Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5052? Virtue

This foot is equally equivalent to the entire face of the whole, and it is still unable to be able to be good in front of the main face of so many world.

But the feet, is Cui Jing, his kill, a war, let all the Lords of all the Damadam and even the domain, do not dare to fight birds.

The uniforms of the uniforms reacted, and I dared to anger Cui Jing, and then fled to Qin Duo.

"Shaozong Lord!"

At this moment, Qin Tuo, one changed the previous lazy cold, both eyes only humiliated and anger.

It belongs to the extension of the peak of the Danoma, and the whole sky is swept in an instant.

And the top of the uniform, the old age, the old blood, seeing the young land, the Lord is humiliated, all remarks released the delay, ready to war.

All the old Demonstrators of Ancient Sea City also hit the hair, released the delay, and confrontation.

Duty dance, Qin Tu is already in the edge of the anger.

Cui Jing is still laughing, just like a ridiculous thing.

Next, a more huge shocking delay is like the Tianhe florestone from the sky hall, it suddenly covered.

This is extremely terrible. In the moment, it will make every Deman threatened, there is a slightly weak, and even the delay is unable to operate.

There is the main reaction of the skyrog, all the faces are colored, sitting like a needle felt, as if it is targeted.

When the Di Dynamic hidden in the dark appears, the Lord all the sky is secretly aspirated.

Chen Qing.

It is Chen Qing.

He is the two hands in the entire whateous and unparalleated auction house. It is a Danctuary, but in the bloody battle in 10,000 years ago, he realized his own fairy, killing the Lord of the heavenly domain of the super world, let him War beamen.

There is a rumor that he is just a line from the big Danadian, and he has been rumored that he is already a big dermnding.

At this moment, he appeared, all of the people of the old age, such as death, did not dare to confront.

There is an ancient sea city with the same super world, and once it is really open, the average is unhappy!

"A group of jumped beams, dared to say that I am unmanned?"

Angryless angry voice is resounding from Chen Qingkou.

He fell into the sky, the sword of the waist was already scabbard, with thousands of swords, and there was no more exciting directly hovered in every elders of the old age.

As long as Chen Qing's heart is moving, you can directly hit them.

Qin Duo retreats, it is already awake from the anger, he is very awake, here, here, the average is unable to have anything.

Chen Qing, Tui Jing, Site, all look at them in laughing.

At this time, a Deman took a step forward, and he gently in front of Qin Du. Waiting for one day, I don't have to meet each other after the future. "

"It's a joke, are you threatening us?" Chen Qingtan step forward, the face is low, "I will say that you have a mess, it is the top ten, and there is no climate!"


The elderly Deman is in a timely stories, and the face is alternating, and some are angry.

The Qin Tuo, which was previously in the state of vision, and it was calm down. After reading an eye, Chen Qing Tui Jing is waiting, directly led a long and old.

For their departure, Chen Qing did not block too much, let them leave.

Then, the Guhai City Gong was the low-spirited and respectful and respectful posture.

Ancient sea town has no advantage, and even simply can't protect the emperor.

But after the ancient ancient unparalleled, not only put the face, but also let the Dan Pill fall into the sac, this is already the best solution.

Looking at this scene, all the Di Dynamic and the Lord of the Temple and the Lord of the Tianda have exposed a look that means deep and long.

Chen Qing smiled, "You don't have to be polite, promise you to take your ancient sea, no one can take it, it is yours."

Qing Yaoyeded a breath, secretly sighed and unparalleled and unparalleled auction.

In the disseained place, the space in the highest level of the ancient and unparalleated auction house, a body shape is thin, but the youth margin with the west, slow closes a double eye.

He seems to be extremely tired, as long as there is a moment of relaxation, he is not willing to open your eyes, it is like a long time.


The ancient and unparalleled auction opened by five hundred years has ended, and the Lords of the Danafun and the various skybands are in turn.

Although it is over, the real dark stream is about to begin.

In the Wancha Wanhuang Auction, the shot of the treasure will be protected, and once it leaves, it will not be ascended.

In the past 20,000 years, the way to kill the fairy is constantly staged, although the chance is small, but will happen, after all, the ancient unparalleled Bao, already piloted the Diffusion crazy.

At this moment, the ancient sea in the emperor Dan Pill has changed the face, leaving the ancient and unparalleled, and the endless void.

They have to arrive at the ancient sea in the fastest speed. After all, they will become late. No one knows how many Deman is in the dark.

At the same time, they have also done the worst plan, and the emperors are carried by the young people. Once there is no resistance to robbery, they will directly swallow the Dan Pill directly.

More than ten margins, such as meteor, fast illness, across the size of the sky, have a hidden body shape.

But with the depths of the dark void, the Demonstrators of all the ancient sea areas, and it seems that the big crisis will be felt.

"Not good, less than the Lord, I am afraid I have to suffer."

The mood of the master of the ancient sea is sinking.

Next moment, it seems to be in order to confirm that all the idea of ​​all the old agents. The void of the boundless star suddenly showed a dark red.

Just like a scarlet lava, it will be split, forming billions of scary patterns, overturned.

All the Demonstrators of Ancient Sea City are old and they are looking back.

I saw a terrorist shape that was running with red and reddish, from the void crack.

With his footsteps, the void is shocked, and the void hurricane is crushed into a powder.

"Qin, Qin Tuo ?!"


The sky is clear, and it is hanging in Lang.

The two weeks flowing with a strong phenotype, and quickly shuttle in the clouds, and there seems to be an extremely important thing.

Like the hill mad shield, Fengshan still sleeps, it seems that it is possible to fall asleep again.

And in his side, it is a black and dark, and Wei Zijia anxious.

Because it is too anxious, his right hierarchy is between the two fingers, and even a star.

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