Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5042? Income

Her pupil enlarged in an instant, and her ear angle is ascended.

It is because of overcomperseness.

The blue is the same, covering everything that happens.

It is too big to collapse in an instant, and this impact is too great to make her mind, so that the mind is blank.

He used a near-hateful attitude, and he broke all of her defense, along with shame.

The kind of love, warm and terrible, but I don't know how to resist it.

At this time, the door of Tiangou opened, thin and small robe to see the situation in the temple, waiting to see this spring scene, and consciously retracted his body shape, and the temple will be closed.

And often finally returns to God, flashing a touch and resentment, then she is light, like a small beast bites.

Yin Hongshen sprinkled, followed her sandalwood, flowing out of the blood line in the jaw of the extremely beautiful line.

Xiaowei opened his eyes, there was no ice-cold power.

I often refund, back on the mountain column, regardless of the eyes of humiliation, and there is no concern and fear.

The wound on the thin lips is also healed in an instant.

He is like what happened, and his eyes restored the coldness of the refusal.

Some scattered luxurious clothes, the little monarch is polite, "" Just a matter, you will happen, if you pass it, I want you to live. "

Often, the humiliation in the eyes is completely angry, she is clear, and even if she can't wipe the blood of the mouth, "I have to go to my life? It's clear that you are thin, but you will threaten it. I?"

"Even if you are an emperor, I don't believe that the emperor will be so biased!"

Xiaowu, Xiao Jun, smiled, "I will not have a half advantage to you, you and I know, if you want to be my emperor, then you will be another matter."

"You dream, I will die, I will never be your emperor!" I often angry and anger.

He is stunning, turning into the deep temple.

"Do you go to the end?" Chang Yan bite his teeth.

"I saved him, it is something between us, you don't have to manage it." After he said, the body shape was not in the temple. "

Often indignation, hate can't swallow it.

"Damn, not only the light is so nice, but if you have done his Tianshi, you will not end !!"

Tiangian Tianmen is re-opened, she doesn't want to stay in the moment, leaving the sky, waiting in the big orchically.

"His Royal Highness, you should not treat candidates, if she returns to the small ride, I am afraid ..."

Skinny robe didn't say more.

Xiaofeng said, "Don't worry, she won't say a word, I do it too much ... There is reason."

"Also, there is no pair of lives from the sea, but it should be imprisoned by the emperor in the wilderness, I am going to do."

It was originally quiet to extremely thin little robe after hearing this sentence, the shape is suddenly trembled, and the turbidity is not a letter.

"Sword, sword adult, actually alive from there ..."

"This is not to say in advance, especially those in small orchoes, don't let them know."

The thin small robe noddor, and then went out of the sky.

This time, I didn't make it waiting for too long, and the little monarch came from the Temple.

What made her is somewhat surprised. He didn't wear the luxury of the mountain to paint the river, but changed a feet of net flow.

And long hair is no longer shaped, but use a golden beam to pull it back, give people a warm and hustle.

"Let's go, you are responsible for the road," Xiaofei carrier his hands, the sound took the cold outside the refusal, "Also, don't use this kind of eye, this is an insult to the emperor."

I often want to crush, almost my best, and I will rush out of the big orchic.

The two stones are like two stars, and they have not been depressed deep.

"You are sure, unparalleled is in the rules?"

"Not too certain, but it is very possible, I can't see it in depth, there is too dangerous."

On the way to the road, the little brow is smashed, and he is just a hidden heard, but it is indeed that it is true of the emperor of Turin, which is very mysterious.

And know that there is almost little to the extreme.

If the sword is unbearable from the sea, it will be perceived by Zhenwuyang, and it is really likely to be imprisoned in the wilderness.

The mysterious thing, no Dairy knows what is hidden there, is a mysterious place.

But ever, the little monarch is still intended to be alone.

The rules of life is a unknown circle, which cannot find the entrance from the outside, only from the small ride mountain to enter.

And Xiaoshan, is the real martial arts and the idleness of the foreigner, and the foreign people are afraid that they will be discovered in an instant.

But the little monarch cares about this, he didn't even cover his own breath and entered the small mountain.

"Hey, you converge points, we are going to save him, I have been discovered, I have been discovered, isn't it a loss?" Chang Wei cracks down, so good to persuade.

The little monarch came, and she came from the front.

It is often broken, but it has no choice but to quickly go to the wild.

"Here, is it a wasteland?"

He is a bit surprised, although he has earned, but it is more blurred for the true situation of the ruined world.

I nodded, and there was not much to say that there was no one hesitated to enter.

Seeing this scene, the little eyes flashed in the depths of the eyes, and it was difficult to be difficult, and after a while, it also stepped into it.

The death of ancient screamers is the main tone of the rules of life. It will be ridiculous here, and there is no meaning.

The misty cloud smoke mixed with the gray black wire, almost the entire rules of the world, the visual degree is never more than a thousand miles.

Among them, ridiculous and dead companion.

"Pay attention, there is a huge beast among the clouds, even if I don't."

Looking at the four wild, often reminded, even the atmosphere did not breathe.

Xiao Yan is obliquely, "Since you can't afford, what is it?"

"I ..." She was ambiguous, and inexplicably felt some truth.

After a while, she reacted, ashamed, "I want you! I don't believe you!"

He is not arguing, unwilling, the eyebrows are also sharp in a moment.

As early as entering here, he detected a powerful atmosphere of if there is no, but not ignored.

This kind of breath beyond imagination, it is not a deracent to be resistant.

But he still, resolutely decided.

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