Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5068? About Tianzipos

In fact, he really wants to say that these two pieces of Danu, which are unpreparent, and there is almost no major effect on themselves.

Because the sword is unparalleled now, it can be determined, and his upper limit is a deraptary.

As for the big dean, even the emperor, almost all haven't worried.

So, these two contains the unhaneous Danong pills of Damani, he could not accept it.

But he can't say that these are exported, only to hold these two Dan Pills.

"I think, I will soon see a big dean." Xiaofei said with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled, "I think it is not so easy."

Xiaofu is not available for this.

Leave from big orchically, after the sword is unparalleled back to the little orchic, Cui Jing and others are all surrounded.

"Sword big brother, how is it, is it a heaven?"

"Is there any baby who didn't send?"

In the face of these problems, the sword is unparalleled and patient. Of course, the two Dan Pills also said.

"No, there is really the kind of Dan Pill?" Cui Jing was completely shocked.

Not only Cui Jing, Chen Qing and other people are also shocked, which can let the Daman will inevitably promote the Danada of Dagan, actually really! !

Chen Qing shocked muttered, "Good guys, this seems to be in Wanyou, I am afraid the forces of the whole big downtown will compete."

"No, this is not rumored, you can only know." The sword said unparalleled.

After he reminded that Chen Qing was aware of the seriousness.

If the news of this Tan Pill is spread, I am afraid that there are countless days will shock, and the ancient pairs are just a auction house, which cannot be resistant to too many variables.

Therefore, this must not be passive.

Then, the sword has no cartowatt hand puts two Dan Pu in the case.

"This is the two Dan Pills, I will not use it, you need to be able to pick it up."

Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Fengshan and Wei Chijia are all eye-catching each other, and then shook his head at the same time.

"Sword Brothers, this Dan Pill is not used, give you not a waste." Chen Qing said with a smile.

Spring and Autumn I also nodded, "Jian brother, Chen Da said is right, these 20,000 years, we have eaten Dan Pill, no hundreds, the drug is accumulated in the body, enough to support us breakthrough. "

"Yes, this Dan Pill is still a boss, I am afraid that I can't stand the medicine." Cui Jing said.

Fengshan is equally facing, "I never tethaly medicine, I will pay more attention to the stream."

"She is the same." Wei Chijia said.


The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't know what they think.

"Sword brothers, try to break through, maybe this is an opportunity," Chen Qing said, "I am looking forward to making you a big Dai Xian, what will grow to something."

Spring and Autumn laughed, "Yes, the brother, you have to grow up, and you need you to cover it."

The sword is unparalleled, "" At least in a short period of time, I will not try to break through the big Damani, I still have something more important. "

"These two Dan Pills are placed in the temple. When they come to the opportunity, they must eat one."

"Remember, only it is strong, you can stand in the world."

At this moment, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Fengshan, Wei Zijia all headed.

It is also because they are not strong enough, so that they will take the nose with Qin Duo, and they are hidden to return.

Following, Cui Jingdao, "Boss, what is important thing you said, what is it? Will not go?"

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "Don't go first, good rest and feelings."

Chen Qing, Chunqiu is more eye-catching, and then revealing a smile.

"In this case, then let's drink ten days and ten nights!"

"Hey, this is not very good, I am injured, I have not fully recovered."


The wind is full of wind, and the Temple stands.

At this moment, the sword is lying on the top of the Temple, and the left hand holds a bone of Yingrun as jade, and it is looked at the god.

Since the first day of the sky, it has been nearly 20,000 years.

In this approach 20,000 years, there are too many things happening, so that he doesn't even find out the time of unlocking the sky.

But now, all things have been temporarily annihilated, except for the unknown, the sword is unparalleled, there is time to find, explain the secret of the sky-striped bones.

Today, in his hands, you can master the two zip bones related to the Master's muan, and there is also a known bones in the hands of the silver bell.

A total of three bones, not enough to reveal too much useful news, swords are unparalleled to these day-striped bones, I am afraid it will never be less than ten.

Nowadays, he wants to collect these days of zonophysical bones, and there is no different fantasy.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, first start with the secret text of the bones in the hand.

The cizes on this bones are too old and ridiculous, only by himself, they can't take it at all.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled in the first time, and the short conversation with Xiaofeng will be held.

The entire big downtown can understand the difficulty cixed, almost there is little, not to mention this kind of text beyond the ancient times.

But there is always an exception, and the first one of the big dowels, Xu Tuo, in the Sanchi Mountain, and loves to cast the treasure, and drilled the difficulty.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled to find the artist Xu Duo.

He has already begun to plan, and then cultivates for a while, he will go to the three-inch mountain.

On the occasion of the sword without double thinking, Cui Jing's words pulled him to reality.

"Hey, sword big brother, this bracelet on your wrist, when is there, I have never seen it before."

He heard the words, the next consciousness looked at the wrist, and found his left hand wrist, I didn't know when I wore a bracelet.

"This bracelet, why don't I remember before?" The sword was also surprised, the bracelet between the wrist showed the simple meaning, which portrays the mountain water grain, which is very strong.

Pensive, he began to go to the bracelet.

But soon, he found that this bracelet is unfold, which contains the rejection of the people.

"Is it a son, or is it brought to me?" The sword was unparalleled, but soon these ideas were rejected.

Because there is no different fairy at all, it is possible to put a bracelet in his wrist.

But this kind of thing is biased, and if it is not a reminder of Cui Jing, the sword is unparalleled or even noticed this change.

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