The emperor is angry, the mountain is dusty.

At this moment, the whole ruined emperor, even if the blessing of the Yurong Emperor is on the verge of collapse.

The emperor, the two emperors collided together.

The emperor arrogant, the sword is not a double eyebrow, and there is only an endless killer in the emperor of the red.

The four eyes were relatively, the billion of the emperor was blooming behind him, and then all booked to true Wuyang.

At this point of arrival, everything is a dust, and even the void is no exception.

Every emperor is lucky, like a fairy chrysome petal, which will completely package the true Wuyang and then burst out.

"Boom, Bang !!"

Yu Chang's emperor was shocked under this explosion. All the old veterans who wanted to rush forward were hit.

The whole of the wilderness is completely turmoil, everything is broken.

Almost at the same time in the emperor, the sword has nothing to have after a downtown, and a pair of cold eyes are calm and looked at the center of the martyrdom.

This is bursting, surpassing the avenue, transcending the law, only emperor can control and release.

The magnificent martyrdom, which will cover the death of the end of the wilderness of the silence of the birth.

And the task of Yuchang is the best of this.

The sword is unparalleled in the void, and the cold eyes look at the true Wuyang, which is wrapped around, this is the face of Junmei Yingwu. At this moment, I added a few demon.

He is confident, although Zhenwu Yang will not fall, but will definitely be hit hard.

But the next moment, the result was a big trim with his idea.

Broken the burning emperor, a vertical body shape, slowly stepped out.

The dramatic downsome, hundreds of millions of burning emperors, can't shake him half a minute, and touch him automatically turtle.

The sword is unparalleled, the next step of the next consciousness.

Really Wuyang did not have to be hit, only the defender of the Emperor was subject to some damage.

His eyes are more intimate, as if he will focus on the peak of ancient times.

In the face of swords, he lifted his right hand and directly.

In an instant, the endless emperor is concentrated in this referral to advance in this referral.

He is not coming, directly lifting the sword of the emperor blocked in front of him, hoping to stop this blow.

But the result has exceeded him.

Under this point, the sword of the emperor is broken.

And the sword is unparalleled, this moment, even the nine days is bleak.

He flew out of millions.

At the same time, Zhenwuyang also followed him, he completely abandoned the sword of the emperor, empty, and heavy bounce on the sword unparalleled.


Under the punch, the emperor Tiandao collapsed directly. He didn't even have a sound, and he was grown into the abyss.

The earth is broken, and the whole ruined world is almost terrible.

And really Wuyang did not stop, and the great land will be brought into the abyss. He directly figured into it again.

In the next moment, under the abyss, suddenly blooms hundreds of millions of emperors, and breaking the land of the rules of the versions!

Yu Chang is slightly changed, his emperor is unable to stop, and it is smashed by the emperor.

The plane is broken, all the old people in the periphery are very unparalleled.

But they never retired half a step, but all released their own gas transport heroes and repaired the wilderness of the endangered.

Along with the emperor, the entire plane began to shock collapse.

Then, a body shape is like a big day star, and the self-owned origin is bombed.

At this moment, the golden tattoo war in the gods was burned in the bears, and the true Wuyang took out the place where the gods were in the heart of the sword.

The emperor is directly broken!

In an instant, the thousands of emperor who spurted from behind, such as the bloom!

The emperor that contains it sprinkles.

His emperor went, couldn't believe it all.

This is too fast, almost instantly, let him have no anti-hands.

This is almost a unilateral killing, really Wuyang is breaking the Emperor!

The sword is unparalleled to hold his hands.

Xunchi is that although nine-day clothing is bleak to the extreme, it is not broken, and there is no wound.

However, it can be determined that the mission under the nine-day mysterious is indeed smashed.

The emperor lost his breath.

Zhenwu Yang is in the broken void, and did not carry out the next step, but calmly looked at the sword.

The battle in his body was also broken, obviously under the place of place, has passed a bloody battle.

Cough out of the emperor, the sword is unparalleled, and a pair of red gold emperor is a bit bleak.

"Really Wuyang, really Wuyang, you still have the same poison, not only for all things, more embarrassed, for your own purpose, everything is extreme."

The sword has no double smile, half is a half-style half is a serious way, "I thought I thought I was extremely evil. Now I want to come, you are extremely evil."

"You, is it enough?" Really Wuyang did not have any emotional voice, then lifted the palm.

The palm of your hand, the endless emperor is building, enough to destroy all enemies.

"How can I say enough? You don't want to say something, you don't want to leave!" The sword is unparalleled, and the handsome evil is extreme.

"Looking for death!" Zhenwu Yangfang is wrinkled, and the emperor Tiandao directly covered.

But immediately, everything has changed.

The sword of the breath has not been sliding, and the arms are shocked, and they will smash the emperor of the true Wuyang.

"You thought I lost, defeated, but you have to know, variable !!"


The unparalleled emperor is completely broke out, just like the mountain sea tide, the whole ruilion is swept.

This emperor is air transport, is the purest, the most extreme emperor.

"How is it possible, the emperor is completely rounded ?!"

Yu Chang no longer remained lightly, and the voice said that the muddy bibliosis became clear.

And true Wuyang also lifted, he didn't think of the true Wu Emperor, which was almost fallen at all, and even more terrible.

Broken Wardiwa as a red ash lava, re-covered the blessing of the immortal of the sword.

"The completely fused emperor is really comfortable, I haven't had this feeling for a long time."

He slowly lifted his arms and some forget me.

"I really want to thank you, let me get a perfect emoticon."

"As a return, I will give you all the previous things, I haven't moved it!"

He shocked, he didn't end the emperor, and crushed to true Wuyang.

At this time, Yu Chang no longer watched, the emperor was a moment, and he came to him and got against the glow.

"This time, it is my life."

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