The black robe is silent, and the double-eyed is fixed to the sword.

"You, is it to stop my son from going to the Big Deman?"

The sword is unparalleled, and he is sinking in his heart. He felt nothing.

"Say, where are they in the end! If you don't say, there is a matter of the average, you must die!"

The shackles of the black robe are the top of the Qin, Qin Duo is the child under his seat.

In the face of the sword unparalleled drink, he settled, and the eyes started to reveal the intention of irritation.

"All the uniforms are old, the disciples are listening, and quickly rush to Tiange, killing the enemy!"

The sword is unparalleled. "You want the whole disciple to accompany you?"

"The dead is you!" Qin Zun anger, "You but a little Diva, I will let you die!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the hand directly raises his hand to him.

The univalant is instantly swept, carrying the general trend.

Qin complied also reacted, suddenly lifted the arms, and pulverized the sword unparalleled offensive.

As the host, he has already realized his own fairy before several Hua, and only a line of Dagan.

In the face of it is just the sword of the Damadam, he naturally does not put it in your eyes.

But in the next, Qin Zhitai realized that his idea is ridiculous.

The sword has no doubles, and the bibli is rushing forward.

Its speed is fast, when Qin complies, the heavy punch is smashed in his chest.

A crisp bone crack was resounded, his chest was directly depressed, and then the whole body was flying out of Baizhang, and he planted in the ruins.

The sword has no double shape, such as ghost, Qin complained in the moment, he has already come to him, and it is also a punch.

The clear bone crack sounds again.

Even if Qin complarge is quasi-big, the fairy is strong, and it is still not a double.

Dust flying, dramatically impact wave layers.

Anyone who heard the monette of Qin Zing's ordered, and the disciples did not dare to go forward.

Blood gas, almost like a bloody sea.

This is the way of sword unparalleled killings, and only his killing will explode so pure blood.

Ten hike, a whole 10,000 boxes, a fist in the fairy body of Qin.

When the sword is unparalleled, he is already dying.

The smash of the fairy bones, will not be recovered in a short period of time.

Slowly spit out a feet, he raised his hand will throw it out as the dead dog, and then throw it out and then looks at the ground at the foot.

Killing the way, the sensitiveness of the sword is unparalleled to the blood has reached an unprecedented level, he smells the unchaul of the floor under the foot.

This is the most central office of Shangmane Temple, which is also the most delayed and blood of the blood, and the hiding of Qin Duo is also very likely to be here.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, no longer hesitate, the right hand is transferred, and the invisible sword is condensed.

Then he tat into the ground with the invisible sword.

Next, the entire fairy mountains shocked, and a unconformable fluctuation broke out.

All the old and old and disciples were once again withdrawn, even Chen Qing and Chunqiu were unable to stop, and they were forced to withdraw from Baizhang.

Xian Yun exits, the whole towering hills are depleted, pure red gold is intended to flow in cracks.

Then, the Xian Mountain was pulverized and turned into a heavy mountain stone drop mountain.

With the wake of Xian Mountain, a group of blood is like the blood gas in the same day.

The blood is chaotic, emits a strange color, the most central is unable to look straight, and even the sword is unparalleled.

But the breath that this blood is released, it seems that there seems to have across the ridge.

Along with this blood, the entire day area is acne, it has become dark red.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, he feels that the inexplicable familiarity.

The blood is gradually dissipated, in the top chaos, is a body shape.

He is before the previous captured head.

At this moment, he is covered with dark red dense, in the void behind it, hanging a round of closed eye wheels.

The breath of Qin Du, far exceeded the Deman, truly achieving a big Damai.

Danifian and Dagani, although only a difference, it is a gap that cannot be imagined. Nine-year-nine Damai can't break through. Only a one-time Diki can go to the Big Deman.

This is difficult to say it all.

The sword is unparalleled. At this moment, he is not a big Daman. He is the most worrying, it is Cui Jing.

"This is the idea of ​​the big Damai to control it." Qin Duo smiled, looking at it forward.

The four eyes are relatively, Qin Tuo acts in the lead!

He slammed, and the heavenly chain of the delay is directly entangled to the sword.

The sword is Huang Huang, which is rushed.

In the face of the root heaven, millions of swords will gather together, and it is necessary to respond.

- "

Tiandi trembled, this role of the heavenly chain is directly smashing, and millions of swords will not be reduced, directly strand Qin Tuo.

The dark red blood violating is directly collining.

Not only that, the huge eye wheels that have been hanging in the void behind Qin Duo, and it will slowly open this moment.

Pan is cold, there is no emotion, some are just confused, the visitor.

With this eye opening, everything quietly changes.

Anyone is right, even the Di Dynasty is directly lost.

At this moment, all disciples of Shangzong even lost, then crazy.

The ancient Ting was shocked, he was also lost, but he was directly poured directly by Chen Qingyi, and looked at this scene with his face.

"Don't look at that eye, I can save you once, but I don't have to save you the second time." Chen Qing reached his sentence, no longer said.

After the completion of the comics, the spring and autumn worry about the sword unparalleled back, this kind of confusion is too weird, and it is possible to lose slightly.

Once the sword is unparall, I am afraid that things will be completely uncontrollable.

In the face of the eye wheel with the temptation, the sword is unparalleled, and as the condensation is a great success, it naturally feels the temptation of the eyes, which is mainly caused by erosion.

It is a little inadvertent, I am afraid it will be lost.

"Are you confusing enough?" The sword was unparalleled, and then raised his hand and took a slap in the past.

This contains a slap in which the fierce sword is, like a hurricane, easy to cut off the heaven chain, visiting Qin Tuo, and the huge eye wheel behind him.

Qin Tuo did not think that the sword was unparalleled, but did not think that he would actually respond.

Therefore, he did not respond, and it was hard to have a strong strike.

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