Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 512 Gan Bishu

"Sure enough, as I mean, I refined into the fourth floor of the bullwalle, the flesh is greatly improved, and I am better than this green fire." The sword was unparalleled.

Green, although it has already made a fifth floor of the finitectural door, the sword is unparalleled because of the relationship between the big days. Before the cultivation of the fingers, his flesh is already anti-sky, refining into a bone After the fourth layer, the strength of the flesh is sufficient to compete with Shenzhou Seven.

In the case where the spirit is not used, the light is better than the body, the green fire is to be different than him.

"I just used the 70%, then next, I will use 80%." The sword is unblocked, and it is once again burst.

This time this time is all right, waving a huge fist, blows the air, and smashed it.


It is also a big ring, and this time, the result is that the sword is unparalleled with the green fire.

"Come again!"

There is a shore of excitement in the sword, rushing again, and this time in his hand has increased to 90%.


The third collision, this time the result is the unfamiliar with the wolf of the green fire, it is obviously the sword is unparalleled.

"Mr. Qing, the light is better than the body, you are not my opponent, you still go all right." The sword said without a double opening.

"Go all out?" The hearts of the green fire move, followed by nod, "Well, you are careful."

The voice falls, and a spiritual breath of a seven-year-old is explosing. At the same time, this green fire has also been a black long gun.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a three-killer sword in his hand. The body also has a good spiritual breath to rise.

" "

Two streams have been cross void, and the time is handed over again.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

A fierce confrontation has created a huge roar, and in this campus, then the two confrontation formed a violent energy is also crazy to sweep around.

The entire Wuzhen tribe was alarmed, and countless people came out of the account, and they came to the campus. They all saw the collision of the sword unparalleled with green fire.

"It's a young public, the other, the sword who just arrived until the tribe."

"How is this, this sword is unparalleled, just a hind-like, how can it be resistant to your green fire? And look like, he is still in the wind."

"Green fire, accounting for the wind?"

These people who rushed to the campus saw this battle, they were some.

Because they all see, this battle, swords have no doubles to occupy an absolute advantage, but the green fire, even if they have been fully, but they can still have a few wolves in the sword.

"Unparalleled big brother is so powerful? Even Auntie, seems to be enemy?" Yellow Tigers crossed the hands of your hands and stared at everything above your eyes.

The little girl of Wu Yu, and also widened the dark eyes and looked up.


A dazzling sword light suddenly lit, with a deciduous mood, it was the second style of death.

The green fire also waves the long gun, just like the poisonous snake, and smash the void.


It is also a dramatic confrontation. The voids in the confrontation, the space is swaying, and then I saw the green body and retreat again.

"For, stop."

The green fire smiles, collects the long gun, and there is no need to play again.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three killer swords are returned, and the two fall from the void to the ground.

"There is no pair of small friends' strength, the green fire will worship the wind." Qing is sigh.

"Mr. Qing is underwent." The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is also very happy.

With the green fire, he harvested great, whether it is the strength of this bloodline mainland, or has a great understanding of its strength.

The warrior of the demon continent, the overall strength is indeed more powerful than Shenzhou.

Like this green fire, it is just a seven-day level. When the sword is unparalleled with him, it has been discovered that his war is not too much, even if he has passed his hand.

It is to know that the purple Zhongjun, but the eight high-spirited strong, the realm is comparable to the green fire to a level, and the purple Zhongwang Hou also holds the Taoist.

The green fire, the green gun is just a lilies, but his flesh is far more powerful than the purple Zhongwang Hou, and it is very close to the purple Zhongjun.

"After I refined into the fourth floor of the fingers, the body's power rose, the power broke out, and the sword was enough to compete with this green fire, even slightly, but I still have a lot of means!" There is a unparalleled road.

In the past, the sword was unparalleled, and the strength of the flesh, the flesh, plus swordsmanship, but he still had many means that there were many means.

Single Sword Soul Soul, once the power of the sword is, it is enough to sole the strength to rose to a new level.

He also has a secret surgery, the field, nor to show.

The sword is never used.

"If it is a real life and death, you will be a good thing to meet my gods, I'm all the best than this green fire, I am full of fear." The sword didn't have a double.

"Shuangyou, can you talk to me?" The fire suddenly opened.

The sword is unparalleled, although I don't know what this is a chat, but I still have a nod, "of course I can."

"Please!" The green fire and the sword were unparalleled, as for the black and other people, they did not follow.

After the account, the two sat down next to a case, the green fire waved, and took out the wine and some fruits.

The sword is not polite, I poured a glass of wine, I got up and put it in the nose sniffing, I would want to drink.

"Unparalleled little friends, if I have not guess wrong, the little friend is not a person of the demon spirit?" The fire is free.

The action of the sword is unhappy immediately, but it was a surprised green fire.

This green fire, even so easy, guess his identity?

"Oh." The green fire smiled, "the little friend is strong, but I have never practiced any quenching method before coming to me, this is almost impossible to happen in the human wealth in the demon continent!"

"But the little friend is not a monster, and you can't say it for your own origin. I guess it, and the little friend may come from the demon continent!"

The green fire is one of the gods of the demon spirit. Despite the never have to go to the demon continent, he has heard that there are many other faces outside the demon continent.

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