Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5047? Floating thousands of years

The bracelet of the built-in ridiculous mountains, and the endless rhyme of the endless Hua Mang.

At this moment, the junior that was condensed by the emperor was broken, and then collapsed.

With the collision collapse, nearly 10,000 gas chains are swimming.

The sword is unparalleled, and the chaotic dark red is closely staring at the secret of the world.

He can feel that the emperor chain that is sleeping it is loose.

The little monarch has never retired, and the nervous look at this scene. He also has the same intuition, all the ban is dissipated!

" ..."

Like the sea, the water waves are disrupted.

All gas chains are swimming, vibrating.

Next, all the locks are broken!

Void tremor, hostel swaying.

And at all air chains, the bracelet hovered in the void, started to shrink speed, and narrow down the fall in front of the sword.

As previously, the bracelet is in front of his wrist.

Silent in the world, an unprecedented gas transport self-sword unparalleled in vivo.

That is, emperor is lucky!

It belongs to the true and sleep of the emperor!

"Hey -"

He hurts out, and the whole fairy is re-enveloped by terrible emperor.

Under the impact of this air transport, the little monarch and the often were directly shocked, and it could not be close.

The whole dim and ridiculous ruins are illuminated.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, painful to the ultimate, he feels the fairy body in a inch broken and reshaped it in extremely fast.

In his round, chaos dark red and Qingming are constantly alternating, and the fragmentation of the debris is also hard to reshape.

This process is destined to be painful and long.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fairy body is not controlled, hits the hill.

"Boom !!"

The trend broke out, a ridiculous mountain was broken, collapsed.

The wilderness is in tremor, and it seems to be on the verge of collapse.

Wipe off the corner of the mouth, the little janjun brushed forward.

I often bite the teeth and follow it.

In the crack of the crater, he saw the sword where the lying in the gravel is unparalleled.

The figure is fluttering, he comes, and then reaches it to help it.

Although the delay has been exhausted, the little monarch is still released, and the sword is unparalleled to repair the broken fairy.

After the end, he slowly opened his eyes, and the chaotic is no longer, and it is clear.

"Small, Xiaodi? How can you here?"

The little monarch smiled, "I took you away."

The sword is unparalleled, but he is already a strong end, and it will be dull.

"Good sleep, sleep, everything has passed ..."

Then, the little monarch took up him and left the wilderness.

Often in the original place, look at the shape of the gradually disappeared.

The four blogs are all broken, and the endless loneliness will surround her.


The long wind is gentle, and the tragent is turned.

The boundless breeze blows long hair and clothing, leisurely floating.

"How long have I left?"

"Already, more than 15,000 years."

"For a long time."

"Soon, I thought you were going, I won't come back."

"This time, come back, just take a time."

Talk to this, there is no echo.

Xiaowei turned back, watching the sword of sleeping and helpless, helpless.


In the long pavilion covered by the grass, the eyebrows are warm and Wei Zijia sitting in the pavilion.

In front of him, it is a void as a void, and hundreds of stars have flowed.

He is constantly performing.

Every few hundred hidden time, he opened his eyes and put the stars in his hand on the chess board.

Such a long time has been thousands of years.

At Wei Zajia, it is lying on a god-like big man, and the snoring is shocked.

This big man is in the mountains, Wei Zijia has always regard him as an almost, but it is only to wear a chessboard.

He has already experienced thousands of years, but it is still unable to feel that the breath is now, and with the income of the years, the breath is weak, and even at any time may disappear.

This is not a good sign, but Wei Zika does not believe, still in the world, although every time I'm don't have the same, he still gave up.

This time, he flashed a doubt of his eyes.

Because at this moment, in front of Wei Zhijia, all the stars moved slowly, and started the minimalism of the most central, injected into weak energy.

"Feng, Feng Yushan, it seems that there is a change ..."

The mountains were gone, and I changed a posture and slept, and there was no shake of Wei Zi, who had been shocked to the extreme.


He fell to the stars, everything is home.


The Xianyun is built, and the giant house built in a whole world, and the hide of building is built.

And accompanied by a distilled fairy, there is a kind of cultivation of thousands of fairy.

Under the clouds, "Wan Duo Wan" four words, clearly explained this a auction house, famous auction house in thousands ofranges.

Here, it is enough to see the treasure that will be married to the Danoma, and even the best Tan pills that cannot be exchanged in a whole world.

Every five hundred years, Wancha is unparalleled once, and every time it is opened, it will set off a hurry, and even a beautiful Dan Pill is implicated, and more than ten worlds will fall into the bloody battle.

Everyone is open once, and it is also equivalent to the reveament of the big firmer, with the best Dan Pill, which can only look up, and there are countless rare to the treasure.

This is a big chant, and even ancient aura has developed to this day, and the Deman, which can be invited, is considered a award.

Among them, there is no shortage of one side of the world to come, and a peek of the Pills.

"Wan Duhuang" Auction, after nearly 20,000 years of development, it has grown to a huge giant of a root base.

There have been many worlds that are coveted in "Wan Du", and try to force the treasure.

But on the eve, they all disappeared, and there is no trace of all the gains in the world, just like evaporative.

After connecting nearly 20th, nearly 20 tries to destroy the "Wan Du", all the sky are calm down, and there is no more than a heavenly domain dare to pay attention.

And the Lord of each party is a Danadian who lives endless years. Although they are not very clear, they are no longer moving.

Because the light is from the appearance, it is the three powerful derivatives, and a rumor, one of these three Deman, will break through the big Damai.

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