Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5022? Tianmen Crushed

At this moment, the eyebrows of the youth emperor were fluctuated!

He knows that there is no one, and the sky of the Chinese New Year is turned out.

His heart is like a drum.

"Cough ..."

It's low to cough up a sly blood, the sword is unparalleled, and the chest is already depressed.

He was completely hollowed by the emperor of the emperor, and his face was far more than a battle.

A cloudy, the sturdy breath is diffused in the entire void.

The son is far from the front and comes to him.

Endless exquisite fog is also completely complete.

"Is your self-destruction, or I want to do it?" The side is far overcast and said.

Run your hand and wipe the mouth of the mouth, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no sadness, "you, no."

He heard the words, the face was instantly cold.

From the beginning to the end, the sword was unparalleled, and he didn't even be an opponent.

A small fairy, in the white bones under the blood river, almost sweeping all enemies, killing dozens of opponents.

This impossible gesture makes the side far deep fear and embarrassment.

The best way to solve the fear and embarrassment of the heart is to destroy it from the root!

The exquisite water fog has become completely violent, and it is enough to rush the heavens to the extension of the extension of the end of the foot.

Behind the side of the side, carrying thousands of heroes, with a water mist.

Billion million spray is condensed, almost improving the whole virtual water mist, open the real purpose.

The true eye is red, with pure killing.

"Dead, I will never forget you." The side is very strange and smile, and then the double arm is heavy.

Along with the arms shake, the water mist will open the 10 hand to the palm, and the sink is unparalleled.

So under the broken sky, the sword is unparalleled to prevent terrible damage.

It belongs to the true strength of the sixth transmissions, bombardment, even if it is not dead, the fairy is not enough to have some tolerate.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled twice, and he has been weak. If he is not a sword, there is a thousand times.


At this moment, even the silence is imperfect, there is no tremor, and the sword of the strong is unmovable. It can only suffer the pain brought about by every hit.

His fairy is embedded in the sky, and the son is far from the bombardment of the water mist, a punch.

If you don't die, you will not die, you have been completely smashed, and the fairy bones broke into the powder. If it is not nine-day clothes, the sword is unbeaten, the fairy is completely dismembered.

With a punch, the crack on the sky is increased, and it is almost a hidden crushing.

The emperor who is far away is like a drum, he smells a breath fluctuation that does not belong to the sea.

That kind of breath fluctuates, when he is not exiled, the sea is a lot of breath.

That is the outside world!

After the day, it is an outside world!

"Fast, Ziyuan, full force to open the world!" Because it is too excited, the voice of the young emperor is hoarse.

However, only the heart of the sword is far from killing the sword, but I didn't hear other sounds at all, just killing.

A sword, quietly appeared behind him, then crazy discharged down.


The sound of the heavens and the earth, the golden iron fiber, the unparalleled sword, cut off the right arm of the water mist, and the wandering is not reduced to the side.

He has been crazy, and there is no movement after the fierce, waiting for the reaction to come over, his entire right arm is already completely cut off.

"Hey !!"

The son is far away, and the broken arm is retired.

Jiang Zhiyi Hands held the sword, and the eyes of the pole are indifferent. "You move him again, there is no burial!"

A large number of gods were spirated from the fingers, and the side of the side was convulsted. He found that the right arm of the broken right actually could not heal.

He slowly retreat, and it has been known that the unstead of the river.

Looking at Jiangzheng, the red side, Yan returned to the slightest stay ready to go to the sword.

But how can I say that after he says it, I will go straight to the sword without pulling him.

On the darkness of the black cloud, only crazy greed, air transport, emperor, emperor, and once again, he will inevitably visit the emperor in advance.

By then, who can block him?

The body-shaped is made of billions of chaos, and wanders around the sword.

The side is far away from this scene, anger, but he doesn't dare to say anything, because even if the black cloud is not good, it is also the emperor, it is as simple as the crushing of him.

It is deeply hate to swallow the heart, and he will continue to confront to Jiang.

The sky is broken to the extreme, the black clouds are finally condensed in front of the sky, greed and crazy, have been embedded in the sky, like a bloody sword.

He feels clearly that the sword is unparalleled with a weakness, and it is difficult to have the power of the backhand.

Black cloud greedy, he no longer has any because Zhang Kai's mouth intends to swallow it directly into the abdomen.

But the next moment, the Tianmen depression, the two red gold golden mood scattered out, the sword is unparalleled, it is quietly opened!

The black cloud is somewhat scared directly in the void, there is no blood, and the two legs have been treated.

"The dirt is small, also dare to fight?"

The sword has no double sinks, there is no Shangwei.

The black cloud has no blood, slow retreat, "big, adult, I will leave, never be right to be with you."

"Quick!" Surplus.

Black clouds are busy nodding, and the figure is back.

Next moment, when he retired to a certain distance, suddenly smiled.

Then he lifted his arms directly, a huge chaos showed, and then he was ignored to the sky!

"Boom !!"

Eternal silence is unimportant, the chaos is embedded in the sky, and with the shape of the sword is unparalleled.

The black cloud is laughing, and the arms are high in chaos, and they are crazy into the world.

The Tianmen of the Ancient Years, at this moment, it makes up, and the new road of the newly born, the sky is about to break!

Youth emperor is difficult to cover up, struggling, "Tianmen cracks, just leave this without along the sea!"

The black cloud also smells that unusual breath fluctuations, so it is more crazy to sell the bangs.

The sky is more powerful, it seems that it is possible to completely open.

But the next moment, the difference is protruding!

The black clouds suddenly solidified, he found that the chaos were embedded in the sky, and they couldn't enter the half step!


Billion of the earth, suddenly broke out, instantly chaos the emperor, bombardment.

With the break of the emperor, there is also the dusty days of the ancient years.

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