Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5085? Interpretation of Tianzipos

Even the sword is unparalleled, I feel that the layer shackles are added, some can't breathe.

The short elderly seems to have already happened to often, followed by explaining, "The weight here is that I deliberately, the purpose is to quench the impurities in each blank."

Nan Xuan listened, whispered a sentence, "no wonder it is so short, I didn't let go of myself."


The short people are not in the words, but they turned to sword unparalleled. "What is it?"

"Fortunately, there is no problem." Quickly adjust the state, he nodded.

Then, the short and fat old people looked at him, and I said that I am interested in it.

The sword is unparalleled, "" What is the predecessor? "

"I don't know, but I can feel that you are not as simple as you show it, it is, I feel lonely in your body."

"Lonely? Maybe there."

The short people put their hands, "Okay, there is not much nonsense, what is the purpose of this time? Let me do a treasure for you, or objects?"

"It's not, I only want to ask for the seniors to solve." The sword has said, while solemnly removes a palm size from the .

That is a heavenly textured bones, whitening, and is engraved with vicissitudes.

Due to the infiltration of the glow in the , the infiltration of the delay, the whole day-striped bones were a faint white man.

In this way, the appearance of Tianzi bones directly attracted the eyes of the short elderly.

His double eyes went to the biggest, hurriedly won the sword unhappy, and looked at it.

And swords are unparalleled, they don't dare to breathe, and they are gotting, and the heart gods have become extreme.

Regarding the news of Master Xuanyi, the only associated with the sky-striped bones in this major.

If no one is proud, then it can be said that Xuan Yi's news is completely discharged.

This is a fact that the sword is unparalleled, it is unacceptable.

Ten million years, only the Master Xuanyi is closely related to his growth. He will never want to take the first time, completely discharged the news.

So, this moment affects his heart.

Master Zunyi, who he is.

Is it a big derived?

What is he coming again?

Everything is a mystery!

Time passed, looked at the short-fat old elderly, the sword was unparalleled.

In the end, he tried to ask, "Goddess, can you solve?"

The famous old man who is Xu Tuo suddenly looks up, staring at him, "What is you getting?"

The sword is unparalleled, "" The process of getting is extremely striking hard, can't tell, but the text is extremely important to me, please ask. "

Silent half, Xu Duai said, "This thing is too old, the content is inside, I am afraid that there is no dermndant to be able to solve."

"It's impossible, your predecessors should have a way." The sword didn't have a double hurdle.

"I have traveled the text content of countless days, and I also know that the text of the ancient times is just the text content of this bones, I have never seen it," Xu Duo looked at him, " This bones, ancient ancient times beyond the idea. "

After the sword is unparalleled, it will take half a step, such as lightning strikes.

If you don't even recognize what you know, this whole company, or Daddy, who can identify?

At this time, Xu Du is suddenly said, "But I can try to understand."

The sword has no double body shape, and then solemnly arched, "the kid is here to thank the seniors!"

Xu Duo means a deep long look at him, and then holds the sky-striped bones and goes to the center of the road.

With the movement of the pace, the scene in the road is changed, the ground is shocked, and it is still a magnificent hall, which is located in the center of the road.

Xu Duo hurriedly rushed into the hall, and the sword was unparalleled with Nanxuan.

The temple is magnificent, it is quite like a book, countless books are hovering in the temple, and the number is not.

The collection of books in this temple is probably that the Tiandao Shuge in Tiantian in Wuyang is not more.

Xu Tuo hurried, one into the temple, with a hand of hand, and a hundred thousands of ancient books have fallen in the case.

Then, he quickly contracted ancient books and began to compare the full floral pattern on the sky.

The sword is not idle, and it has also begun to turn into ancient books, compare it.

Looking at this tense atmosphere, Nanxuan does not dare to idle, and there is also an ancient book.

The ancient books in this temple, even if the swords on the Tiandao rules have a headache.

After achieving this unimaginable realm of Daman, you can use the power of the heavens, instantly understand the text that is not connected in each day.

So master the ancient text and language between the interest, not a difficult thing for them.

But only this day, the texture bones are too gentle, even if the power of the heavens cannot be read, even Xu Tuo is currently unable to detect.

The temple is dead, only the sound of the book is left.

Xu Duo faces, and continuously in the sky, he does not have anything.

And the sword is unbentered, constantly finding any ancient books.

"No, how can there be such an old text, what is this text belong to?"

Xu Duo is hardened, and there is a bit red.

At this time, the voice of Nanxuan suddenly sounded, "The pattern of this book seems to be part of the bones."

The sword has no double shape, hurriedly looks at the ancient books of only a few pages in the South Xuan.

But Xu Duo first step by step, directly reached out and won the ancient book, and rush back to the case.

"that's it!"

Deep breathing, Xu Duo Shen said.

At this moment, it is not to inhibit the heart of swords and unparalleled hearts.

This book is only a few pages of ancient books from Nanxuan, and the words are weird and full of vicissitudes.

Before the case, Xu Duo was interpreted.

"Name ... I, Xuan?"

"On, home ... East capital."

With Xu Du's word letter, this mysterious to extreme sky-striped bone nail, the first time, the first time, there is no double showing the initial side.

The foundation of the unconstably, but it is like a rescue of straw, so that the sword is unparalleled, so close to Xuanyi!

"Home East, why will I have a feeling of so familiar?"

Xu Tuo case is still interpreting, but soon he encounters bottlenecks, cold sweat flows from his angle.

"These words, how can I not explain?"

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