Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5045? Crossing Tianhe

This is quiet, countless years, there is no small boy who is harmless to live animals.

This situation is even more doubtful in this situation.

This has to let often add more speculation, because it is too foreigner.

So she began to consider how to retreat.

When she didn't talk, the little boy on the back of the green cow suddenly sat up straight, a pair of black and bright eyes looked straight into the sky, "Are you afraid of me?"

She continues to be dumb, I don't know how to answer.

And, in this, a voice couldn't stand the voice of anger, "I will give this seat!"

It is always shocked, and this remembers that he still presses the little monarch, and hurry up.

"Yes, sorry ..." her faces rose red, ashamed.

The little monarch stunned, looking at her eyes, shot, "" There is another time, I want you to live! "

Often you know, you can't argue, you can only sigh.

Then he stood up and stood up and stubbornly, almost rushing.

And until this, the little monarch saw a boy riding a green cattle.

He took the consciousness of the waist, but the body of the body of the body was in the past, he left the giant behemoth.

"who are you?"

Xiaonjun slowly retreat, staring at the boy on the back of the green cattle.

"This all can't see it, I am a cattle." Xiao Boyzi said brittlely.

He is a bullion, put cattle? In this ancient ancient ruined in the wilderness?

This is too incredible.

"Why, don't you believe?" The little boy opened again.

There is no much words, but thinking about how to leave.

At this time, often open, "Letter, Of ​​course, let me, how is it so stable now?"

The little boy heard the words, took the bucket on the head, "No, here only I am alone, there is a cow, we have been this, how can it be dangerous."

Chang Yan and Xiaowei are all slight, obviously some beginning to suspect.

It is only the first risk of the world who places them in a dead place, it can be explained that this waste is absolutely impossible.

But looked at the little boy's face seriously, and let her have a doubt.

At this moment, the little monarch dragged the fairy body that has not been restored, and left straight.

Seeing this scene, often the idea of ​​consciousness, but stopped the footsteps, somewhat at a loss.

"You come here, who is looking for?"

The boy jumped from the back of the green cattle, and fell steadily and looked up sincerely.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally, "You have seen a young Deman in a young Deman, and the rhyme is very unique, and it is unforgettable."

Boy son heard, grinning, "I have never seen it, I said that since I have a spirit, I only have me and a green cattle, and there is no other Division."

It is often necessary to refute, prove that there is nothing necessary.

She barely smiled, "If so, I bother, I solve it alone."

Chang Yan said, after slightly, will continue.

The boy turned, looking at the shape of the past, opening the mouth, "I am looking for with you."

I often want to refuse, but I found that the green cattle has come to her side, looking up and issuing a heavy voice, like being urged her.

" -"

She helpless, but she did not maliciously watched the green bull child, and they decided to go forward.

The Big Trenders, Wang Gu Yun smoke can't be opened, everything is ridiculous, the ancient times occupied, and the years have already had no meaning.

One of them, is the lonely companion.

" -"

It is dyed, and a thin body is soaked. The thin figure is rushing, and it seems that it is possible to fall down, and it is not there.

However, he is tough, although he is rushing, it is still in front.

It is often followed by it, keeping a distance from not far away, she wants to support the support, but some fear.

Looking at the firm figure, the inherent impression of her heart has quietly changed.

At the same time, she also saved a lot of doubts in her heart. The little monarch didn't seem like the outside world, and they did not close, although it was a little color, but it was able to contact.

I thought about it, and I walked towards the deepest side without tightly.

Silent silence, only green cattle low.

I don't know how long, a Tianhe stopped the way.

The width of this day, almost this is divided into this one.

Mixed Tianhe, like a quiet space, enough to swallow everything.

Chang Wei also came to this boundless Tianhe side, and his eyes were more dignified.

Just when she thought about how to span this day, the little monarch did not hesitate to hesitate, plundering to the sky.

Then when the mistress injured him, he added his mind and his mind. After the distance of not enough, it was directly planted in the Tianhe.

There is no water splash, just like it is directly integrated into it, it is extreme.

Seeing this scene, often fairy, big shocked, not thinking about thinking, also pulling the sky.

But the more desperate scenes, she is almost over the sky, while the fairy is directly out of control, and the delay in the meridian is unable to show.

There is no such thing as the Tianhe under the body, and she can't do it across her body.

In an instant, she also stepped into the little dust of the little monarch, she fell into the Tiantian River, and she didn't even have a lot of water.

I came in the shore, and the little boy on the back of the green cattle was shaken, and there was an old man who didn't match his appearance.

Then, in the face of the boundless Tianhe, he rode.

The green cattle told, then the huge body is on the surface, and there is no sinking.

It is like a lone boat, in the Tianhe.

The little boy riding in the back of the green cow seems to be early Ji often, drivening to the green cattle, slowly crossing.

When they have dropped, the green cattle dive and then arched a coma body shape.

The little boy reached out and then put the faintly dummy in the back of the cattle and continued.

After dozens, the body shape of Xiaofu was also found and was placed on the back of the green cattle.

Such as sitting on a lonely boat, loneliness.

The Tianhe is done, and the end is a long-standing seat, full of ridiculous, and a flames.

The green cattle floats the water and then stands on the shore.

The little boy patted its horn and turned and waved, and put the little emperor and often put it on the ground.

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