Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5051? Behind the scene

In nearly 20,000 years, the third hand of the ancient parallel auction has been rumored, and the remaining two are already covered.

There is no truth, everything is because of the kill, the battle.

Even more than 20,000 years, the ancient unparalleled auction has already become the existence of over the sky, even even the heritage of some super world, all cannot be compared.

Because, it is the heritage of the emperor, the heritage of the Emperor's Emperor.

A Dynasty Pill is enough to drive a superior domain.

As the third hand, Cui Jing, his killing is proved in the bloody battle of 10,000 years ago.

In the face of several super-sky, dozens of Deman's offensive, his blood war until the last moment, hard to support the aid.

And when the injury has not completely recovered, he is a single one, and the starry night is aided to break the two super-horizon.

More than 10 of them were fairy, and countless top repair, life, died of void, no emptive.

The two domains were cut by him, along with their fairyland, with a lot of unparalleled, auction, and a reserve price.

It is also from that battle, letting nearly 100 Tianfang know the name of Cui Jing.

At the moment, he stood in the central center of the Temple, the black gold in the body was floating, and smiled and smiled.

All the Demanic Looking at Cui Jing's eyes, unheneited feelings of the neck, the head of the head of 10,000 years seems to be in the eye.

"Public, son, go!"

The old Deman is tense to the extreme, he doesn't know how many helices of the ancient auction is, so the retreat is the most important thing.

However, the uniform son is still in a state of confrontation, and a pair of clear eyes are cold.

Cui Jing was lazy to speaking him, directly turning directly, "gave the Na to Qingyi, let her know."

The ancient sea citizen reacted, and bowed to the hand in the hands of the napper.

Qingyu took it, open the tiny bag to explore the investigation, and then, "returning to the adult, the bag of Montenegro, just more than 200 billion, accurate."

Cui Jingnhen nodded and turned to leave.

But then, a cold voice sounded, "Wan Duo is really a big hand."

"I want to ask, is this Dan Pill buyer, is it ancient sea town, or ancient auctional auction?"

In the whole Tiangle, it is a cold, all the Danadian and the domain of the sky look at this scene.

As long as the Deman that is not angry, it can be seen that there are only 12 billion Montenegro, and there is only a huge giant of the ancient auction house to be sent.

Even the ancient Haicheng is a super world across the thirteenth day, it is never possible to have more than 12 billion Montenegro.

The result is natural that it is self-evident.

Moreover, Cui Jing sent more than 12 billion Montenegro, and there was another metaphor under the majestic.

The representative of Cui Jing is a unparalleled house.

He dared to give it to the public, giving a 120 billion Montenegro, indicating that it is the one-time shooting of the ancient sea.

This is also a signal to all arrivals, and a signal issued by the domain, as long as it helps more ancient and unparalleled, the ancient unparalleled nature will be ten times, 100 times feedback.

So, this is a show that doesn't make conception.

However, it is not so good to be so good to be said by a uniform son.

Cui Jing stopped, and the cold face suddenly slammed a weird smile. He turned around, and the voice was low.

Shang Mezong Son heard the words, smiled slightly, "It turns out that the ancient saicos bought the Montenegro of Dan Pills, which seems to be the ancient times unparalleled?"

"If it is ancient ancient unparalleled, what is the meaning of this Dan Pill?"

In this case, there was no noise in the Temple.

All the long-elder Dynamic Damadam of Ancient Sea Castle were denweered, ready to fight.

Cui Jing smiled, "This Dan Pill is indeed, as for Montenegro, the elderies of the ancient sea are sent to the auction line early."

"Why, don't you believe?"

Noisy, tat it is opposite.

"I, how can I believe?" Shangnan son smiled slightly.

At this moment, Cui Jingxi smiled, "Why do I believe? I said that I didn't let you believe, but tell you, I don't believe it!"

At the end of the public, he was clear and shot.

"Bonology, go!" The elder and low voice persuaded, "Here is an ancient and unparalleled, and it is not a dispute."

In the eyes, the cold disappeared, and the uniform son suddenly exposed a smile. "It seems that this ancient and unparalleled is not a clean place, filthy."

At this point, all the Deman is frightened, the upper average is to have a unparalleled confrontation!

Cui Jingfang color is also a moment of cold, but he still suppresses the anger of the heart, and then looks to him, "What is your name?"

All the people are all in all elders, one of the most elderly, the old, and the most elderly, "Cui", my son is still young, young and happy, if you collide, please ... "

I didn't finish it in a word, I've been blocked him directly, and the post-coached voice, "I am the son of the main owner, Qin Tu."

"Qin Tuo, is a good name." Cui Jing suddenly clapped, "Just, this name, do you think is that you said it is good, or is it on your tomb?"

Named Qin Tuo's uniform son heard that his eyes suddenly, and the footsteps were not back to the back.

Cui Jing disdain smiled, and then prepared to leave.

I realized that I lost Qin Tu, I realized that the face was lost, he was angry. "What is your small auction, dare me on all the host ?!"

At this point, the audience is stunned, and over half of the fairy means deep and long-lasting.

Upwood is a super skyout area in the entire large domain, which is indeed fake, which is almost able to sweep half of the ordinary domain.

But this time, they kicked the iron board, a terrible forces of more than ten super-horizon in 10,000 years ago, and the consequences are not they resist.

Cui Jing stopped his body, and he was unfair to automatically.

Next moment, he suddenly turned his body shape, with a speed that could not be imagined, and he smashed on the chest of Qin Du.


He flew ten feet, and then bowed to the jade wall and stopped the steps of the collapse.

The Temple is dead, all of the Deman is amazed.

At all, there is no Division that Cui Jing will have no scruples of the feat.

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