"Water, trouble you." Wu fangsians.

The old spare slightly, and the radius came to the sword. There was a strange light flashing.

This light contains special magic. If it is really a demon, in this singular light, it will inevitably appear.

The people around many Wu Yan tribes are tense. Once the sword is unparalleled is a monster, they will definitely do not hesitate to kill the sword.

It can be apparent that the sword is not a pair of monsters.

After a moment, the strange light in the old water was dissipated, but the sword was unparalleled but did not change.

The water is gright, turned towards the uklum, the green fire has seen it, said: "This little friend is a genuine human warrior, not the demon."

When I heard this, the Qing Tiger next to him will put it down.

"I said, unparalleled big brother will not be fine." Qing Hu said.

"That is." Wu Yu also lined up.

Wuki immediately slammed in the sword, full of apologies: "Unparalleled brothers, sorry, it is our marriage."

The green fire frowned, obviously this result is out of his expectation, but knowing that he is unparalleled, his look will become slow.

"Unparalleled little friends, I am too embarrassing, the green fire will pay you in this." Qinghu directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no desire to mean. After all, the latter is suspected to be proactive.

The opposite sword is unparalleled to this green fire, and there is more good feelings.

Knowing the wrong change, goodness.

And the most important thing is that after this green fire knows himself, he is willing to let him let him be a shelf for one of the demon league God, and take the initiative to compensate in a holy border. This is really hard.

"The misunderstanding will be released, and there is no need to pay for the sin." The sword laughed.

The black-backed glance gaze, all smiled, and the atmosphere of the original sword is slowly eased.

"Unparalleled brothers, how did you just start cultivating the quenching method now?" Wushu wondered.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled, but it is better than knowing how to answer.

I can't tell the blackboal directly. He is not a person in the demon continent, but from other faces?

It seems that the sword is hesitant, and the black flank is laughing: "Everyone has a unique encounter with the secret, and there is no pair of little brothers. Since you don't want to say, then it is."

The sword is unparalleled.

"There is no double friend, I just listened to the preliminary leader of the Wuhi, you are very strong in front of the cultivation of the fingers, and you can positively retracting a Qiyun's monsters." The green sound with goodwill.

"Now the little friend will cultivate the bullworm to the fourth floor, the flesh must be more strengthened, and it is not known to the flesh of the little friend. If you don't mind, can you turn it with me?"

"What is the amount?" The sword is unparalleled.

He just arrived in this demon continent, although the human martial arts that knew the world was unparalleled, in the same order, the martial arts in this demon continent is much stronger than God, but it is strong. If you don't really fight, the sword Worldors have never understood, so he just lacks a sad opponent and let him judge his strength.

And this green fire, the seven-day strong, and one of the gods of the demon alliance, giving him the opponent, but it is right.

"Mr. Qing is willing to enlighten me, I am seeking." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, that line, now we are only more than the strength of the meat."

The green fire laughed, he has been crossing the clouds, or seven, and does not want to rely on the spiritual power to repair the Wentle of Yunxiao to the sword without double fighting, that in his opinion, pure belongs are bullying swords .

The sword is unparalleled with green fire. It has been rising to the top of the campus, and the two are held in the distance.

"Mr. Qing, you are careful." The sword was unparalleled.

"It is." The green fire carries hands and is very confident.

The sword is unparalleled, but he is not weak, like the bullish door, he has already cultivated to the fifth floor, on the body's strength, he seems to be a strong than the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is moving, and the time to make a stream of streams, which explodes.

The sword has no double shape in front of the green fire, his right hand holds tightly, and the power of a shares is already condensed in his hands. The sword is unparalleled without driving. Any flowers of the fancy is the flat punch, and they bombard them directly to the green fire.

The moment of the moment, the rumble ~~~ The air is bombarded, and it makes a crisp sound.

Seeing the sword has no double boxing, the green fire is immediately shot, the same is a fancy, the power is equally large, but because some concerns are afraid to hurt the relationship between swords, the green fire is a punch. It only used a 70% of the force, so it is always a force, that is very amazing.

Two fists, like two huge meteorites, the time collides with the time.


A loud noise, two terrible power crazy squeezed, the space of the confrontation was extruded.

Can just instantly, ! The body shape of the green fire was like the shells.

In the succession, I took the foot and the foot, the body shape was reopened.

"How come?" After the green fire station was stabilized, he immediately looked up the sword in front of the front.

The frontal collision of the force was just that he was directly rooted out. As for the sword, there is no parallel, but it stands in the same place.

"I actually fall into the wind?" The fire is incredible.

Although he just used the power of 70%, it can be reasonable to be a sword without double a holy.

As a result, the sword is unparalleled, but also bombards him directly.

"There is no double small friend, your flesh is more than I imagined, but also to be strong, I only use the 70% power, it is not your opponent, if so, then I will go all right." The fire is solemn.

"Is it only 70% power?" The sword is unparalleled, but I am sorry, "Sorry, I just used the punch, I also only used the 70% power!"

"What?" The fire was immediately shocked.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is a fact.

Just that collision, just the first testistic collision, the sword is unparalleled, and only seven points is used.

As for the result, there is no unexpected expectation of swords.

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