Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5067? Testing of Damage Dam

The bottle of the bottle, can be paid in three thousand worlds, which is unlimited.

It is the belong to the emperor sheep.

I have been wearing a sword where there is no double, and he comes to all the opportunities and the things that are hidden in the .

At the moment, I repeatedly saw the Yangbo bottle, the sword was unparalleled.

The look of the little monarch is also unnatural, but immediately laughed, "Yu Bo, from heaven to six days, you can be extremely far away, you must have some tired right, I have long ready to make a good brewed ..."

, then look at the sword unparalleled, "Little Friends, this object is yours."

He nodded.

"That's good, now I'm returning to the original owner, the old man is relieved." Yu Bo said with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, and the boulder quickly recovered.

He added again, "Oh, your little bottle, I didn't open it, I have been in the original state."

Just a look, the sword is unparalleled, knowing that the bottle is indeed not opened, the above, such as silk, the stall, still exists.

He relieves a breath, then solemnly arched his own thanks.

, "Xiaoyou doesn't have to be polite, this is the old man should do it, you see if there is anything in it."

The sword is unparalleled, and directly put the in the waist, "Yu Bo said, you can lose your child, then send it to the kid, it is my blessing, if you go to explore, I It can be a true person. "

, "Interesting, Interesting."

"Don't be interesting, you just have to send a small bottle this time?" Xiaofei swayed him, "Do you have any baby?"

"You, really, I can't hurt you," helpless, "Of course, brought you baby."

"I will take it out, come out," Xiaofei appeared very urgent.

"This time, the baby can not be general," Yu Bo is quite mysterious, he reached a hand, and the jade box of the slap in the case of the case.

The sword is unhealthy, which is roughly guessing what is placed in the jade box.

The little monarch can't wait to open the box, and I am full of Huaguang, the colorful rain is supported.

The moisture of the rich to the extreme is quickly condensed into the substance, and the heart is refreshed.

Within the jade box, two Dan Pills are placed.

Dan Pills are almost transparent, and there is no air transport in the inside, and the same swim is rotated.

Only one eye, the sword is unparalleled, these two Dan Pills must be the heart of the true Wuyang!

Even the value of these two Dan Pills, but also on the Emperor of the Sixrow Dijun!

Because he felt the air transport contained in these two Dan Pills, it has already exceeded the force of the Deman, reaching another degree.

Excuse me, who can condense the arrogance of Dadan?

Only emperor.

Open the jade box, staying in the box is the Dan Pill, the little eyes are difficult to cover, "this, what is not general."



Can despise this level of Dan Pills, I am afraid there is only a small emperor.

Ustrician Deman, even if the qualification is more mediocrity, as long as it takes a, the year is inevitably promoted.

This is, the terrible level of these two Dan Pills is in the eyes.

smiled, "Derry, you only try, the rest is given ..."

I didn't finish it in a word, Xiao Yunnan directly looked up to eat beans, and swallowed two Dan Pills.



"Eat, it seems that there is no effect." Xiaolun took the stomach, and the eyebrows looked at Wu Bo.

Indeed, the two Dan Pills have fallen, the shock scenes that should have not appeared, even the change in Misease has not appeared, just like the mud cow into the sea, do not see halfway.

"Who, who makes you eat ..." , "The two Dan Pills, there can be a parallel small friends ..."

Xiaowei's eyes widened, "Ah ?? Why don't you say it early? Is it difficult to let me spit?"

Ber smiles, "You, the sexy is always so eager."

He scratched his head. "This is not blame me, but it is not explained."

Then, Yu Bo looked at the sword and unparalleled, "unparalleled small friends, this is the mistake of the old man, wait for him, I will go to the emperor to ask you again."

The sword is unparalleled, "I went to the head," Yu Bo, there is no need, I have not had any benefits for Tiandi, if you get the Dan Pill, then you are harmful. "

"And the two Dan Pills have given the little emperor, this is the most correct way, please don't let the children can't make the child."

Yan Bo said that it is difficult to say, "But this Dan Pill is the emperor's gift, in order to thank you for the initiative of the small emperor."

"Really don't have to, Dan Pill is too expensive, and the boy must not be able to end." The sword did not have a strong shite.

How does he not understand that this Dan Pill is the importance of the Danu, which will let the Dynamic will inevitably go to the big Deman, which is too crazy.

Once you will take this Dan Pill, it is equal to the feelings of the tiage, and this feelings are too heavy, he will never go back.

From the perspective, the two Dan Pills have been eaten by Xiaolun, but it is better to have a good way.

Yan Bo still wants to say more, the little monarch is open, "I'm going to be tangled again, and I will send it again later, it is the urgency of the moment, it is going back to Tiantian."

He heard words, crying, "Good kid, I will not be honest."

It is also a long time, and the Biberts left.

In the big temple, only the sword is unparalleled and Xiaoli.

"This is finally gone." Xiajun tone, then looked at him to pick eyebrows.

"What happened?" The sword did not solve it.

Next, the move of Xiaofu made him wide.

I saw him reaching out of the mouth, and the two contained the Dan Pill without the atmospheric fortune, and then fell into the palm.

"You, are you taking them?" The sword was unparalleled.

Xiaoyu smiled, "How can you, don't know what I have, this kind of Dan Pill is for me, even if you eat one thousand, there is no effect."

"So, I will fake it, hidden in the mouth."

His words, reach out of the two Dan Pills directly in the sword.

"It's better to give you, it's better to give you."

Looking at the two Dan Pills in the hands of gas transportation, the sword is unparalleled.

But Xiaowu is more resolute than him. "If you don't accept it, you will be throwing this Dan Pill, but these things are for me, but useless rubbish."

"Can ..." The sword is unparalleled to the mouth, and then gave it, leaving only a little sigh.

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