Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5044? Green Boy

This prison dragon does not fear his emperor blood, but prepare to swallow.

And he is at all, and he can only look at himself from himself.

But the little monarch is not going to die, almost at the same time, and it has bloomed in his palm.

That is a sword, a soft sword that has never departed.

The soft sword carries the powerfulness, just like a bright, the inheritance of the endless Huyun.

Then, it rushed to the huge beast.

Because this is too fast, so that the whole body is immersed in the huge behemoth to swallow the little monarch, did not detect in time.

When it is observed, it is already too late!

Endlessness only gathers a little, then completely released, which is undoubtedly terrible.

Colorful tragent eruptions, soft swords carry the extremely inch, and embarrassed into the eye wheel of the behemoth.

At this moment, the behemoth shocked, even the void was shocked.

And its giant claws are also released.

Xiaoyu went to take this time, there is no hesitating escape.

The void is cracking, and the endless cloud smoke is running in dramatic.

"I, you have to live -"

The giant beast is screaming, its right eye is already bleak, in the center of the eyes, the soft sword is firmly embedded in it, no fluid is running from the wound.

In the face of the small emperor who fled the road, it opened a small mouth, a kind of annex, and the dead breath.

That is the power of the Atmospheric, does not carry any media, and can only be born once it appears.

The small emperor in the void, I only felt that the fairy was in an instant, directly caused the fairy to break, and the meridian was shrunk.

He even didn't even have a proliferation of the last tragent, coughing out a bite of blood, and one of them planted under void.

On the occasion of this millennium, often appeared quietly. She directly reached out to the small mood of the little monarch, then the head did not return to the depths of the wilderness.

"Boom !!"

Vacancy, all earth tremors are not available.

Subsequently, the shocking scene appeared.

Then, the entire void's cloud smoke, turned into this moment, and then disappeared.

And when the cloud smoke disappears, the huge behemoth hidden in the cloud smoke has completely emerged.

It is almost endless, and there is no edge, such as the dragon, the body of the body, the giant scales, almost through the entire ruilies.

At the same time, a chain of the heavens is sufficient, and the hole wears its body and firmly bind it in the sky.

This scene is too shocking and too depressed.

I often look at the giant behemoth of the sky, the mood has fallen the bottom, but she didn't give up, carrying the little emperor, flushing under the void.

The beast was destroyed, and it had been completely caught crazy. It didn't care about the chain of the body, and the four claws moved, and it was covered.

At this moment, the chain of imprisoned beasts was all stretched, so that even the void was collapsed.

The ruined shock, often arrived at the point where it is not added.

This is the big crisis she has encountered from the first time. I have encountered a big crisis between life and death. I can't make any effective judgment, I can only look at the giant claws.

"Listen, take, throw me open, you and escape first ..."

If the sound of the idle silk sounds, the little blood of the blood is reluctant to open the double.

I heard the familiar voice behind him, and I often set my heart.

She bites his teeth, "It's impossible, I will not throw you alone, for Tianshi, this is the most basic criterion."

"You just have a candidate, which emperor will want you?"

"... don't want to die, you will shut up, you will say more, I will throw you here!"

I often calm down, she looks back, the giant claw is close to it.

Under the sharp turn, she decided to turn around, release all of themselves, and rumbling the giant claw!

"Boom !!"

Tiandi Seismy, Demonstration Hua Mang splash.

However, the fullness of this big fairy, even only blocked the giant claw, disappeared.


The giant sounds resounded, and the giant claws patted often.

She suddenly went to a bite, and she was photographed.

This moment, the world is quiet.

She only felt the beginning of the earth, and her soft springs suddenly, and then didn't have a sound.

The ignites are in the ridiculous land, often the eyes are broken, and it is not enough to support her actions.

Looking at the getting closer giant paw, she was a bit of a bit.

However, there is no pain in the imagination, and there is no pain.

I often slowly open my eyes and shocked to the extreme.

Because she found that the giant claw did not land, but hovered in the position of the void, it was difficult to fall inch.

This is because the reason why the chain is completely limited, and it lives in the action of the behemoth.

It is not sweet, anger, almost you have to mess up, and it is not enough.

I often laugh, and then I have been dull.

The wilderness is silent.

I don't know how long it is, when she came to the slight sound of , she was awakened.

Then she saw a green cattle, a big and strong green cattle.

" -"

The green cow was born, then glanced at the big eyes of the two water, and smashed his head to the common.

She was shocking, and then I thought about it, hurriedly went to see it, and I saw the body shape of Xiaofei, almost entirely embedded in the land.

It is often unpredictable, and I have a hurry to release the fairy body of the delay, this is long.

"You, how did you come here?"

A crispy child tone, there is no sign in this time.

It is often noted that this is noted that the green back is on the back of the green cattle, and there is still a child of the child.

He kneel on the back of the green cow, holding his head, watching her.

The four eyes are relatively, and it is often nervous. She will not believe in this terrible and ridiculous ruin, there will be a small boy riding a green cattle.

This is really surprised and cannot be confident.

"You, how come here? This is very dangerous."

On the back of the green cow, the boy repeatedly repeated the previous sentence, and still looked warmly, and he was very patient and waiting for the answer.

Although she is somewhat, she is very calm, "We come here, you are looking for a Deman. After finding it, you will leave immediately, and you will never stay here."

The boy is also said, "Oh, where do you know what is going to find? If you don't know, I am afraid it is difficult to find."

It is often a moon, she is even less sure that the sword is unparalleled is imprisoned in the wilderness, and it is more confirmed to determine the specific location.

But she did not rush to open, but a boy who stood in the green cattle.

I don't know why, she has a kind of intuition, this little boy seems to know what.

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