Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5024? War of the Tenthorn Year

The original mad sword is unparalleled. At this moment, a pair of golden eyes are blew.

He seems to recall what it has, no rash.

The colorful rhyme is dissipated, which has been following the Zhenchang of the Zhenwu Yangdijun, mysterious to the extreme, even in the face of the sword who has been occupied by the true Wu Emperor, there is no fear.

After seeing his true capacity, Jiang Zhiyan rebounded all rounds, and there is a big fever in the eyes, but also muttered in the mouth, "Yu Chang ..."

Invisible and unenica collides with the real phase, the consequences of the consequences are only destroyed.

The sea has not been broken, and it has a fine crack.

Yu Chang saw it, waving the external channel behind him with an atmosphere, which made the sea to return to the sea.

The sword has no double eyes, unparalleled murderous bursts. "You are not afraid that I will stay here completely?"

"I am afraid, I will not come naturally." He said, sound peace, full of breathless.

"You really plan to fight with me?"

Yushang opened, "If you deal away from here, then this battle cannot be avoided."

The sword is unparalleled, and the corner of the mouth has hooked the radians, and the sound laughs later. "

"That battle will not have a victory." Yu Chang said softly. "I won't let you fall."

He heard the words, his face flashed a angry, "Do you despise me?"

Yushang Road, "Don't dare, but in order to true Wuyang Emperor, you can only stay here."

"You are looking for death!" The sword is unparalleled, "I will stay here today!"

He is finished, and the endless emperor is completely bursting, and the emperor that cannot be imagined is in the air.

Under this emperor, even the river from Yan's festival will feel the inconvenience, and the delay is almost unable to flow.

The reason why it is not dead and unsatisfactory, and the real Wu Emperor is completely released.

Emperor Wilong Huang, the excessive delay.

The sea-fashioned sea is the place where heaven is collapsed. If you exchange it, I am afraid he released the emperor's air transport, and it is possible to instantly erase thousands of skydoma.

True Wu Emperor is a real emperor, not like the black cloud, and fish Yao, just comploctified the emperor of the emperor.

Emperor is coming, let everything is embarrassed.

Yushang is not a wave, as if his face is not an emperor, but a hide friend.

"Yu Chang, I will pay yourself!"

The original sword is unparalleled, it is not there, and the real Wu Emperor will not die.

He said angry, the giant sounds were heavy.

At this moment, he was wrapped in the gathered of God, and he did not have a sadness of the true eye.

A hand is condensed by the emperor, purely to the ultimate long sword, and then be held in the palm of the palm, and the sword pointed to the Changchang.

"Please ask the Trinity of the Emperor." Yushang is negative and smiled slightly.

Zhen Wu Emperor Jun snorted, and his hands of the Junli sword directly.

In an instant, the eternal silence is unable to withstand, and it is completely distorted.

This seems to be a straightforward, but it contains the endless emperor, enough to let the emperor are silent under this sword.

In the face of this sword, Yu Chang stands in the same place, still there is no wave.

Next, he moved, the palm of the black robe was directly in front of him, and the time was in a deep, and the mirror is generally, it is condensed.

Then, the emperor is a sword, and it is covered by the weight.

The two collides and the strange scenes appeared.

This sword did not puncture, but did not enter the mirror, there is no trace of disappearance.

True Wu Emperor will not think that this hit can work, at the same time, he manipulates the sword unparalleled fairy.

The sword of the emperor, heavyweight.

In an instant, the horrible swordsman shocked.

The sword is divided into nine vertical, and each vertical is covered with the trend of Heaven, squeezing into Yuchang.

Emperor brilliant.

At this moment, Yu Chang's whisper has quietly swayed a mysterious black pattern, full of ridiculous, looking ancient breath.

That kind of breath, even the big Damai saw a look, will indulge.

Then, he did not move, and his mysterious black pattern spontaneously formed a layer of necritical wall barrier.

"Boom !!"

The giant monsoon, the real Wu Emperor, retreats, and the junior of Yushang is also collapsed, and the same will be refunded.

The Hui of the Emperor, the star fire four overflow.

They have become a battlefield around us, and there is no big margin to be close.

Jiang Yuyan returned, holding them three, have already been stunned by the battlefield.

"Yu Chang, let me leave, you know that it is a bond me." Zhenwu Emperor said, the sword of the emperor in his hand has been in front.

"Zhen Wu Emperor, responsibility, you can't leave, even if I stay here, you can't leave half."

Yu Changtu first said, there is a decree in the voice.

Zhen Wu Emperor, I heard that I have been angry. "When the eagle dog under Wuyang, you know how long you have done it, he lets you do, you will only do it, no matter whether it is correct ?! "

He also, "those who are not my duty."

"Then your duty is to do with the endless evil," Zhen Wu Emperor, "The things you are doing, enough to be overwhelming, not enough!"

Yushang's words, finally, "" Don't you, continue to sleep. "

"Why do you want me to sleep, it's sleeping is that he is really Wuyang. I am more eligible to sit in the sky, control the entire big dioxide!"

The true Wu Emperor is a violent, the glow of the whisper has completely burned it.

"You, you should sleep here."

The emperor burned, broke out hundreds of millions of emotions, so that everything was destroyed.

Become a void of an eternal and unusual, began to have a fine dark gold crack.

At the same time, there is no edge of the sea, and quickly evaporate quickly.

Emperor is like substantial, hemps.

Next, Zhen Wu Emperor Junjun the Sword of the Emperor, and scared to Yuchang.

The whole virtual and no empty space has been covered by the red gold, belonging to the Tiandao Rules of Zhenwu Emperor to build, providing endless avenue energy.

Yushang, no longer as long as the previous, the mysterious black tattoo, with a ridiculous, looking ancient breath.

Two no air transport, relative to resist, then completely broke out.

Break in the sword!

The meaning of the red gold, welcomes the rupture of the ancient black.

At this moment, even the emperors of the monarchs were collapsed in this level of impact.

It has been unable to use words to describe the terrible, grand extent, and even the discovery between the emperors is eclipsed.

The avenue rules are peeling, which is the unordered land of the sea, at this moment.

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