Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5086? Surprise

In a word, the mood of the sword has fallen again in the bottom of the valley again.

"These texts are banned, and they can't interpret it." He looked up and said.

The sword is unparalleled, he has already been observed, and all the associated with the mysterious is all made.

At this point, since the universe is sufficient to see.

But he is still a little unwilling, "Don't I do? Seniors?"

"I will continue." Xu Duo took a breath and continued to explore the case.

South Xuan Dao, "What is this thing, why is it so difficult to explain, even the big Daman has no way?"

"I am afraid, there is really no way to solve it." The sword has no bitterness, he can feel it, this day, the texture bones are imprisoned by some kind of power, and the text is banned, the artist Xu Duo has no solution opened.

But at this time, Xu Duo suddenly opened, "" Shang Dongdu, over ... accumulation, Shangyang ?! "

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled in the mind, it is like a thunder.

"The up-lived East, I have entered the Yang !!"

For short eight words, unfamiliar and familiar with the extreme.

A new scene of the past is reappeared.

Then the monetary experience in the Wanyu Wushuang Auction, once again appeared again.

The shape of the black robe rushing to the road, said that "I have been from the east!"

Everything is like a mottled fragment, gradually being piered.

"The up-lived East, I have to accumulate Shangyang." What does this eight characters mean, and why can the black robes that are eager to hurry?

Everything is like a fog, but it can't be dowed.

Xu Duo face is a little pale, and it does not dare to violently, and he is like a real thing, I want to get up and stay away.

However, in the moment of his got up, the original Yingrun Tianzi bones suddenly become a complete black color, like black charcoal.

The original Yingrun's white mang has also become dark purple, which is very strange to the extreme.

Next moment, a violent to pole eddy flow suddenly broke out with a sky-striped bones.

Nan Xuan first responded, without any hesitating, the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, dark purple eddy currents destroy everything, and the moment will be expanded to thousands of horses, and the whole hall is now destroyed.

Since Xu Tuo is directly swallowed by dark purple eddy currents.

"Senior ?!" The sword is unhappy, no matter whether the vortex violent, directly released the invisible sword, and hit it.

- "

The golden iron hits the sound and the vortex was opened, but it did not suffer more damage, but showed the potential of the sky.

"Xiaoyou is going, the old senior is from the day, let's don't worry." Nan Xuan said out, then he could not help but say that the sword was unparalleled.

Step in the main hall, the vortex of the violent pole directly snaps the hall, and the whole road is filled with a dark purple smog.

The whole road is trembled, and ten Ju Ding also followed the tremble, and the lava that is enough to die is a bit sprinkled.

"What is this dead, what is this storm drilled out, actually reduced the delay?"

Let go of the sword and unparalleled, and the brow is frowned.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, that is not able to resist, it is like the endless time, it is a unparalleled banner, and all the mysterious people will be subject to the most scientific blame.

At this moment, the whole vast road is shaped by dark purple edies, and the delay is exhausted.

Among them, it is more depressed.

The sword is unparalleled to the air, and then the palm is asked, it is like a silky haze.

The violent eddy current is gradually dissipated, and the black fog is coming.

"The artist, I am afraid that there is danger." He secretly appeared in the hands of the invisible sword.

The invisible sword came out, and the brilliant red gold odds became the only bright color above this whole day.

The crazy vortex of the sky finally dispelled, but the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan is all lifted at this moment.

Because they see, on the ruins of the original hall, there is a thin body shape.

The skinny figure wore a large and extremely hidden black robes, and it was completely hidden, the only bare palm, and he raised the artist Xu Duo.

God blood overflows from his mouth, obviously suffering from extremely heavy injuries.

All of this happened too fast, just less than ten honey, it became a look at it.

It is possible to make a big demonstrate at a very short time, and the strange figure is what a terrible existence?

The dark purple smog is slowly flowing, the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan has long been to the peak in the body, ready to respond.

"Hey -"

Xu Duo, who was killed by a hand, "Who is it?" Who is it? "

Since the black robe is too large, it does not seem to see any characteristics and face of this black robe, and the only thing that can be felt, it is at all, it can't resist the pressure.

"Say, who is you?" Xu Tuo struggled to open.

But wait, it is another palm of the chest.

God spilky, the fairy is directly broken!

Xu Tuo is round and intertwined, and the degree of dealing is beginning to pass quickly from his body.

Then, the black robes are like discarded garbage, and they will discard it.

Next moment, he doesn't wait for him. It is like a lotus, and the sky is torn out of the sky, and then the heavy cut is on the black robes.

" -"

The void was blocked, and the invisible sword of thousands of embodies was passed through the world. There was no hindering to tear the black robe into a fragment.

"Sword of the sword, is amazing!" Nan Xuan said with great admiration, it seems extremely unbearable.

However, his voice has not fallen, and the sword in the void has fallen out, just like to bear some kind of heavy hit, collapsed!

Nanxuan is shocked, the figure is instantly coming to the void, reaching out, caught the sword.


The sword collapsed throughout the chest is unparalleled, and the broth will push Nanxuan.

The sky is suddenly awkward, and the black robes that have disappeared will appear again.

He hit his palm and quietly sticked to the sword where there were unparalleled chest.


A unimaginable breath fluctuated earth, and the sky was shredded in an instant to the cracks of hundreds of millions.

And even the sword with nine-day clothes is unparalleled, it doesn't have this hit at all, and the fairy is instantly broken.

Then, his entire broken body is like a broken kite, floating, falling into the giant Ding filled with lava.


Nanxuan shouted, at all, did not believe this scene happened in front.

This is just in just a short-term residence time, there is a situation of death and one injury!

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