A peak Damai, asked such a big problem, this itself has already explained the problem.

The sword is unparalleled. It has roughly guess who the master of this Jianling is.

After you know this news, the old people in the black robe recovered the warmth, and the first said, "the emperor returned."

Then, his eyes are circulated on the sword unparalleled and Nanxuan, eventually falling on the sword.

"Little friends, I don't know if you have seen the true Wuyang Emperor?"

This sentence fell, the old man shook his head first, "It's really old confused, how can I ask this question."

"See it." The sword is unparalleled, and the face is as calm.

The old people in the black robes are connected to the time, some don't dare to confuse, "You are really seen, how can you see it?"


It is not strange that the old people have this reaction. It is necessary to know the emperor of the whole vast domain, Zhen Wuyang is already a high existence.

The sky is the foundation of the heavens, just a heaven, is not an ordinary Deman to get a look at it, and it is true that it has seen true Wuyang? !

So the old people are so lost for swords.

In order to avoid hidden dangers, the sword is unparalleled and added, "When the heaven feast, he watched it away."

He suddenly realized, "It turned out to be so."

Although there is a vulnerability in the words, but it is still in the past. The sword is unparalleled, and he can feel that the old man is not malicious, but there are some things to recall the past.

At this time, the old man opened again. "Since the little friend has seen the true Wuyang Emperor, then, I have seen another one?"


"Follow a Dani, named Yu Chang, and is called Yu Chang."

I heard this one, the sword was unparalleled, and he was far more familiar than the true Wuyang.

The first dead escape, the second dead escape, and the edge of the sky, all of his impression is particularly profound.

The sword is not a hyper point, "I have seen it."

The old man is rare, "" What is the current situation? Can you have anything? "

"Everything is fine, there is no problem."

"It's so very good, I am relieved." He is head, the eyes are satisfied, "Since all news has been known, then I will have no reason to let you stay."

The sword is unparalleled. If the old people do not stop, then this first level is over.

With the voice falling, he reached out, all the scenes in the moment are like the tide.

"The obsession is already, I will really sleep, thank you Xiaoyou." The old black robe said.

The sword is unparalleled. He suddenly realized where the heavy passed was from.

This black robe is inevitably destroyed!

It seems to have confirmed his guess, the old man is finally said, "the old man is about to be dead, and there is no thing that can take it. If the little friend does not discard, I will think about it.

With the voice falling, the object of a thumb size throws a sword.

He reached his hand and took a look, it was a diamond, of which Guanghua flowed, and it was unpatisfactory.

At the center of this small diamond, there is a word.

"Little friends, treasures."

After the last sentence is finished, the body shape of the old people is long, scattered in invisible.

A Qing Qing's Hua Mang is like a fish, and it is unfortunate in the air, and finally returns to the rhodies in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. Some of the gods look at the hand in the hand, a sword spirit from the ancient times, and the peak of the peak, this elite.

He has almost no traces, and there is no surchargeless scene, this disappears.

It's awkward.

Adjust the heart, the sword is unparalleled to see the South Xuan, "Let's go, what to stay."

Going back to God, Nan Xuan looks to him, facing the face, "The more you get along, I found that you can not see you."

"If you leave, you will stay slowly. The top priority is to leave here." The sword said unparalleled, and then stuffed the diamond.

Nan Xuan nodded, this will go down the mountain.

Based on the mountain, the sword is unparalleled, and then he looked at the place where the old people were standing.

The whole sword is sublet or swords, it seems that there is no charm, all the true swords and the swords have disappeared, and become a green hill.

After leaving Jian Mountain, the front road is no longer a rugged mountain road, but turns into a vast avenue from Qingshi.

The avenue is too broad, so that the depths of the remote clouds are delayed.

"Second time?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still in front of it.

A strange breath is quietly rising.

The hot breath has begun to start from the four wild, burning everything, and spare is a sword and a unparalleled fairy situation, all feel this weird red heat.

But this flacked to extreme breath quickly disappears, and is replaced by extreme cold.

Cold and heat, making people not adequately.

"What is it, will it be so strange?" Nanxun frowned, and then reached out to stir up in the air.

He actually modified the rules of this world!

If the Deman is above the heavens, then the big Daman is not only over the heavens, but also modify the heaven rules.

As Nan Xuan as a big Daman, the heavens and the heavens and the earth are modified to him, but it is just a simple matter.

Soon, he was revised, and this weird weather was hard to modify the unbelled emptying.

The sword is unparalleled, so this big moves Di Ge modified the heavens, but for the weather, I am afraid that only Nanxuan can make it.

"Okay, this ghost is gone, let's hurry as soon as possible." He clamped his eyebrows, full of face.

The sword is not a hyper point, when the previous line.

The first Guancian mountain did not have any fluctuations, and the second level may be sharply increased.

He is not sure if the artist Xu Tu increases difficulty, so it is simply treated.

In the Jian Mountain, you can sleep with a terrible breakdown, and the sword is unparalleled, and it will be relaxed next.

This vast road from Qingshi shop is very likely to be the second level.

Only this broad avenue is likely to see the artist Xu Tuo.

Although the sword is unparalleled to see the artist Xu Duo, can you solve the secret above the sky, but he is still righteous.

Even if the news is too virtual, it is still looking for.

At this time, Nan Xuan suddenly said, "Xiaoyou, you said on this avenue, there will be no Danadian guardians here?"

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