"This shot, the power has already reached the threshold of the Holy Stream." The sword is unparalleled.

The surrounding crowd also sounded a burst.

On the empty, the middle-aged man is bright, "Xiaozi, good, even if I am, I will cultivate the" bones "method to the second floor when I am 16 years old, and you are only fifteen years old. It has already been made into the second layer, this, you can be stronger than me. "

"That is." Yellow Tiger is quite proud: "I have to be like you in the future, becoming the god of the Demon League, with those monsters, certainly can't be weaker than the father."

"Haha!" Heard this, the group of people laughed.

"Okay, don't tell you, the leader, I will come back this time, in addition to see the Qinghu, look at the people, there is another thing." Green is positive.

"Then let's talk about it in the account." Wuhum said, and immediately gave a governor, the arbitrary account.

Many people concentrated on the campus, seeing the green fire, and they have been scattered.

"Light rain, what is your" "method for you to mention in your green fire?" The sword didn't ask.

The rain next to the rain immediately replied: "That is the quenching method of all the tribes will cultivate from small, used to grow the body, long force."

"Like me, I also cultivate" "method, but I have no Qinghu brother is so powerful, but now I can't refine the first floor, Gonghu brother is here, but the first floor is made. "

"Long body, long force quenching method?" The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and immediately said: "Light rain, can I ?"

"Of course, you can." Wu Yu nodded, but then directly in front of the front, "it is there."

The sword walked in the direction of Wu Yufu, and he saw the end of the front, standing on the edge of the campus.

That stone monument, swords are unparalleled to see this campus, but never worry.

"The" "method is on the stone monument?" The sword is unbolded.

When he walked with the stone monument of Wu Yuchao, he walked to the stone monument. Sure enough, he saw the small text of the dense Ma Ma sculpture in this stone note.

These characters have been added to thousands of words, which is the practice of "bones" practice, and this method is also divided into four levels.

"A method of a method, on this bright spot, standing on the campus?" The sword was unhealthy, and asked again: "Light rain, can I practice this method?"

"The first four floors of the bulls, in the demon spirit continent very common, many tribal people have this way, unparalleled big brother, you have to practice natural, but no double big brother, your body is so strong, before, no cultivation Similar Legou? "Wu Yu was confused.

"Auntie said, the same type of method can only cultivate one."

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled and smiled.

He is strong in the body, purely because of the specialty of the big days, plus the backward quenching.

As for the quenching method that is completely used to enhance the strength of the flesh, he has never cultivated. (Daotian Conduction is a practice, is a spiritual force, just special, not a quenching method)

"Specially used to quench the flesh of the flesh, don't know if there is any use of me, try it." The sword was unparalleled to follow the criminals on the stone monument.

No hesitated, the sword was unparalleled even in the front of this stone tablet, and then began to cultivate the first floor of the finitectime.

Wu Yu also saw that the sword is unparalleled, and there is no more to disturb him, but the well-behaved squats next to it.

The fingers of the fingers are a method of quenching the root bones.

This method of law, the sword is not heard in Shenzhou, I have heard it.

The bullworm door cultivation is strongly related to its own flesh power.

The stronger the flesh, the more it is more relaxed.

The sword is sitting without a double disc, according to the first floor of the method, only a moment of Jung Fu, the sword is unparalleled, and the first floor of this finitecture has been refined.

"It's easy." The sword was unparalleled, and it didn't feel unexpected.

The strength of your own flesh is enough to compare the second high-level god soldier. It is like him, and you can't afford him.

This flesh, cultivate this finish, naturally, it is easy, just like drinking water.

Tightly followed, the sword is unparalleled, and the second floor of the milania is started ...

The second layer is still easy.

The third floor is still very easy.

Even the fourth layer, the sword is unparalleled and easy to refine directly.

Before the stone monument, the sword is unparalleled, sitting there, feeling the changes in his body.

"This feeling, so wonderful!"

"My flesh ..."

The sword is unparalleled to feel the changes in his flesh, and he discovered it quickly. After the fourth floor of the fingers of the bone, his flesh is three times more than before.

Yes, three times the foot!


The sword is unparalleled.

He still questioned before. I don't know if this finish don't use it. It can be truly cultivated, and after refining into the fourth floor, this letter gave him a huge surprise.

Three times the foot.

You can know that his flesh is strong enough to be more than two high-level gods, now he has three times, what is the height of his flesh?

"I feel that I am now, single single meat power, I am afraid that it is weaker than those of God, the clouds, even more powerful." The sword was unparalleled.

He is just a context, even because of the relationship between the day, his spiritual power is far stronger than the same order, but compared with the true cloudy cloud, it is still a lot, before, he is also spiritual. Erassing is added to the flesh power, and it is proud to fight the front of the cloud.

But now, single single meat power, he is enough to compete with Yunxiang, and even slightly better, if you add spiritual eruption, then in strength has exceeded normal Yunxiang.

That is to say, he is a stunner that condenses seven from the origin of the origin, and the powerful power will be stronger than those who condense the seven !

And he, there is still the strongest sword soul of 18 feen, no one.

The short film is engraved, but it is the first four layers of the fingertomanes that can be seen everywhere in this demon continent. The overall strength of the sword has skyrocketed several steps.

"I have seen it, just the fourth layer, not the highest level of the fingers of the bone." The sword didn't open the eyes, and the dead staring at the dense text on the stone monument.

The fourth floor, not the end of the fingers, but regretted is a higher level of method, but it is not engraved on the stone monument.

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