Because of the initial experience, he no longer lost the void.

Void, but the Deman of the road is extremely sparse, and occasionally there is a Danctuary, but the sword is unparalleled, and it will disappear in the void.

Relying on its own speed, he will need a short time to reach the sky, and if you leave the fairy array leaving the ancient times, it will greatly shorten the time.

But I don't know if the impression of the fairy array is not very impressive, and the sword is unparalleled without choosing a fairy array, but it is a good time.

The skyrog is full of horizontal, and everything is under him.

Every square domain has countless creatures, as well as unwilling monks, and these domains, but also the sea in the vast domain.

The sea is a chestnut, I don't know a few.

These feelings stay in the sword unparalleled mind, they were erased, he continued to be silent.

It is possible to have a numerous day, all of which are not a derivative.

Not all Deman is a good generation, often has a good repair, but promoted the Daman Dynasty, the Daman, and robbed the road to the deraptary.

As in the first sword, the sword is in the big sentiment, the same, the tramptom, the fun, and the top repair.

Today's sword is unparalleled, although it is still a Danctuary, but the strength level is already terrible, even if it is the top of the promotion of the big Daman, Qin Tuo is killed by him.

So he didn't care much about the danger of hidden in the void. Now he is, even if he faces the nine-way Damadam, he also confident can refund.

But the more you don't care, the more you find it.

"Hey, this passengers, put things on the body, I will let you live."

A slightly rough sound is resounding, and there is a dozen body shape, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is not a double brow micro-wrinkle, stopped.

In the void, the Deman of the Square is most likely to be robbed.

And in this eighteen body shape, there is a seven Deman, and the rest of the body is also cultivated.

These originally standing in the top of the peak, but now make this kind of champion, can't help but have no doubles.

The 18th body shape is the first, a rough big man takes the lead in stepping, but the ....

In his opinion, the youth Division in front of him, except for the dust, there is no other special place.

The passionate silent sword is unparalleled, "Of course, you are from taking, you are all giving you."

The rough big man will be a glimpse, then the big joy, and the proposal is going to rush forward.

But immediately felt the body-skinned Dynamic, but suddenly pulled him, shook his head slightly, "can't hill."

"Old three, are you stupid, in the district, a demonstration of the monk, as for this?" The rough big man squatted to the palm of the thin and thin, and quite excited to sword unparalleled.

The rest of the fairy is also close together.

"Don't play the pattern, the old man will make treasures to treasure, I will leave you, otherwise." The rough big man suddenly released the long-term delay, and the trend was unstoppable.

In the face of such a group of Deman and the top, the sword is unhappy, but he did not express it.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and a dark-colored Dan Pill appears in the palm.

Suddenly, the square is full of thousands of miles, all of which are flooded by a strange pole.

Colorful shadow, unparalleled swords, rich in extreme.

This Dan Pill is now in the world, and all the Danadian and the top are all round, and it is incredible.

This Dan Pill has exceeded their imagination, even if they have never seen, but the air transportation from Dan Pills, no one tells them, this is a greatization.

All Di Dano is very hot, almost all are not helped to the Dan Pill.

But the next moment, the turbulence!

A soft to almost unable to view the swords, fluttering, like a feathers, rotating flying.

Time seems to be stagnant, all crazy Deman and the fanatic heat in the eyes have not been dissipated, and only the neck and the mouth is cold, and then there is no interest.

The gentle sword is, and there is six Diva, 11 top-bearing life within one interest.

If you look at it, you can see that their fairyland, the origin is already broken, and it cannot be reshaped.

In one eye, I also fell voids with a fanatic head, and then I was twisted by the virtual wind.

Convergence Hua Mang, the sword is not a double brow micro-wrinkle.

He did not care about these deadly corpses, but look at the distance.

There, a thin body has ridiculous.

As early as the sword, there was no double tama, and the thin Dairy did not hesitate to escape from a short distance.

"Right is a good material that scatters." The sword is unimaced.

Although this is said, he did not plan to let this small variable.

And the orientation of the thin and thin fairy is also the direction of the big Miao, the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, a cold sweat flows from the corner of the dry Demai, he almost makes it out of the unknown.

He even didn't even dare to go back, almost the soul flying.

If it is not a cautious reason, I am afraid that he has already been dead.

Today, the 18th figure, only one of him escaped, can't help but fortunate.

But this is fortunate that there is no time to last too long, and the skinny looks look back, this look, the soul is full.

That face is calm, waving the six Diva, the 11th Youth Deman, and it turns over to him at this moment!

Desperate vine, the thin and thin Dynamic only felt the hands and feet, shook it.

A unable to describe Senklock, quietly swept.

But this is the Seni-cooler, not unparalleled by the sword.

Senhan, cold, hegemony.

This is like a mid-to-mind.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the eyebrows are slightly lifted.

This is killing, it is also a sword.

It is extraordinary to cover such a broad distance in an instant.

"Don't you have to kill, can you have a soft hand?"

Like the sound of the falling in nine days float, with a few questions, I is cold, rushing to the sword.

With an acoustic shape, countless ice crystal swords fall, and the potential can be air.

Looking at this scene, the sword is unparalleled, he reaches your hand and sweeps up, straight into the clouds.

The two collide, countless ice crystal swords are like mud cows, and they will not see half of the trail in an instant.

And the breeze of the swept is clearly clear, so that the sound of the darkness is invisible.

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