Star chess.

Take the star, obsessive as a chessboard, and weigh everything.

At this moment, Wei Zajia has already pushed a result of the most impossible result.

What he has to do now is to see the truth!

"Sixth, you are not a magic, the big brother is afraid that there will be no longer come back over 100,000 years. When the little emperor said, the big brother will not come back again?"

Fengshan scratched his head, it seems that some are reluctant to believe that after all, after two thousand years of years, they are all forced to accept reality.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Wei Si, who was rare, was first burst in the first time. "You listen to him farther! You said that you believe me or believe him ?!"

"Ken, definitely believe you." Fengshan scratched his head again, "Just, do you really determine?"

"As long as you want to see it." Wei Zijia said, "I have a kind of parents, the sword big brother will be in small orchoes!"

Fengshan is shocked, and the figure is instantly out of the storm. "What is waiting for, come quickly !!"


Since the sword is quietly left, it has been more than 20,000 years since still 20,000 years, and the little lonely has also sealed nearly 20,000 years.

As the Tianshi, which is the bidist of the past, Zhao Ting has quietly left after thousands of years without double, and it is not known.

And Spring and Autumn, Chen Qing, Cui Jing, Wei Six, Mashan, five were not left, even if intuition told them that swords were unparalleled, but they were still waiting.

Wei Chijia has created the starry Court, and I have dressed in the day, and I will follow him.

Spring and Autumn, Chen Qing, Cui Jing and other people, built Wan Duhuangdao, built into a huge giant.

Everything is changing, and the one wood in a small day is dusty, only for the shape of the shape.

Standing in a constant small lonely, Wei Sika stopped and took a sigh of breath, then waving the flow transfer.

The familiar scenes enters the eye, causing infinite delusion.

One grass is like a long time, and it is long.

Next moment, he both stunned straight to the top of the day.

There, it is a sword unparalleled sky.

The Temple is magnificent, Xian Yun flows, the order is flowing, everything will never change.

With the foot of the feet, Wei Chifa and Xiangshan were everywhere, and stationed again in the Temple Square.

Looking at the Temple, the clouds that were covered by the clouds, Wei Zijia inexplicably has a strong intuition.

He lifted his right hand and looked at the stars between your palm and then stepped into the hall.

Dust-sealed Tianmen opened again, everything is still.

Wei Sijia is standing outside the temple. It is actually a little retreat.

Fengshan swallowed the throat head, also stignted on the original place, I didn't know the advancement or back.

"Six, sixth, you said that the boss came back?"

"See it, I am wrong." He slowly opened, and his eyes were stunned.

The Temple is in the middle of the sky, the order is turned, and there is no derastine.

"Mountain, let's go." Wei Shanjia turned and ready to leave.

There is not much to say, and for a result of no results, they are ready to accept.

The next moment, the order fluctuates, the familiar sound quietly sounds.

"Sixth, Fengshan, you are coming."

The two are all shaped, stopping the footsteps, opposing each other.

Then they turned back.

A smaller, although the face is somewhat wilting, the bismuth is extremely visiting youth.

He slowly walked out from the temple and smiled.

"Boss ..."

"Sword Big Brother ..."

Then, the last point is restored.

The Mountain is the first to rush, like a small cattle, generally rushing to the sword.

Wei Zajia also did not let, and the figure was a flash.

The sword is unparalleled, only in front of the eyes, and the insurance is squeezed to breathe.

"Stop, stop, I can't breathe ..."

This hug lasted a considerable period of time until Wei Zijia saw that it was not right, and the mountains were pushed away, and the sword was unbearable.

"The sword big brother, you hurt ?!" Wei Zijia staring at the sword unparalleled, he keenly missed the change.

The sound cough, the sword is unparalleled, "said that this is not very good, now I am talking about it, I am talking about it."

Wei Shanna nodded, he vaguely knows Xiaojie unparalleled, because he went to a great risk to find the else, and now he is injured, I am afraid that I will not do relationships with the dangerous land.

But all this is not important, and the important swords are unlikely to come back, which is more exciting than any news.

Mushan is excited, "" The boss is waiting here, I will shout Chen Qing, they will shout Chen Qing. "

The sword is unparalleled, "Don't, I am not a big thing, I don't have a big branches, you have their own things to do."

Wei Zicna also thought about what to say, but at this time, another figure came out of the sky.

The six eyes are opposite, the air is dignified.

Wearing a piece of rinse, the small emperor of the jade bowl is in the original place, and the eye is might.

He didn't think of this scene, which has two Diva in addition to the sword. ?

For a time, he didn't know why the performance, holding a jade bowl.

Wei Zijia and Fengshan have returned to God, meaning that the sword is unparalleled.

Then, Wei Zijia is awkward, "Maybe, we are not time."

The sword is unparalleled, so shook his head, "No, what are you coming is just."

At this moment, outside the Temple, the sound of the riot of violent sounds.

Then, the powerful figure of the three weeks flowed into the fairy rhyme.

They are Chen Qing, Spring and Autumn, and Cui Jing.

In the past 20,000 years, the people have already passed the sea, but for the immortals, but a light dream.

The true eye is relative, they all laugh.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword is unparalleled to smile.

"It's good, the sword brother." Chen Qing stepped forward, solemnly.

Spring and Autumn and Cui Jing also stepped forward and solemnly.

"You don't have to be cautious, how do you know that I am back?" The sword didn't smile and asked.

"Heart is rhinoceros." Spring and Autumn smiled and pointed to the point.

Cui Jing also laughed, "You have come back in the brother of the sword, this is not worried about where you are."

It is approachable for nearly 20,000 years, they will gather again, and all the Damadam is laughing.

Only the small emperor of the jade bowl is frustrated, and it is not, not going.

After a while, he put the jade bowl in the hands on the side of the case, turned and entered the deep temple.

Seeing the familiar faces, the sword is unparalleled. "You have a good realm. If you have a while, you should have a big Damadam."

I heard this, they all looked at Chen Qing.

Chen Qing is the longstive existence of obstructing the fairy, and between them, in addition to the sword, the first grasps of the fairy fairy.

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