Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5063? Killing

Tianshi directly broke out deep gully, naked the void.

Qin Tuo is like a broken kite, flying out thousands of feet away, and crushed the number of Shenfeng Xianchang stopped his body.

The sky is hovering, directly refers to Qin Tuo.

The eye wheel in the void is like Totemn, watching everything.

"you wanna die!"

Qin Tu, walk from the broken fairy mountain.

He waved his arms, and he was strong and unparalleled, and wrapped around the sword.

" ." The sword is unparalleled, reached out and shakes, and suddenly holds all the trays of the trays.

Then, he pulled straight to Qin Tuo.

A punch is heavy, and the boxing is broken, all blood fogs are turned out in an instant.

This is a punch that contains the way of killing, enough to make Dagan unbearable.

However, Qin Duo hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-crushing, and the rigid tragent pour is in the void.

He didn't dare to confuse, a little Division, which was able to make such a huge hustle.

You must know that between the Damai and the Dagan, the Tiangu is not overrun, and it is more harm to Da Yanxian?

But now, it happens.

The blood is sprayed, and the fairy is broken, but after dozens of interest, it will heal.

In Qin Tuo, only crazy is left.

I have been caught by swords without double pressing, even if I am going to be a big demon, this makes him almost mad.

The boundless dark red blood is condensed into a chain, from the void, penetrate every inch, Xian Mountain.

It has fallen into a lost, and the disciples have not dodge, the sluggish looks, and then wear the chain holes falling from the sky, change the powder.

The sword is unparalleled, the invisible sword is again condensed, and a sword is ignorant to the empty, and the root chain is broken.

"His mother, this animal is not crazy, how do you not let go of your disciples?"

In the comic circle, Chen Qing was resistant to the hardship.

"It should be that the eyes are engaged in ghosts, I want to get a way." Spring and Autumn Summer said, watching the eye wheel hovering in the void.

"I think about the way." Chen Qing bite his teeth, his mind, the truth of the waist is directly out of sheath, carrying millions of swords to the void eye wheel.

The dark red eye wheel is extremely huge, almost a division of the sky, the pupil chaos is incomparable, the feeling of confusing the person is exuded from the center of the most central.

Millions of swords, condensed into a huge true sword, and the sky is stabbed to the strange eyes.

The next moment, the scene of the trees appeared.

Millions of swords did not have any obstruction of the jealous wheel, but only this is, as mud cows, there is no death, the eye wheel is complete.

"Not good, I am afraid there is a big problem ..." Chen Qing lip slightly, it seems to be a terrible thing.

Next, it seems to be in order to confirm his thinking. The eye wheel in the void is suddenly treated, and the latter is contaminated with the huge sword of the dark red blood, and the road is returned to Chen Qing. Turkey!

"Run!" Chen Qing was shocked, directly carrying spring and autumn.

"Boom !!"

The huge sword is down, the earth is broken, thousands of Xianshan at this moment, all collapsed.

All the elders and disciples who came up, eventually funeral, and they have never left half a point.

Put this scene, the sword is unparalleled to the head to see Qin Tu, "Do you think, don't die?"

"What is it? The end result will be you blain!" Qin Duo said.

"In this case, then you are willing."

His words, the invisible sword in his hand suddenly won the Qin Tuo.

Void collapse, endless swords and horizontal.

Qin Duu, the meridian above the fairy, and the shape is sharp and the body shape is sharp.

Then, a shock of dark red treasures, staring behind him.

The treasure is too huge, and the earth is shaking, as if it is shrouded in the cloud smoke, it is generally not true. It can only be reluctant to see the outline.

And the dark red treasure of Qin Duo, is restricted by a chain, which is detected from the void, limits actions.

When the treasure phase came out, his breath was sharply climbed several levels, reaching an unprecedented degree, and even swords were unparalleled.

"I am a big Damai, and what you are countless!" Qin Du, five fingertips, suddenly navited billion qi.

In the face of bloody, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are indifferent.

His whisper has quietly covered a layer of faint golden and easy to resist the blood of the sword.

Qin Du is shocked. Although he has already placed the land of Dagan, the sword is unparalleled, and he is still inexplicable.

Therefore, he decided to shoot, the dark red treasure of the chain was banned behind.

The treasure phase lifted his arm, enough to cover the big palm to the sword without double cover.

The void tremor seems to have begun to withstand this kind of power, and it is possible to collapse at any time.

Brain - "

The giant sounds resounded through the four wild eight wild, the red gold collided with the dark red, and the impact of the outbreak was directly swayed, so that the whole seawato plane could not afford it, and began to be broken.

The palm of the dark red treasure is also smashed, and a lightweight figure is like a big day star, and the momentous came to Qin Tuo.

Everything is too fast, when he responded, the sword is unparalleled.

"What is the big Daman?"

Along with this indifferent sound, it is a sword to pass through the cold.

Qin Tui only felt that there was a painless pain in the limbs, and then he bowed his consciousness to look at the chest.

At the heart, the invisible sword is complete, the blood is sprayed.

With the power of the Deman, cut off the body of the big Diffusion, this is an unimaginable scene.

Qin Du wants to counterattack, but finding a finger unable to do it, his own delay seems to find a venting mouth, crazy from the broken heart.

And swords are unparalleled, and the eyes are still calm, as if they are killing a big fairy, and it is a simple matter to him.

"Tell you, the three of the three Deman, I am a life." He said indifferent, the sound is not doubtful.

The strong blasting crisis allowed Qin Du, he opened his mouth, "he, they are all ..."

In this sentence, he did not finish, he suddenly changed the look, and he was very incomparable. "I want to know their falling? Then you will accompany them!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is already too late.

A big Damadam, the power of the outstanding power of life is far more imagination, Qin Tuo directly hugged him, rushing to the void.

There, hovering one eye wheel, huge dark red eye wheel, exudes the great potential of confusing the camera, and it is extreme.

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