Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5080? Jianzheng

There is no wisdom of the swords that gradually disappear, and eventually disappeared when they reached the location of the mountains.

Instead, it is a new true sword of a handle, and the years did not seem to leave traces on the swords of these true swords.

They are like a general, and a rich delay is born from the sword, and then gives a thin foam.

These true swords are already equipped with ordinary monks.

But in swords, they still lack the same most important thing - resonance.

The true sword will only resonate with the swords.

But unfortunately, he did not feel the knowledge from this true sword.

At this time, Nan Xuan suddenly opened a reminder, "Xiao You pays attention, I feel that there is a weak breath of the mountain."

The sword is unparalleled, and he also felt fluctuations from the top of the mountain.

The true sword in the entire mountainside is even more than the swords behind the mountain, and the rough number is less than 200,000.

But that is, these twenty thousand sorts of true swords, but there is no life.

Although it is quite doubtful, the sword is unparalleled or so-stepped to go to the mountain.

As the first level in the three levels, he does not believe it easily.

Sure enough, the next moment, the top of the mountain suddenly tremble, and then the sword screen consisting of no apex is unveiled.

"Boom !!"

The mountains are trembled, and they are ready to do.

But the sword is unparalleled but he first shot.

He directly stepped forward, the right arm suddenly waved, and the swordsman were bloomed!

The two collided, the entire Jian Mountain is one of them, and the true swords of nearly a thousand miles all broke into the powder.

And the sword is also broken, scattered in four wild.

Originally a big crisis is solved like this.

However, the sword is unparalleled without a slightest, the figure is straight, straight to the mountain!

Nan Xuan follows it, quickly keep up.

Stepping on the foot of the mountain, a strange in the foot of the mountain, the breath of the mountainside, and the clouds have become dark red.

That is an annexious breath, scenic, hustle, and the loneliness seems to surpass the concept of the years, so that the Dano can't feel.

The extremely obvious, the dark brown is broken, and the long sword of the broken handle is broken, or the slope is buryed, or it is buried by the soil, only the bleak of can't be said.

Each shank, although it is broken, but the remaining swords are still surprised, and they are not captured by the years.

Here, it is like a very tragic war, and the sword has long gone, leaving only the earth being soaked by God.

"Here, only the sadness is left." Nan Xuan muttered, then slammed from the earth.

Soil blood, seems to be repeated.

"Here, it is not Jian Mountain, but Jianzheng." After the sword was unparalleled, he looked at all broken long swords.

Even if you haven't been in countless years, even the swords are broken, these long swords still have a spirit.

The sword is unparalleled, and even the meaning of resonance.

At this time, I didn't know where the old voice from which it started.

"It's good, it is indeed a sword, it is where I finally went home."

This sound sounds, the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan at the same time, and even the delay is released at the same time.

"Don't worry, I will not do anything to you, just want to find you to talk."

With the fall of this sound, all broken long swords have emitted gently.

Then, a black robe appeared in the mountain, and then stepped down.

Along with each step, all the broken long swords are in the law, catering, seems to have seen the old friends who have not recovered.

The heart of the sword has been hanging. He can clearly feel the terrible of this black robe, which is from ancient times.

"I have already slept for a long time, I haven't said it for a long time."

However, it is a bitmap, the black robes have come to the front of the sword, and then leaned out the slim palm and pulled the hood that covered the face.

The hood was pulled down, showing a picture of the old but very persistent, just like a sword, a person.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, looking at the face of the old man, he actually has a familiar feeling.

Nan Xuan is even more can't come, although he is already a big Daman, but the old man is emitted, but it is easy to crush him.

Therefore, they don't dare to act rash.

Looking at the cautious faces, the old man is warm, "Don't be afraid, I am just a broken sword, will not have any malvices for you."

"Sword, Ling?"

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and some incredible look at this black robes that claim to be the sword spirit.

The true sword has a spirit, and it can lead to a deeper way.

When I saw this black robe, the sword had no double guess his identity, but the only thing that did not expect is a sword spirit.

Can you grow such a hordic spirit, what is a terrible existence?

This is an unimaginable existence, and even far more thinking than Jianxian.

With the soul of the soul, with the soul of the spirit, eventually become the sword spirit, and continuously improved to the limit, reaching the top.

And the old man is the Sword of the Sword.

At this time, the old man is smiling again, "I forgot to say, I haven't slept yet, it is already the peak big Dairy."



The peak Dadi, the top of the Tone of Jiuhao is the most close to the existence of the emperor, even if it is in the era of the ancient, the peak big Damadam is rare to the extreme.

And the old man in the black robe is not just a sword, or a peak Damai? !

This has completely exceeded the impression of the sword.

A sword spirit is on the spot of the peak, the owner, what is the existence of what is the existence?

Nan Xuan has been thoroughly caught up. During this time, there is no difference between the sword, what happened, and even the Damai who saw the legendary Damai exists, it is far beyond the imagination.

The realm of him originally proud, it seems that there is already a little bit of not worth mentioning ...

The sword has no double throat, he will not think of it, in this three-inch mountain, there will be such a terrible existence.

And the old people in the black robe carelessly in his eyes, continue, "Little Friends, Star Rivers Transfer, China Alternation, I want to ask, what I will sleep, where?"

Although the heart is shocked, the sword is unparalleled or has experienced the existence of countless wars, soon repeating the mood, saying, "the proprietary domain."

"Big Si Domain? Very good, very good," "The old man is extremely satisfied," Then I ask again, the emperor of this big country is? "

"The emperor in the big section ... is really Wuyang."

Say this, the sword is unparalleled in the eyes of the swords.

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