Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5069? Preparation before going away

He has a kind of inexclip, this bracelet seems to be inbidden.

But what is imprisoned, he is not known.

"No, you don't know who this bracelet is to wear?" Cui Jing is, then the voice is low, "If you say, will you be a little monarch?"

The sword is unparalleled, but there is a general judgment in his heart.

I left in the sea, I was brought out from him, and this time, his memory was fragmented, almost unable to think of what happened.

And this simple bracelet is very likely to wear it in the period of his coma.

As for who is doing this, the sword is unparalleled has also been roughly judging.

"But they, why do you want to put this on such a thing?" He frowned wrinkled, and then as a real thing, sitting up, and started to sit on the ground.

Dragings, such as the mountains like the sea, the flow of life in the meridian is turning.

The fairy, delay, and swords have not lacking, and even the same day before, it has reached a state of realm.

The sword is unhappy, and the bracelet does not ban anything he has.

It is precisely because of this, he feels an arbility.

Since there is no imprisonment, what is the meaning of this bracelet?

After the mind, the sword is not paired in the mind, and then I will understand this in advance.

In nearly 20,000 years, they are hard to gather, at this moment, all or sitting in the top of the sky, and the leisure rest.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is no longer busy, enjoying a moment of peace.

Then he was in the spring and autumn, and said it was ready to leave.

Cui Jingwen, a bone climbed, and said enthusiastic, "Boss, take me this time, take me."

"On the side, this time I was." Mushan screwed the huge body and came over.

"Fair competition, fair competition." Chen Qing did not follow.

Looking at this noise, the sword is unparalleled, and then he is in color, "it is quiet, I will go this time, I don't know where to come back, so you may not have to go with me."

"You have to do it now, it is as possible to improve your strength, only like this, in order to really stand in Da Yan."

At this moment, Chen Qing and other people solemnly, and they began to think.

Without an exception, they pulled their thoughts to the future, and more wide and unspeakable big derived.

Dadyu, not only is a mysterious endless Justice, but also the same as Chen Qing is also the case.

They have not taken a step in the big section.

The big Si David is too magnificent, and countless Deman and even Dagan is until dead.

However, such a large domain is almost the sea in Daman.

Even as the Spring and Autumn of the Old Emperor, I can't imagine the vast vastness.

Therefore, they are pudging in the sword unparalleled. At the same time, they have also begun to find that outside the big downtown is true.

At this moment, the eyes of Spring and Autumn are getting striking, then he opens, "Jian brother, can you continue to follow you, go to the largest domain outside the big domain?"

At this point, Chen Qing Tui Jing and other eyes are warm.

The sword is unparalleled, "Going to a more wide and unpredictable sky domain, of course, but now you have to do it, let the realm will come back to the next floor and reach Da Dai."

Dagan, is a real suggesting outside the emperor, and you can create a heaven, which is unable to exist.

And on the big Daman, for the Deman, it is an unbearable imagination.

You must know that the whole vast and unfunctive big downtown, after the obsessment of the Emperor of the Emperor, the Dagan is rarely rare to even the number of hands.

Even the rumors have been rumored, the upward road has been blocked, and it will not break through.

However, after seeing Qin Tuo, Qin Tuo, on the place of Daman, they know that the road to the top is not blocked, but it is more difficult.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, and they will be registered as soon as possible.

Only the advancement of adding, achieving the kind of height is the real top peak.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, Chen Qing, Chunqiu, Cui Jing, Fengshan, Wei Zijia will look back, they have firmly, and they have firmly in their hearts, and they will be issued towards Da Yanxian.

The sword is unparalleled, not only to motivate them, but also incentive yourself, go to a higher place.

With the continuous way, those long memories have emerged in new fog.

Master Zunyi, the old, and the universe of the universe, almost hard to force the god of the god and the organization, what is the head of the head, and whether it is great in this great, whether there is a footprint.

These are like layers of fog, shrouded in the sword unparalleled heart.

What he has to do now is to open this layer of fog and let all the truths have emerged.

So he didn't dare to slack off now, facing the only clue, Tianziji bones, he must catch it.

After drinking at the top of the Tiangou, the sword didn't leave alone, and did not let any distalmity followed, as never appeared.

On the occasion of leaving, he went to the Xiaodi, after I learned that the artist Xu Tuo's live-ranking three-inch mountain, finally left.

Regarding the news of Tianzimba, he can't wait any longer, so he resolutely start again.

In the face of the unknown sky, the sword is unparalleled.

Although the big domain is infinite and endless, almost all have been divided into seven emperors.

And the position of the Sanchi Mountain is quite mysterious and is unpredictable.

The three-inch mountains are not part of any party in the big domain, and they are not easy to find.

I want to find the Danadian of the Shenmin Xu Duo, which is no longer countable, but eventually can only be returned.

There is a rumor, the three-inch mountains, the most proud of the monk Xu Tuo, built in the unparalleled force, even if it is a big Dikifa unable to explore, more look for.

Xiaodi is only able to say that it is probably orientation. It is also not very clear.

The probably a position of the Sanchi Mountain is precisely in a headache - Big Miao.

Big Miai, the heavenly domain of the second daughter, is also correct with the son of the sword.

Three mountains, although it is not big, it is adjacent to the sky, I don't know where.

But even if so, the sword is unparalleled to step on the distance, and go to the vastness.

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