Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 508, Black Robe! Black robe!

Xu Du, who is a monk, is dead!

The sword is also in a short confrontation, and it is bombed into the Ting Ding's lava!

This is too terrible, too fierce.

"Booming ..."

Judging began to deform, the bottom suddenly broke, enough to die, the murry of the lost control, spurting from Dingzhong!

The color of the heavens and the earth change, and the heavens of the three-inch mountains are directly broken.

The cloud is destroyed, and the dark purple smog is in crazy.

Everything is full of extinction.

Black-red died lava, an instant swallowed near the road and started burning.

The whole day is confusing and red.

Nan Xuanxin is very embarrassed, and the sword in Dingzhong lava is unparalleled. If it is not rescued in time, it will inevitably be fierce.

This is the situation he never wants to see.

Therefore, Nanxuan has fallen into the moment between the sword and falls into the moment.

But the next moment, greet him is a neoremate that cannot break through.

The dark purple fog crazy turned, formed a thick rinsey, and accepted the way of going to Nanxun.

"Rolling!" He angered, directly released the unprocessed unopened unmatched.

But the scene, the scene, but it is not expected that Nanxuan is not expected.

It is enough to drive the heavens, modify the heavens, and quickly abused when touched the knot.

At the same time, a big black robe is like a dark drop, hovering in front of Nanxuan in the past.

He is in a glance, almost useless speed, with a long sword of the waist, stabbed the black robe outside the junior!

The richest is broken, but the long sword has stopped in front of the black robe, and it is further wrong.

Sword tip to your fingertips!

The black robe reached out a finger and arrived on the Jianjie of Nanxuan.

Nan Xuan is shocked, I want to collect swords, but I am shocked at all.


The crisp golden iron crushed sound rang, his personal sword, enough to be with the sword without a double battle, even if it was broken at this moment!

Inch breaking!

The black robe refers to the long sword, and then the trend is not reduced, and a dark purple matter beam.

Nan Xuan has avoided unaso, can only look at this dark purple mattle beam stabbed to himself.

More than Tiandao also has a strong fairy, at this moment, it is easy to crush.

His whole right arm was shred in an instant, and even with the entire right shoulder, he became the terrible potential.

The blood sprinkled, Nanxuan no longer battles, falling into the lava.

Tentholl time, it is a big Daman, which was erased almost instantly, and the black robes have only used a finger to finally.

The dark purple mist blinds the sky, the endless lava downamed from Judging, has been swallowed throughout the road and is burning the cloud.

The South Xuan in the disconnect kite falls in the lava.

And that black robe doesn't seem to play him, and the figure starts to remove him.

However, at this time, the lava of the rolls swept sharply suddenly turned a crack, the original death of the dead, Xu Duo, actually resurrected!

Although his body shape is short, it is flexible to the extreme, and I will save Nanxuan instantly.

Then I quickly stuffed a piece of Danu into his mouth, "Xiaozi, wake up!"

Nan Xuan gangs coughing a god blood, and the breath is extremely poor, obviously careful.

"I, haven't died yet?"

"It is very easy to die, I want to live it, it is not so easy, give the old man, and the Xu Duo is low.

Then he took the South Xuan, and he was ready to escape.

However, everything has changed a big change, even if it is a big dean!

The black robes that I don't know where, the palm is easy to kill the artist Xu Tui, and another fortune is defeated to the South Xuan, and its real strength is far more terrible than the revealed.

A cold sweating flows from Xu Tu's horns, and he has avoided robbery by fake death, but this is not enough to prove he can resist the black robes.

Instead, he understood that this black robes are too terrible, too powerful.

There is no reason, only endless despair.

Next, it seems to be in order to confirm the idea of ​​Xu Tuo.

The sky is suddenly collapsed, and a force that cannot be resistant is like a chain. It is instantly squeezed from the four wild.

Xu Duo and Nanxuan have a sludious, and then they can't make any action.

The black robes have once again appeared in front of them, slowly lifting the thin and big palm, aligned in front.

A pure and rich dark purple rhyme gathered in the palm of the palm, full of destroyed breath.

Xu Duo is round, he can be expected that as long as this is a rhyme, even the big Daman has no possibilities.

But he has no avoidance.

The dark purple rhyme that contains endless destruction of the breath is directly swallowed.

Next moment, a disturbance of almost shocked.

Ju Ding crashed, black and red magma flew, burning the sky.

In this, a light beam like a big day meteor, suddenly tearing the fog, and critcursted to the black robes.

"Boom !!"

Xu Tuo only shocked his eyes by the red color, and then he and Nanxuan were shocked by the giant!

The dark purple rhyme collided with the red light beam, and the most dramatic divestry broke out.

Just this time, it is, it is hard to make the whole road.

The ten giant Ding in the road is even more broken.

The dark red lava in Ding is no longer bound, just as a dragon falls.

At this moment, countless god fairy trees, countless creative spirits are swallowed by lava.

The earth has become a purgatory, which has become a container that stacked the rock, and the lake in the mountains has changed ash.

"There is a war happened!"

Previously, the prior to seeing this couldn't imagine, there is no stop to fly to the direction of the road.

And the disciples of the artist Xu Duo also dispatched this moment.

The destruction of the broken world is still going on.

Because the burst of burst, the artist Xu Duo and Nanxuan have to breathe.

At the same time, Xu Duo lost the channel, "it is impossible, how can it be the little child ?!"

Nanxuan, who barely recovered state, saw the scene in the distance, could not help but smirk.

In the extremely far, facing the black robe is a sword that is wearing nine-day clothes.

His horses have been completely recovered, and his jackets have been completely broken due to tumbles, and they have been completely broken and naked.

's gods are flowing around him, and the power of endless avenues is re-bloom.

Guarding, there is no double sword, killing, three avenues have gotten it, let the sword are unparalleled to have an unprecedented level.

The wind is raging, and the hunting of the wide gown of the black robe is blowing.

And he also moves again!

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