Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5046? Bracelet

They are in the Tianhe, and they have been dull, and it seems that it is not awake in a short time.

Sitting on the back of the green cow, the little boy stared looked at them, and it was a vividness.

Then he reached out the little hand and touched the neck of the green cattle.

There, it is a black silver collar.

He took a circle between the green cattle, and then waved his hand to the little emperor.

The collar is narrowed, and it has become the size of the bracelet when it falls in the Xiaodi's side, and it is in his wrist.

After all, the little boy will no longer stay, the legs are bullied, and they will fill them into the Tianhe.

Everything is restored to death.

I don't know how long it takes, I'm going to wake up on the shore, and a pair of beautiful eyes are all awkward.

When she saw the danger, and when they were on the shore, she took a breath.

"Well, big emperor?"

At this moment, the little monk is lying next to her, and the face of Junmei Miye is, because of the sake of contamination of the blood, it adds a few more and cold and weak.

I often swallow the throat of the throat, then reach out the floral hand, ready to put him a comfortable posture.

But when her palm is about to meet Xia Jun, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The four eyes are relatively, often the color is red, and I will recover my palm, "No, not what you think ..."

The cold eye is obliquely, and the little monarch got up, and then she said, "Recognize my position, you are just a candidate Tianshi, don't make a thing."

It's often awkward, and the eyes are humiliated deeply, and the water is full of eyes.

No matter what she, the little monarch got up, and took directly to the depths of the wild mountain.

The wilderness is quiet, like a respective devil stands.

I don't know why, the little monarch suddenly has a strong and familiar intuition, and that intuitive can't say, but let him jump across.

In meditation, he realized that closer is getting closer.

The wild mountain is heavy, the cloud smoke.

He has never been anxious at this moment, even if the fairy is still in the end of the broken, it is entirely forward.

After a ridiculous mountain is thrown behind, but there are more ridiculous mountains to block everything.

"Unparalleled, swords -"

He simply shouted, and his voice returned to the ring.

It seems that I have been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, and the soul is always in the empty spirit. On the top of the most central gods, a tens of thousands of gas chains, and the prisoner shape is slowly opened.

His double-eyed chaos is dark, like a sleeping endless year, full of ridiculous, and ancient silence.

He heard the familiar voice, as well as the familiar name.

"Sword is unparalleled - this name, why, will I have a feeling of familiar?"

The body shape that is broken by the chain is confused and doubts. He feels that the mind in the mind is broken, and the memory is fragmented, and everything is only faint.

But the next moment, the wind returned.

Along with a slim shape of the blood, he broke the meditation, and it began to vibrate.

"No, no pairs !!"

His shape is immersed, almost rushing, but firmly standing in the void, a pair of true eyes are incredible.

And then the often rushed, when I saw this scene, it was also dark, and it was incredible.

This scene is too shocking, too depressed.

In the wild mountain of the cloud smoke, nearly 10,000 roots contain unparalleled black gold lock chains, which are touched from the void, and firmly bundle a body shape.

Atmospheric transport, he was imprisoned in the heavy wild mountain.

The four eyes were relatively, the little horns were might.

Then he no longer paused, directly plundering.

However, at the same time, nearly 10,000 chains have a unity Hua Mang at this moment, and it is actually isolated.

Standing outside the neighborhood, the Xiaoyu is trying to make a knot, trying to break it.

And the sword that is touched by the air lock chain is unparalleled, and once again, I have a question, "" Who is it? "

He figured a shock, only incredible in his eyes, "You don't remember me ?!"

The sword flashed in the eyes of a pain, and his mind memories in his mind have become bracked in that battle.

Therefore, although he still retains memory, it has become fragmented, which cannot be connected in series.

In the face of Xiaodi, he only impressed, but it could not be recognized.

"Are you my old friend?"

The little horns have the eyes of the eye, and the eyes flashed a sadness. "Why do you don't remember me?"

Chang Wei also came to the knot, and looked at the sword who was banned by countless lock chains. She looked at the sword that was in the emperor's court.

The two are compared, the situation is miserable.

She only shocked and sad in her eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, the chaos is dark red, slowly closed.

This is touched his gas chain, which is composed of Emperor's gas transport avenue and is not possible.

In addition to the championship, the little emperor who is less than 10 steps is gradually determined.

"I took you away." He only said this sentence, and then made his best to bother.

Chang Pei soft sword has left, he is simply implying the palm of punch, a punch.

But how can I break the emperor?

The blood splashes, his palm is already cracking in this time.

And often can't bear to look down, you have to shoot the knot together.

"Rolling!" The little monks came, and he was only cold in her gaze.

She is biting silver tooth, and finally retreat.

After drinking, he continued to bombard the neighborhood, as if he did not know pain, I didn't know how tired.

But his strength, before the emperor, it is too insignificant, and there is no leaving a little trace.

"Give up, you can't break." The sword is unparalleled, and there is no wave in the eyes.


Under the last box, the fist is broken directly, and the fairy bones are broken, and they are naked.

God blood drops and sprinkles false.

The whole right fist of the little monarch is smashed, but there is no expression.

God blood is flowing along his palm, and then quietly gathers in his wrist.

In an instant, the black silver bracelet blooms in Wen Runhua Mang, and the dust-sealed ripple has been thrown into the blood, which is lit.

That is like the ridiculous mountains of Yunhai, and the chaldess of the sea is as fast as the sea, and it is unattended.

Under the blood of the little monarch, the ripple was completely opened, the whole black silver bracelet changedly red.

Then, it is separated from the wrist, flying over the empty.

Thousands of mascar, like the most pure and extremely richest, sprinkled the entire gods.

It seems that it is expected to be ring in the four wilderness, the giant sound is deep, which is clear.

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