Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5025? Sixth Sixth Real Emperor

Void domain, Xianzhou magic land, and even the kind of ridiculous cadenses, there is no place to be able to withstand the battle of the emperor.

The Danafun is the existence of cross-pressure heaves, and the Dami is the existence of the Tiandao Air Transport, and the emperor?

Without Deman and even Dagan knows what you can do, they are so strong that they can no longer be described in language.

The sea is dust and dust, and the ancient heavens are crushed between them.

They are strong, they have nothing to do, even they don't know why they own.

The emperor is anger, and everything is too dead.

Even if I am far from a million yuan, I will have a wave of water, and the throat is a sweet and coughing a god.

At this moment, the eternal virtual noise, all have been shaking the avenue of the road to blend together.

The red gold is blended with the ridiculous black lines, forming a dual gold color.

The broken emperor is slow, and the two are opposite, and no one has retained half.

"Sword is unparalleled" is cold and looked at Yanchang, and it is not dead to repair the fairy.

And Yushang, although the face is still light, the micro-red face also shows that he is not easy.

The edge of the black robe on him is somewhat broken.

Although it is no longer confront, the two can't say that the heavens are still more.

True Wu Jun stares with him, and then lifted with his palms. A more unable to say everything, covering the air.

His face has some regrets. "I want to leave here, let you follow me after the town of Zhen Wuyang."

"But, unfortunately, Yushang."

Yu Chang has laughs, it is not available.

He also said again, "You stay here, I will let Zhen Wuyang together with you."

This sentence is ending, no exchange.

True a battle, already started!

Emperor brilliant, not straightforward.

At this moment, the Red Golden Emperor swept, and the void and the sea shocked.

The true Wu Emperor's arms have paid, and he is in his hands and the sword of the emperor is extremely powerful.

He naked back, gave birth to the six-part intangible air transport.

With this Six-Party invisible air freight, it is the true eye of the six closed.

Every real eye is high, the martial arts, the martial arts, as if the endless years, it is possible to wake up at any time.

Seeing this scene, Yu Chang face began to dignify.

He didn't think of it, and the true Wu Emperor who was depressed in the sea, it would grow to so.

"Six six days of true emperor ..."

Zhen Wu Jun smiled slightly, he whispered a round of emperors.

Like the sachets, a round of emperors open is inevitable.

"Yushang, you can refund?"

"Don't retreat." He said calmly, whispered again and his endless mansuit.

Zhen Wu Emperor is no longer a lot, and the sword refers to Yuchang.


In an instant, the emperor who opened a separately opened the shape of the Yuchang, and then hundreds of millions of intangible force were explored from the emperor and wrapped around.

This invisible force, ignoring any emperor, ignoring any emperor Tiandao, even if the same emperor, it is simply unavoidable.

In the face of the invisible force coming to cover the sky, I didn't know when I had a long sword in my hands.

The sword is in the shape of Yumin, engraved with a smooth black.

With the emergence of this handle, he welcomes the sword!

However, the scene of the descendant, then the invisible force from the emperor is really eye-catching, even ignoring the offensive of Yu Chang, all of which poured on him.

At this moment, the silence is inexplicab, only invisible for rushing.

True Wu Dijun did not shoot again, and the condensed is looking forward.

In the power of the first road of the first Dao Jun, Yushang's figure is completely never.

He even could not resist, the body was completely torn into a powder, and then disappeared.

Along with the first Dao Jun is really eye-catching, the invisible force that is surging is not seen.

Yushang's figure was smashed into a powder, even half of the breath did not leave.

But the real Wu Emperor is not anxious, and the eyes are calm, as if it is known to have something to happen.

After dozens of interest, the emotion of the emperor was covered, quietly rolled up a breeze.

Then I don't know when the breath quietly aggregates.

A ridiculous, looking for ancient air transport, like a hundred million stars.

A black robes, a dry body, and it is condensed.

His face is quiet and calm, as if everything just has just happened.

"Zhen Wu Emperor, don't be obedient, there is me, you won't leave."

"Even if I have grown to the top of the true Wuyang, I can't leave?" Zhen Wu Emperor is laughing. "Even if the six days of true emperor, you can't rush out this without the sea?"

"You and try." Yuchang said.

"Then I will try it out!" Zhen Wu Dijun, the giant sounds resounded.

Then, the second emperor is really eye-catching, and it is sang the Hao Sheng Jinmang.

Without the golden man, this moment is more unable to speculate, and it is more purely.

Therefore, it is not allowed to destroy the fairy, all cannot support such air transport avenues and start fast fragmentation.

However, while fragmentation, it is quickly repaired, in a crucible balance.

Jin Mang, Zhen Wu Emperor, purses that there is a general trend and hit the front.

Yushang's color is dignified, and it is in hand, and the long sword is in the past!

"Boom !!"

Can't use words to describe the general trend, so that the vulnerability is unable to break the sea.

It is enough to make everything, the sky is easy to cover, and a moment is a moment of trillion, even more wide.

Wherever the death, the sea is quickly evaporated, even this whole invisible ignorant is collapsed.

In addition, the river looked at the extremes that had been broken, and the sound was treated.

"Unparalleled, no already ..."

Yanqian's eyes, this is a terrible battle, it is not that they can enter, even if he wants to save, I am afraid that the connection is nest, it is crushed into a powder.

Just when he was prepared to persuade the rising, it was a very earthquake again, and there was a ship that could not be rolled.

"Run!" Yan returned to yell, but everything is not too late.

At the next moment, they were directly swallowed by the air transport.

Dust and no harm, everything will return to chaotic chaos.

This whole is about to become ruins.

And they are still at the battle.

This battle, it continued the battle before the ten Chinese year, and finally the winning and negative will only be completely sleep, and will end.

"Yu Chang, I guess it is true ..."

In the crushing, the voice of the true Wu Emperor is resounding, and it will be quiet and quiet.

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