Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5043? Customer Dragon

It is often whipping, thinking about it, it is still ahead.

At this moment, everything she did, this is all omituated with her, but she still insists.

Even she doesn't know, doing these things will be willing to her.

But I think that the sword is unparalleled in the emperor's court, and she is convenient for her mind.

Although I will not be jealous, I'm too horrible, but the sword is too horrible. With the power of Damai, it can force the Dagani, which is the throne of the ancient times.

Standing in the situation of the emperor, he did not imprison him, or it was more appropriate.

A shocking Tianjiao, an unimaginable road, should not be silent.

The nature of the normally is gradually determined, and then she is also resolutely.

The little monk shouted that she was gone, dialing the clouds.

"You can't do this, it is easy to find that everyone." There are some worrying advice.

Next moment, the layer of cloud smoke was dial, one more than the big day, and quietly opened.

Pure amber, like a quiet Tianhe Springs, the most central pupishes, and the small god and the shape of the shape are completely reflected.

They swallowed the throat and slowly retreat.

"Di Dynasty, this is not that you can walk, speed your departure, spare you a way."

In the cloud smoke, this beast issued a warning.

It is often gaze that it is not known to be a war.

Xiaodi quickly returned to calming, facing the beast, said, "I am coming to this world, I want to find a Deman, just find it, immediately leave."

The voice is falling, and the clouds on the cloud smoke, and a unimaginable animal head exploded from the cloud smoke. There is only a endless weigh in the huge eyes.

"Do not allow!"

The giant sound is inserted.

The little monarch is cold, "If I have to enter?"

"Then stay here." It is like Long Dilong's beast from heaven, with endless Dawei.

The distance between the two is even less than 100 feet.

He is smile, the eyebrows are sharp, "the seat, I will show you today!"

His words, no quantities have broken out, and the earth is shaking, and all clouds are torn instantly.

At the same time, a inch of a rain, inside the hundreds of millions of terrible derivatives, go straight to the huge eye springs.

" ?!"

The behemoth was angry, it didn't think of guys, a guy like an ants, actually took the lead.

It is completely angry and sprayed in the nasal cavity.

Purely to the ultimate inch, even if it is more than a sharp, there is no possibility of stabbing the eye wheel of the behemoth, even after the ridiculous breath, it is broken.

As for the small emperor, it is this opportunity. He is almost instant in the inch, and the body has already flundered!

And often reacted in a timely manner, and the eyes are determined to release their own delay.

Logging is like a maturity, longitudinal hair, and wraps around the beast of the beast.

"court death!"

The giant behem is angry, the giant sound is like the eddy flow of the same layer, and the traphic matters will be bombed.

Chang Wei also retreats, the blood is tumbling in the fairy body, but her figure has not stopped, and the end of it will be taken out from her.

She is fighting for the little emperor!

The four eyes are relatively, the little monarch returns to see her, then quickly brushed into the depths of the wilderness.

But the next moment, the chaos clouds suddenly broke, and a cover is covered.

This covertiary is too big, one is enough to cover up 100,000 miles, and directly stop the road to the Xiaodi.

His heart is horrified, and the palm of the soft sword is stabbed to the giant paw.

But this sword, only collapsed hundreds of scales and could not shake the giant claws.

Xiaowei's eyebrows wrinkled, understand that he could not be hard, he was interrupted, and he walked toward another orientation.

At the same time, often in the hardships of the beasts of the beasts, although she is already a big Deman, but in the face of this ancient beast, it is still difficult to have a battle.

Between the behemoth, there is a poor pressure.

She understands that she is the most, and I persist.

"Wat people, pay the price!" The behemoth made a terrible voice, and the giant soundsted with the burning interest, and the common completely packaged.

She spoke, her delay is blocked in this moment.

Then, a boulder that brought nearly a killed black-chain chain to explore from the cloud smoke, directly grasp the common .

She instantly felt that the fairy was broken, and the delay was completely blocked by some unknown power.

And the giant claws wrapped around the chain chain are constantly grip.

"In the unmanifli, I have repeatedly discouraged you, but you still don't repent, since this falls into my belly."

The behemoth is sinking, and then he opened a giant mouth enough to swallow Wanxing River.

It is often desperate, but it is impossible to control his own destiny, and can only fall into the giant mouth.

Next moment, it has protruded!

Thousands of purely to the extreme, the tragestal matters and crashed the layer of clouds, wrapped around the common fairy, and then quickly returned, and saved her from the mouth of the behemoth.

It's always a big shock, a blank mind, waiting for her to react, it is aware that the goddera is degraded to her!

"How do you dare?" The behemoth was completely angry, and the giant claws that were completely entangled by the chain were covered.

In the face of this sky, the little monarch is calm. "I stay here, you go to find swords, remember, if you dare to say a nonsense, I want you to live."

After this last sentence, he directly launched a distance of millions.

Then he decided to meet the beast.

Under the cover of the sky, it is easy to crush the tragent of the little monarch.

Giant claws are covered, completely clamping him, and moving.

"Anti, how do you dare to come here?" The behemoth smeared, the giant day pupil, reflected in his face.

", ? In front of this seat, you are a refreshment!" Xiajun's tough said, because of the cause of Juli, his mouth overflows a god blood, colorful god blood.


At this moment, the beast is big, and the shackles are contracted. "The blood of the emperor is the emperor."

The little monarch looked at him, and his eyes were despise and disdain.

Next moment, the beast laughed, and the giant day, the whole, the whole, will be a long history.

"There is an emperor to play tooth, when it is a pleasure, I want you to be the emperor of the true Wuyang, I want him to taste the painful taste!"

The little monarch is already shocked. He did not expect this result at all.

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