Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5035? Warmland

The most important thing is that although Yu Chang is unreasoned, it is the most difficult to follow true.

The three real emperors, gathered together.

With them as the center, they will not be able to get involved in the old veteran in hundreds of millions.

"Zhenwu, what do you dare to fight?" Zhenwuyang continued to apply.

"How do you dare?" The sword was unparalleled, and the world's six arrogance was floating, and it seems that it is possible to open.

Zhenwuyang is no longer opening, his whispering has also emerged in a moment.

Tropical fight, true emperor and emperor



At this moment, the sword is unparalleled with true Wuyang.

The two emperors were really eye-catching at the same time, an unimaginable virtual and no breath.

This is an invisible virtual noise, ignores any emperor, ignoring any emperor Tiandao, most tyrant.

When there is no sea in the sea, the same as the emperor's Yuchang has been hit by a great blow, and the emperor is almost never.

This is the emperor of true Wuyang, even if the same emperor has had to be alert.

There is no breath, penetrating all emperor, emperor Tiandao, covering.

The sword is unparalleled with the true martial arts!

Then, they will refund at the same time!

If you look at it carefully, you can see that the emperor of the true Wuyang blooms, and the emperor will spread quickly.

And the true Wu Emperor who has already occupied the sword is not dead, and it is more serious, and the whole fairy is dangerous.

But nine days of mysteria saved him, so that the fairy was from shattered.

This type is too terrible, and it is not common, it exceeds the meaning of any heaven and even the dramatic channel, and does not directly cover the emperor without anything.

"Deceived my emperor could not be round?"

The fairy is quickly repaired, the sword is unparalleled.

True Wuyang smiles coldly, "I am bullying, you really think that you can get me?"

The sword is unparalleled, it is sorrowful, and the fairy wrapped by Red Golden Emperor, suddenly broken!

Countless God blood drops from cracks, shot the void.

With this abnormal scene, it is not dead to die in a certain kind of singular change.

Thousands of Dynasties are prolonged, and Yao Yao is not straightforward.

"Forced round melody ?!" Yu Chang's color is dignified, "Zhen Wu Emperor will convert a unparalleled fairy into an emotion!"

"What is it, is this guy looking for death, is he thinks that the district is a perfect pressure?"

The true Wuyang brow is frowned, and the half is a confused half is an angry.

Yan Chang was gone, and then turned to him, "This fairy is not usually, I have explored when I don't have the sea, but I can't see this."

Really Wuyang continues to frown, "But this can not be compared with the emotion, let alone is round?"

"I am afraid, I can really." Yu Chang is completely dignified.

With the complete fall of this sentence, a golden millennium, the louver wars, slowly concentrated, falling on the sword.

The true Wuyang face color of the book is changed, "" This is really condensed into an emperor ?! "

"No, I haven't been completely condensed." Yan Chang said, "Once transform into an emotion, I am afraid there will be big changes!"

"What are you waiting for, first fight again!" Zhenwu Yang watched low, suddenly condensed a sword of the emperor.

He holds a sword!

The mountain sea is low in the earth, and the earth is broken.

This side is silent, I don't know how many years of the end of the emperor, under this sword, rumble broke hundreds of millions of feet.

And the sword that has been wearing a golden tattoo battle is unparalleled, and it is not forced, even the corner of the mouth evogene.

In the face of the Sword of the Emperor of the Shanhai, his arms were sinking, and the same emperor was condensed, and then he blocked in front of him.


The earth is broken, and the wilderness of the wilderness is turbulent.

Under this sword, all the old people are always could not close, and they looked at this scene.

The battle of the emperor is not what they can say. If it is not in this ruin, they are afraid how far will run more.

Billion of the dust is slow, only left a prison spirit, and the sword is unparalleled.

True Wuyang and Yuchang did not laverse, he did not think that this sword would hit real Wu Emperor.

Next, they suddenly swayed dramatic fluctuations around them around, a dazzling to the extreme body shape, crushed the void, and covered.

That is a sword, a emperor that is completely condensed by Emperor.

The sword is unhappy, and the sword is unhappy.

Yushang looked up, and a handle of Yumidi's sword was thrown by him, and he went to Changhong.

The two collided, and he did not have a great trend.

The sword is unfair, and the sword is barely open, and it is condensed in the void.

"Yuchang, this matter has nothing to do with you, this is what I followed by Yuyang, don't interceach it again."

"Zhen Wu Emperor, stop, this matter has no results." Yu Chang slowly said.

"There is no result, then I will come to a result today!" The sword didn't have a big shock, and the emperor broke out in his hand.

"It's obsessed, then you will be here today!" Zhenwu Yang's angered.

Then he took it directly, Huanghuang can't look straight.

At this moment, the white shirt on his emperor didn't see it, and it was replaced.

The emperor added, he returned to the ancient times, and he was in the emperor.

The big trend of Huanghuang, the airless emperor is re-building.

Emperor, not hindered!

The sword has no double red golden doubles flashed a wipe and jealous.

The six days of the sixth true emperor, all open this moment.

It's true in Wuyang, and the emperor doesn't have any hesitation.

The sword is unparalleled, and the same eyes are singing, holding the emperor sword to really Wuyang!

The emperor is relatively, and the land of the emperor is grief, and it is broken, and the earth is cracking.

Yan Chang saw the shape, hurriedly reached out to release the emperor to repair the broken void, and the earth.

For emperors, I want to destroy any of the world, the idea is a simple thing.

More more, this is the battle between the emperor and the emperor.

If Yu Chang does not stop, the entire rules will be blocked in an instant.

Emperor and Emperor War, the emperor shines.

The four eyes are relatively, the sword is unbounded in the eyes of the only murder and resentment.

It is like a thing that is in exercising a reason if it is exercising.

"Really Wuyang, you want me to fall, how is this?"

"I will not only give you nothing, but also to give you a good life, let your big dioeter are completely smashed, and you will accompany you together!"

"Explain the taste, I also let you taste it!"

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