Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5041? Ying Ying

Xianyun is moving, and the Temple is solemn.

This is the first time, the first time I really left the small ride mountain. At the same time, it was full of intense and curiosity.

Especially when I came to the six-day somewhere where I came, her curious reached the vertices because she smelled the taste of destruction in the void.

Although this destroyed taste almost disappeared, it was still noticeable.

She is very curious, what has been experienced in the past six days before, so that they are full of destruction.

Standing in big orchically, looking at the Temple, still returning, and a little anger.

She is a big Damai, and in the entire big domain, she is a one-class existence. She has never thought that it was hanging outside the door.

Although the viewer is the child of the emperor, she still makes her angry.

Just when she took consideration, she went to walk, the Temple opened, and the thin and small robe came to her in front of her, responsible for receiving.

Press the unhappiness in the heart, often enter the sky.

The cloud smoke, a shaped incense with slight sweetestances in the temple, the first heard, giving people discomfort, but if you don't know, you will be immersed in it.

Often the nose, clear, obviously feel uncomfortable to this different incense in the temple.

The thin little robe will leave her to pick up her in the temple, and they will close the temple.

Her heart is in the heart, and the heart is in the crisis.

I thought of the emperor who was violent, she was nervous, even if she is a big Damai, there is a kind of impulse.

Just as I thought about it, a cold voice sounded, "What did you do for six days?"

With this sound, it is in a luxurious body shape, and it is going out from the palace.

It is more nervous.

Even if I have a few Chinese age, she still recognizes that people will be an emperor, a son.

The little brow is slightly smashed, obviously patiently disappeared.

"Say, what should I do for six days?"

Going back to God, often open, "Back, look back, I think, please save a Division."

He heard the words, the eyebrows were picked up, and the corner of his mouth also wiped a brids. "Do you know, don't you feel absurd?"

It is also a bit wrong, but she still said, "Although it is a little ridiculous, I want him to be a little important for you, so please take help."

Xiaofei is raging, and immediately turned around, "Not interested, you can leave, don't let me see you again."

I often think that he will not think that he will be so cold and simply, and the heart is cauting and unhappy, let her anger, "I know that you are very affectionate, I will never come here to see you."

"In this case, let him go in the wilderness!"

After the last sentence, she is not going to leave.

At this moment, the voice of Xiaofeng sounded again, "He, what is the name?"

Although I am angry, I still open, "I only know, there is a sword word in his name, and Ami is called his sword."

Above the jade order, the body shameful body shape is suddenly treated, and then directly, I will go down the jade order, and I came to the common face.

Then he stretched his hands and hit her arms, almost lost the words, "sword, is it called the sword?! Answer me !!"

The sudden change of the sudden change, I forgot how to open, "Okay, it seems to be called this name."

I got the answer, the little horns trembled, after he released the palm, just like being touched, it took directly to the jade step.

Looking at the small emperor that has changed the gap in the future, it is horrified in the heart, and the stone in the heart is still settled.

She asked, "Save, still do not save?"

The lost little monarch, slowly looked up, watching her, "Are you coming from Xiaoliang Mountain? Tell me a 1519 tell me, don't hide."

I nod, and then I will clearly say that the first time I have seen the sword, and the series of things happened clearly.

"This is everything I know. After that, I tried to enter the rules of life to find him, but eventually failed, so I will come to you."

She said she took a deep breath and said, then sincerely looked at Xiaoli, "I also invited you to save him."

The little monarch is facing her, it is like a sculpture.

I don't know how long it took, he slowed down, flashing a complex and examining in his eyes. "What is your relationship with him?"

I am clear that I am so strange that he is so strange.

"Hey, this is just the meeting, I have seen it, I can only be, it is ordinary friends."

"Ordinary friends?" Xiaowun is like laughing, "will ordinary friends will be willing to be involved in the body? They will sneak away from the hills, seeking an emperor who has never seen it."

I often don't know how to answer it.

The little monarch smiles, step by step.

I often leave, and I am tense.

He slowly leaned over, binding to the fascinating fascinating, "Since you are from the small mountain, it is a big Damani, it is necessary to be the candidate of the emperors?"

"You, what do you want?"

I don't know, I am in front of the mountain column.

"I? Of course, I want to do anything," The little king is smiling, "My big Tian official has been selected, never change, but you are very good for my appetite, I don't want to give up."

"So I want to ask you, I am willing to be willing to be the emperor? After my emperor."

The mind of the mind seems to be fried, and the best in the sky is blank.

She won't think of the first time, the little monarch will actually tell her such words.

Ridiculous, it is too absurd!

When she was shocked, the little monarch stretched out the palm and provoked her jaws of her lines.

Changsheng instantly clear, the face is also cold, facing the thin little monarch, directly reaching out.

But this slap did not fall, and he was stopped by Xiaoyu.

He laughed, leaned over softly, "Don't let your palm of the emperor, the consequences are far from you."

It is hesitant to hesitate. Since its inception, she has been practicing sitting in Xiaoshan, all of which are given by the emperor.

Naturally, the life of the emperor is in violating.

And now, as the big son of the Dynasty, the big son of the monarch, let her not dare to have any violation.

Even if she is a big Dali, I don't dare to violate it.

Looking at the common sense of silently, the little monarch picked up, and there was no signs, and he leaned over and directed her Tan.

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