Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 510 caught (the seventh is more important!)

"Where is the rest of the law?" The sword has a fanatic fever.

He is very easy to cultivate the fourth floor. It is not difficult to refine into the fifth layer according to the truth, and the sixth floor is not difficult, and when his flesh can be greatly improved, the strength can be stronger.

At the same time as the sword is unparalleled to cultivate the fingers of the bone, the Wuhum is covered with the green fire in the crowd, and come to the school field.

"The leader, this time I brought the fifth floor of the fuel-backed door from the league, I will engrave the fifth floor of the fifth sheet, I will engrave on the stone monument, as for the sixth floor ..."

"The sixth floor is more precious, and you will be kept by the leaders you personally. In the future, the tribes of the tribes will make a fifth floor, and you will give him the sixth floor." The fire said.

"Well, this should also." Wu Fu nodded, "The fifth floor will be broken, the sixth, indeed good health, green fire, you can bring these two layers of method to the tribe, I will Benefell, thank you! "

"For the tribe, in order to the whole human group, it should be." The green fire waved casually.

The two talked, soon came to the stone monument, but they saw the sword who was cultivating the bullish door before they saw the stone monument.

"Well, unparalleled brothers?" Wuko showed a surprised color, "He is cultivating the fingers. He is very strong in the flesh, and it is horrible in the same stage.

"I have only started to cultivate the first floor of the fingers of the bullish," the green fire also reveals the color of doubts.

Task, the human warrior of the demon continent, starting to exercise from birth, and when the body reaches a certain level, it is generally seven years old to try to practice the quenching method.

And the sword is unparalleled, although it is still very young, but at least be over 20 years old, and now I will start cultivating the quenching method, which is obviously a little quirky.

"The leader, who is he?" The green fire immediately asked.

"He is a sword and no parallel." Wuhum replied: "Not long ago, his tribe was covered by other tribes, and he was chased by the hatred, fainting in the back mountain, was found by Yusher, brought back "

"It's strange, his flesh is very strong, and a few days ago, I caught the monsters in the clouds, and I got a moment of negligence. I almost let him hurt the rain and Qinghu. Fortunately, he shot in a timely man. Forced retreat, so strong flesh, there is no unfained quenching method? "Wuko frowned.

And I heard this, the green fire is a sink.

Just for a moment, the sword is unparalleled to stop cultivation. At this time, the blackloe is noticed that the sword has already made the fourth layer of the finitectime.

"Such a short time, it refines the fourth floor, this flesh, I am afraid that it is not difficult to cultivate into the fifth floor, the sixth floor is not difficult, and he has never cultivated the quenching method?" Eyes, but it is a cold.

"Catch it!" The green fire made a low drink.

Although some tribe people who are surrounded behind him are puzzled, they still rush forward.

The sword is unparalleled into the fourth floor, and the flesh is noticeable. It is in a surprise, but the people who have found that the mutual tribes have been surrounded by him.

The sword is not double-collected, and the squat is over with the green fire. "The predecessor of the Ukelli, you are ..."

"Green." Wuki is frowning to see the green fire.

"The miasing in the human group is more and more, and it is a few days ago, it kills a demon, now it is one." The green fire is cold, watching the sword.

"Auntie, you say that there is no big brother is a demon, how can this?" The tiger next to himself shook his head.

"Yes, right, unparalleled big brother is clearly human, how can it be a monster?" Wu Yu also shouted.

"What are you doing two little dolls, light rain, you still don't hurry?" The green fire said.

Although Wu Yu is reluctant, but it is still to beide from the surrounding people.

The people of many mutual tribes put the swords unparalleled in the center, and they even took out the weapons.

The green fire is the god of the Demon Alliance. It is the hero in the hearts of all ethnic people in the Wuyi tribe. If these people will never question.

"Slow, don't do it first."

When Wushan opened, he looked at the sword. There was also a doubt, but he still said: "Qinghu, don't rush to conclusion, or check it well."

"Hey, but all the human wealth of the demon spirit, who is not contacting the quenching method from urinating, and this person, until this is, but never cultivated the quenching method, but the flesh is so strong, not a demon What is the beast? "Green is cold.

"Light, it is not enough to determine that he is a monster." Wu Fu frown.

"His origin is not clear."

The green fire is cold and the sword is unparalleled. Low Shen said: "Kid, you said that your tribe is destroyed by other tribes, and you are also enemies, this is fainting over the mountain, then I ask you, you Which tribe is the tribe, chasing your tribe? "

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

This green fire has been cultivated from him to the quenching method, and his unclear origin, it is determined that he is a demon.

It has to be admitted that the analysis of this green fire is very reasonable.

The monster of the demon spirit, the human wealth, all from the small contact quenching method, and the sword is unparalleled with a strong monster, but now began to cultivate the quenching method, which is indeed.

You must know that the sword is not a pair of people who are not a demon continent. He comes from Shenzhou. There is no such quenching method at all, and he naturally has no chance to come into contact.

As for his origin ... The so-called tribe is destroyed, he is chased, it is just his speech, he just doesn't want others to know, he is from the Lingling mainland.

This green fire wants him to say that the name of the tribe and the enemy tribe, how do he say?

"I am not a demon." The sword is unparalleled.

"Still sophistry." The sound of the green fire is hot, and the people around them are also awkwardly staring at the sword.

"Please come with the water." Wu Fu told the news, and then someone went to the demon teacher.

"Auntie, unparalleled big brother is not a demon, it is absolutely not." Wu Yuyi pair looks at Wuzi, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Reassured, wait for the water, everything will be known, if he is not, Auntie can't be married." Wuki said.

Wen said, Wu Yu is no longer talking.

The sword is unparalleled in the crowd, and there is some bitterness on his face.

Not long, the water is old, it is coming.


PS: The seventh is more, it is more than a small outbreak, and the real big outbreak is in October, but it is still uncertain, but it should be in mid or late, the editor has not notified, please look forward to .

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