaustion, even if he fights for the bow, it is necessary to give its thunder.

"How?" The youth emperor asked in faintly, just like already settled.

Cold and see him, when you are ready to break, the support suddenly opens, "I promise you."

"Well?" The emperor was confused, and it was very surprised to look at her.

"I said, I am willing," said that he will take a deep breath.

He smiled, "Not bad, very much time, this is wise."

Then, the support is said, "However, you have to promise me a condition, put him, I am enough than his value,"

The young emperor heard the words, and the posture has been interested, "the value of several times? He but the nine turn to the big Damai, and you are just six turn, how many times?"

"Of course, there are several times worth, his air transport is already exhausted, I want to completely restore, I am afraid that countless years, and I am full of gas, and I can break through higher realm."

"Not only that, I am also the Lord of the day, control hundreds of big Damai, whether the value is several times for him?"

Said the coagulation, calmly looked at him.

The eyebrows of the young emperor are tight. He seems to be touched by the speech that is shaken, and the eye is clear and clear, and take a closer look.

The else can't say that you can't say it, set it to her.

"Sure enough, the air transport has been exhausted." The young emperor sorry, and finally looked up and focusing, "You, very good, you said the condition, I should go."

The shake is slightly shaved, and the face is slightly white, "Okay."

He also did not hesitate, waving to withdraw the deraillation of the body.

"I didn't change it before, I left." The young emperor said, "You should thank this girl, or I will never let you leave."

Clear and clear.

Hold the last smile and then recovered calm.

"Let's leave, your companions seem to have not held it." He said.

In the end, the clenched teeth leaving.

But almost at the same time, in the face of his back, the young emperor took a palm.

The endless folk delay is bursting, and the back of the elongated

"Equity!" Helping is incredible, and it is shocked.

She wanted to pay, but they were reached out by the young emperor. "He won't do something, I didn't cause him to die, I just made him sleep."

As his voice falls, the deep and long-never-sea, suddenly jumped up a million huge beast!

It has nine of the head like a big day, and the head is directly swallowed into the mouth, and then it is worse in the sea area.

Seeing this scene, the young emperor's eyes are deep, and the look of satisfaction.

There is no peers of the sea, and they have the ancient beasts of Dagan, they have a sky-clearing, usually under the sea area, I don't know when I wake up.

At the moment, it is clear by the ancient beast, and he is the best situation.

Above these three-five-day ruins, under the broken space, the fierce battle continues.

The fierce sword is unparalleled, and he even can't bear the three air transport. Their two battles of the two battles, even beyond the battle of Jiang Zhen and Black Cloud.

God blood is sprinkled, and it is eternal.


"Don't swallow him into your belly!"

Under the sea, it is deep and ridiculous, as if the universe is void, and it is boundless.

In this, a huge beast is in the deep sea, and its weeks are surging a strange color, isolated on the erosion of seawater.

On the most central hidden head of nine heads, a old man wearing a slutted horses, the arms hit the eyebrow bones of it, squatted on its head, said that the sentence.

This giant behemoth scornful smile, nine large-scale heads.

"Are you taught me?"

The old man smiles, "I don't dare, I don't dare, I just said that this big Damai is my favorite companion."

The huge behemoth nine big days were qi gathered a rose, then the most in the middle of the head, spit out a broken body.

The old man quickly took the foot and then took a breath.

"I hate the taste of him, I am very similar to me, but my death is dead, this is not far from death."

The behemoth has some embarrassment.

"Broken, it seems that it is really a bit." The old man has changed, because this moment is clear from the broken fairy, and even the delay cannot be operated.

The behemoth did not worry, "" like them can't die, I have left a leading to a layer, I won't do it. "

It is a long-awaited transparent mucus, which will become a completely complete package.

The old man quickly calmed down because he found that the faint atmosphere of the cleverness was slowly improved.

He grows up, "Soon, the benefactor has no worries."

Drake under the lonely sea area, the behemoth is also the way, "I am a head, it is chopped by your benefactor."

The old man's mouth convulsions, "Yes, is it, my benevolent temper is a bit bad."


Become an eternal and quiet void, endless florencer, as if you have dicked all the ancient battlefield.

Jiang Zhenqi back two swords, it is already strong, and they can insist on the black cloud in the black cloud. It is already a thing that cannot be imagined.

Although Black Clouds were taken out of the emperor bones by swords, they did twice, but after the resurrection, the strength was still in the peak.

Without clamping, he became the most terrible existence of this whole battlefield.

Under the madness of the son, the sword has no double seven defending, almost the fairy of the emperor, has already appeared in the sequelae.

He can't even use the delay, even the swords can not be released.

"Are you not very powerful, take it out of the momentum of the emperor!" There is only a crazy in the eyes, and a punch is on the chest of the sword. "How is it so weak? "

"In this case, then you die in my hands, let's take it flat."

There is a punch that contains endless derivation, and the sword is not a double!

He could not resist, and he can only fly out of the fairy.

"Boom !!"

Unparalleled giant sounds, the sword is unparalleled, the fairy body is heavy on the sky.

Cracks become more fine and increased ...

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